Free george zimmerman

Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

You ignore the fact that Zimmerman followed Trayvon when he was instructed not to, and that the only reason he believed the boy was suspicious was because he was black.

I dont think it's proven that GZ continued to follow after the dispatcher told him not to.
And in most cases dispatchers are civilians,so they really cant tell you to do anything.
And he was suspicious because of the rash of recent break ins.

Willfully blind.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

You ignore the fact that Zimmerman followed Trayvon when he was instructed not to, and that the only reason he believed the boy was suspicious was because he was black.

I dont think it's proven that GZ continued to follow after the dispatcher told him not to.
And in most cases dispatchers are civilians,so they really cant tell you to do anything.
And he was suspicious because of the rash of recent break ins.

Willfully blind.

the gal that runs the NW program

said that what zimmerman was reporting

would be considered suspicious behavior

something to report
No, treyvon was a racist and went out to prove a point. He was a gangsta wannabe and got what he deserved.

And what point was that?

That he, as a black kid, could safely walk to the store, purchase some snacks and make it back before the game?

Well..he was wrong.

He could have done that. Instead of that he was on top of Zimmerman hitting him. All he had to do was ignore Zimmerman and walk home.
That is what the evidence is showing now.
There is NO evidence Zimmerman did anything to force Martin from going home.
I hate it for the Martin family and feel for them so much.
However, you should know better as the testimony is in.

deedee if you can believe her

said that martin did make it home
I also feel sorry for the naive and gullible Americans that fell for the media frenzy of 6th grade Trayvon Martin, the kid with the candy and soft drink quietly going home that did nothing.
The facts are in evidence now that Martin was on top of Zimmerman straddling him in a fight.
This is not a murder case sports fans.
Never was.
Time for the prosecution to offer a deal but the way the case is going the defense probably would not take it.

Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.
The facts of this case are JUST A LITTLE different than what you good folks were conned into believing.

Weren't they?

Actually no.

In fact Zimmerman looks worse now.

After he murdered Martin..he rolled him on to his stomach and tried to restrain him. The first witness on the scene said he was calm and cool.

Nothing indicates he was upset or on death's door. Quite the opposite. He may have been satisfied that he got what he was after.
I also feel sorry for the naive and gullible Americans that fell for the media frenzy of 6th grade Trayvon Martin, the kid with the candy and soft drink quietly going home that did nothing.
The facts are in evidence now that Martin was on top of Zimmerman straddling him in a fight.
This is not a murder case sports fans.
Never was.
Time for the prosecution to offer a deal but the way the case is going the defense probably would not take it.

Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

When you refer to it being "That simple". Were you referring to your thought process?
If he's found innocent he will be freed.

Reminds me of Dan White. Everyone focused on the fact he killed a gay. That was OK. With the press, with the public. But he also killed a father of 5, that was mostly ignored.

He spent barely 5 years in prison and after he got out, no one wanted him to live in their neighborhood.

So many right wingers support Zimmerman because he chased down and murdered a black "n!gg@r" in a "WHITE" neighborhood. A "punk". A "thug". A "hoodie". Which is how they perceive all blacks from child to man. They call Obama the same things and he's president. Black women, they call "ho's", like many right wingers on this very site have referred to Mrs. Obama, recently attacking her choice of clothing and how it should be more "white".

So what happened to Dan White? He committed suicide. Seems so many people who supported him didn't want a murderer living by them. The very people who were thrilled he killed a gay didn't want him near them or their families.

And if Zimmerman gets off, it will be the same or him. Right wingers may be thrilled he did what so many of them wish they could do, but they don't want a man who chased down a young boy who only walked to the store to buy some candy before a game, cornered him and shot him at close range in cold blood living next to their young sons. What if it starts to rain and one of their sons pulls up a hoodie? If Zimmerman did it once, he could easily do it again. I suspect Zimmerman, if he gets off, like so many right wingers, will end up committing suicide with his own gun. That's how they usually do it.

