Free george zimmerman


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!
Except nothing that's been put into evidence supports that happening.

That's what? Theory number 6 from the Zimmerman camp?
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? ....

Check it out, the "gash" was approx 3/4" and did not need sutures. That was in the opening statement made by the prosecution. If it had not been true, the defense would not have allowed it into evidence during the discovery prior to trial.

But you got one thing right, you probably are a redneck.
There is nothing United about the United States you ignorant fool. I'm simply being realistic. You should be more pragmatic and less duplicitous.
Well we now know treyvon was a racist, where is the liberal outrage?

Liberal rule #1, only white people can be racists.

Why do you think the media labeled Zimmerman a "white Hispanic"?

Ever heard of that before?

I'm going to start referring to Obama as a "white Afro-American"...
Except nothing that's been put into evidence supports that happening.

That's what? Theory number 6 from the Zimmerman camp?

I'm still waiting for the evidence but from the little bit I have seen it doesn't look good for George Zimmerman. Of course, so far all we have heard is the prosecution's side of the story. The defense is yet to make its case.

But... all they really need to do is to raise "reasonable doubt". I'd be throwing as many theories as I could come up with no matter how crazy they sound.

I don't know who was the aggressor, but to be quite honest with you, I would not want to be in Zimmerman's shoes today.

If they can't prove without a doubt=yes Zimmerman should be freed.

As of right now there's little question that trayvon beat on Zimmerman.

Remember he is innocent until proven guilty.

It is easy to tell a person who has never been accused of a crime. They still make the statement, "he's innocent until proven guilty."


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