Free george zimmerman

Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!
There was so much commotion from the likes of Al Sharpton, it was decided to try Jorge Zimmerman, plus his safety is not guaranteed to and from court if he walks freely about his daily tasks.

I, too, feel he was defending himself from lethal blows to the head, and his nose was broken with him swallowing blood in the position Trayvon had him in.

I think putting a young woman on the stand who has severe cognitive issues and had to be coached on what to say by her peers was a mistake, because I think that's one of the most calloused misuses of a handicapped person I have ever seen. However, chronological age is observed by the court, not perceptual maturity, which I gage is around five going on fifty. I know that sounds silly, but the young woman was brainwashed based on hearsay, which was the neon sign of her inconsistencies. Making the defense attorney cross examine her was calculated to make him look like a beast.

This is a politically-driven and a race-driven trial fail, and it is a smudge on justice.

The initial police report is likely the most reliable document in this entire scenario.

The young woman was wrongfully placed in the witness stand. I think her entire testimony should be stricken, and the prosecution given a stern warning about what civil courts will and will not accept. And her coaches and image makers? Switches in their Christmas Stockings, because they're beyond naughty.
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Except nothing that's been put into evidence supports that happening.

That's what? Theory number 6 from the Zimmerman camp?

I'm still waiting for the evidence but from the little bit I have seen it doesn't look good for George Zimmerman. Of course, so far all we have heard is the prosecution's side of the story. The defense is yet to make its case.

But... all they really need to do is to raise "reasonable doubt". I'd be throwing as many theories as I could come up with no matter how crazy they sound.

I don't know who was the aggressor, but to be quite honest with you, I would not want to be in Zimmerman's shoes today.


You have to got to be kidding.
NONE of the prosecution's witnesses have proven a damn thing that we did not already know.
Eye witness today most unbiased and consistent from the start in all his statements stated Martin was on top of Zimmerman, straddling him and it was Zimmerman was the one screaming for help.
The girlfriend was pitiful!! She was a big help to the defense as she came across as ghetto stupid, unconvincing and irritated to be there. Her answers on why didn't she call police to help Trayvon were pathetic.
The other witness was even worse as she changed her story the day of trial and added supposed details she had not stated in the police interviews and her deposition. She also looked pitiful on the stand.

You are not watching the same trial. The ENTIRE burden of proof is always on the prosecution and they have not proven anything other than what was already known.
If this is all the prosecution has expect a not guilty verdict or a hung jury.
Not one piece of evidence has been introduced that Zimmerman MURDERED Martin.
Not one.
a bit premature to call for freeing zimmerman

True, the jury will do that for us in a couple weeks. I look forward to seeing the Martin family weeping as the not guilty verdict comes in. There is a price to pay for raising a violent child.
a bit premature to call for freeing zimmerman

True, the jury will do that for us in a couple weeks. I look forward to seeing the Martin family weeping as the not guilty verdict comes in. There is a price to pay for raising a violent child.

I feel sorry for the Martin family. Conned by Al, Jesse and the pimp lawyer Crump.
I get no joy seeing them in pain.
It is not their fault what happened in any way. We do not know how they raised him.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!


No one has ever purposely hurt themselves after going after a black man. Not ever.



Maybe not ever ever.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

You ignore the fact that Zimmerman followed Trayvon when he was instructed not to, and that the only reason he believed the boy was suspicious was because he was black.
The witnesses attempting to malign george zimmerman are being discredited for their lies, inconsistencies and bias. The prosecution witnesses that don't have an axe to grind are bolstering Zimmerman's explanation and showing that he is not a monster, but a person who was in a desperate situation. The professional witnesses such as police and medical practioners are doing a great job of showing this was self defense on Zimmerman's part. We still don't know who started the physical confrontation, unless you believe every word of Jeantel's constantly changing story. Zimmerman may have grabbed Martin, but the prosecution's case basically rests on Jeantel's testimony and I have doubts that the jury is going to buy it unquestioningly.
Yet he used no racist language on the 911 calls and the only one shown to use racist language at this point in the trial is Trayvon Martin (thanks to the prosecution's star witness), calling Zimmerman a "creepy azz cracker".
I also feel sorry for the naive and gullible Americans that fell for the media frenzy of 6th grade Trayvon Martin, the kid with the candy and soft drink quietly going home that did nothing.
The facts are in evidence now that Martin was on top of Zimmerman straddling him in a fight.
This is not a murder case sports fans.
Never was.
Time for the prosecution to offer a deal but the way the case is going the defense probably would not take it.
The facts of this case are JUST A LITTLE different than what you good folks were conned into believing.

Weren't they?
a bit premature to call for freeing zimmerman

No, treyvon was a racist and went out to prove a point. He was a gangsta wannabe and got what he deserved.

And what point was that?

That he, as a black kid, could safely walk to the store, purchase some snacks and make it back before the game?

Well..he was wrong.

He could have done that. Instead of that he was on top of Zimmerman hitting him. All he had to do was ignore Zimmerman and walk home.
That is what the evidence is showing now.
There is NO evidence Zimmerman did anything to force Martin from going home.
I hate it for the Martin family and feel for them so much.
However, you should know better as the testimony is in.

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