You ignore the fact that Zimmerman followed Trayvon when he was instructed not to, and that the only reason he believed the boy was suspicious was because he was black.

That's not true. It was raining hard at that time and TM was walking around between buildings, not running as to get out of the rain. The crime rate in that subdivision had spiked and the majority were committed by blacks, but supposedly in GZ's prior 911 calls, he only mentioned race when asked. Not that he wasn't racist, but I don't think there's evidence in this case to call him that.
You ignore the fact that Zimmerman followed Trayvon when he was instructed not to, and that the only reason he believed the boy was suspicious was because he was black.

That's not true. It was raining hard at that time and TM was walking around between buildings, not running as to get out of the rain. The crime rate in that subdivision had spiked and the majority were committed by blacks, but supposedly in GZ's prior 911 calls, he only mentioned race when asked. Not that he wasn't racist, but I don't think there's evidence in this case to call him that.

I'm sure you have links to those claims. Mind sharing?

And since he did mention black twice, what do you think he meant when he said "They always get away"?
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I also feel sorry for the naive and gullible Americans that fell for the media frenzy of 6th grade Trayvon Martin, the kid with the candy and soft drink quietly going home that did nothing.
The facts are in evidence now that Martin was on top of Zimmerman straddling him in a fight.
This is not a murder case sports fans.
Never was.
Time for the prosecution to offer a deal but the way the case is going the defense probably would not take it.

Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.
I also feel sorry for the naive and gullible Americans that fell for the media frenzy of 6th grade Trayvon Martin, the kid with the candy and soft drink quietly going home that did nothing.
The facts are in evidence now that Martin was on top of Zimmerman straddling him in a fight.
This is not a murder case sports fans.
Never was.
Time for the prosecution to offer a deal but the way the case is going the defense probably would not take it.

Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

When you refer to it being "That simple". Were you referring to your thought process?

I have a tendency to burn away the bullshit.

You folks?

Not so much.
I also feel sorry for the naive and gullible Americans that fell for the media frenzy of 6th grade Trayvon Martin, the kid with the candy and soft drink quietly going home that did nothing.
The facts are in evidence now that Martin was on top of Zimmerman straddling him in a fight.
This is not a murder case sports fans.
Never was.
Time for the prosecution to offer a deal but the way the case is going the defense probably would not take it.

Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.

You're fucking kidding.

There's tons of evidence Zimmerman picked a fight.
That's not true. It was raining hard at that time and TM was walking around between buildings, not running as to get out of the rain. The crime rate in that subdivision had spiked and the majority were committed by blacks, but supposedly in GZ's prior 911 calls, he only mentioned race when asked. Not that he wasn't racist, but I don't think there's evidence in this case to call him that.

I'm sure you have links to those claims. Mind sharing?

And since he did mention black twice, what do you think he meant when he said "They always get away"?

Don't have to. The prosecution's attempts to label Zimmerman racist have sunk faster than concrete in a lake.
The "they always get away" part is not evidence of anything. That is not relevant to any of the prosecutions' burden of proof that this is A MURDER.
Sorry this is not turning out like what the media told you.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

You ignore the fact that Zimmerman followed Trayvon when he was instructed not to, and that the only reason he believed the boy was suspicious was because he was black.

Zimmerman was never instructed not to follow Martin. Giving such instructions was totally against the police department's policy and the dispatcher testified as to that policy. You HEARD him instructed not to follow because that's what you wanted to hear. The actual words were "we don't need for you to do that". Even so, Zimmerman abandoned following Martin because he had already lost him. Even if you want to disregard an assertion by Zimmerman that he abandoned following Martin, there is the 911 recording made at the time that Zimmerman said he had lost Martin and didn't know where he was. The instructions then given by the dispatcher was to meet the police at a designated area. Zimmerman answered "okay". After that came the fist fight.

Those who support Martin have an underlying belief that no one should be permitted to defend themselves against an attack by a black person. They only right they have is to allow themselves to be beaten, even if they are beaten to death.
Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.

You're fucking kidding.

There's tons of evidence Zimmerman picked a fight.

Please point to any so far in testimony or evidence.
Where is it? Who stated Zimmerman "picked a fight"?
Sorry you have nothing to back that up with.
There is NO testimony OR evidence so far that Zimmerman picked a fight.
And there is NO testimony or evidence Martin picked a fight.
But THERE is evidence Zimmerman was screaming for help because Trayvon Martin was on top of him.
Clear undisputed evidence that Trayvon Martin was ON TOP of Zimmerman when he could have just walked away.
I feel very bad for the Martin family that has to watch this BS.
This case could have been disposed of with a plea of manslaughter which it most likely is.
If you do not know the difference between the burden of proof in a murder case versus a manslaughter case that is your fault.
This is not murder case per the evidence so far. Zimmerman shot him because Martin was on top of him.
That is under the law at most manslaughter.
And possibly self defense.
Sorry about that.
Except nothing that's been put into evidence supports that happening.

That's what? Theory number 6 from the Zimmerman camp?

I'm still waiting for the evidence but from the little bit I have seen it doesn't look good for George Zimmerman. Of course, so far all we have heard is the prosecution's side of the story. The defense is yet to make its case.

But... all they really need to do is to raise "reasonable doubt". I'd be throwing as many theories as I could come up with no matter how crazy they sound.

I don't know who was the aggressor, but to be quite honest with you, I would not want to be in Zimmerman's shoes today.


You have to got to be kidding.
NONE of the prosecution's witnesses have proven a damn thing that we did not already know.
Eye witness today most unbiased and consistent from the start in all his statements stated Martin was on top of Zimmerman, straddling him and it was Zimmerman was the one screaming for help.
The girlfriend was pitiful!! She was a big help to the defense as she came across as ghetto stupid, unconvincing and irritated to be there. Her answers on why didn't she call police to help Trayvon were pathetic.
The other witness was even worse as she changed her story the day of trial and added supposed details she had not stated in the police interviews and her deposition. She also looked pitiful on the stand.

You are not watching the same trial. The ENTIRE burden of proof is always on the prosecution and they have not proven anything other than what was already known.
If this is all the prosecution has expect a not guilty verdict or a hung jury.
Not one piece of evidence has been introduced that Zimmerman MURDERED Martin.
Not one.

Really? I will take your view of it over mine.

I am not able to watch the trial. I am only getting the news second hand from the "news". What I heard was that the witness said that the person who got up from the fight had been "on top and got up holding his head and began pacing". That had to be Zimmerman, but that still does not mean that Zimmerman was the aggressor. The one who is the aggressor does not always end up on top.

I still would not want to be Zimmerman. I do not trust the justice system to be fair any longer. An innocent man can be found guilty on little or no evidence.

Today CNN is saying this will end in an acquittal.

Yeah, you can call me cynical.

I'm sure you have links to those claims. Mind sharing?

And since he did mention black twice, what do you think he meant when he said "They always get away"?

One was on on /04/05/2012

I can't post a url since I don't have enough posts to do that. Hopefully this will give you enough info to check it out. I don't know if this is the original link I found, but since I'm multitasking right now, this is one I found just now.

When I Googled it, the quotes were, "Effin' punks. A-holes, they always get away." or something to that effect. When you hear the 911 calls, they bleep the name calling out, so due to that it makes "they" sound like a loaded word.
The Judge will charge the jury before deliberations that UNDER FLORIDA STATUTE following someone is not aggressive nature that allows for the person being followed to use physical force. IOW following someone is NOT ILLEGAL in any way.
Accordingly, the fact that Zimmerman followed Martin is not "picking a fight" under the law.
Sorry folks, you were conned by the media.

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