Free george zimmerman

Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

I love the way the OP sez "Why is everybody trying this case in the media" when, considering an internet message board is part of media, that's exactly what he's doing in the same post. :lol:
Zimmerman thought he was a bad ass with a gun. So he decides to show what a bad ass he thought he was by tracking a young black kid.

Zimmerman calls the police and they tell him that they (the police) don't need him following this guy.

So Zimmerman ends up in a fight with a kid and is getting his ass kicked and THEN decides he needs to shoot the kid kicking his ass.

How embarrassing. You all think that Zimmerman still thinks he's a bad ass dude? The fuker needs to go to jail for stupidity. And murder.
There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.

There's no evidence of anything either way yet.

You mean on the who threw the first punch?
If so I see your point.
However, Zimmerman has to prove nothing on that. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove Zimmerman threw the first punch.
Can not prove that burden?
Not guilty is the charge the Judge gives the jury if they CAN NOT show Zimmerman threw the punch.
Damn, especially NOW after an eye witness, the most credible witness to date AND A PROSECUTION WITNESS, says Zimmerman was screaming help for his life.
Come on now, is this a NO BRAINER or what?

It's up to the jury to decide if they believe Zimmerman or not.
Zimmerman thought he was a bad ass with a gun. So he decides to show what a bad ass he thought he was by tracking a young black kid.

Zimmerman calls the police and they tell him that they (the police) don't need him following this guy.

So Zimmerman ends up in a fight with a kid and is getting his ass kicked and THEN decides he needs to shoot the kid kicking his ass.

How embarrassing. You all think that Zimmerman still thinks he's a bad ass dude? The fuker needs to go to jail for stupidity. And murder.

yeeeeesh.......gotta love the consistency of the far left limpwristers. They live in a perpetual world of fantasy. Im laughing.....Zimmerman is a fucking hero to tens of millions of Americans!!:2up: And Im thinking the stupid one is the person who has now been a stiff for over a year!
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The eye witness testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman in a fight is damn sure evidence. Strong evidence for the defense.
Eye witness evidence is always considered to be more reliable than circumstantial evidence.
So far the house of cards the prosecution has dealt is all maybe, what if, because of and circumstantial.
All of it. Every media outlet there is on the globe including CNN is calling this a not guilty.
I do not believe that shit in a minute.
Not yet anyway but if this is the prosecution's case it as weak as any murder case I have ever seen.
If this is all they have no intent to murder has been shown, nothing, nada, zero on intent.

It could also be construed to be that TM was fighting off his attacker. You are saying that the person winning the fight was the attacker. That's an invalid assumption.
Zimmerman thought he was a bad ass with a gun. So he decides to show what a bad ass he thought he was by tracking a young black kid.

Zimmerman calls the police and they tell him that they (the police) don't need him following this guy.

So Zimmerman ends up in a fight with a kid and is getting his ass kicked and THEN decides he needs to shoot the kid kicking his ass.

How embarrassing. You all think that Zimmerman still thinks he's a bad ass dude? The fuker needs to go to jail for stupidity. And murder.

yeeeeesh.......gotta love the consistency of the far left limpwristers. They live in a perpetual world of fantasy. Im laughing.....Zimmerman is a fucking hero to tens of millions of Americans!!:2up: And Im thinking the stupid one is the person who has now been a stiff for over a year!

Your bigotry is obvious by your remarks.
Zimmerman thought he was a bad ass with a gun. So he decides to show what a bad ass he thought he was by tracking a young black kid.

Zimmerman calls the police and they tell him that they (the police) don't need him following this guy.

So Zimmerman ends up in a fight with a kid and is getting his ass kicked and THEN decides he needs to shoot the kid kicking his ass.

How embarrassing. You all think that Zimmerman still thinks he's a bad ass dude? The fuker needs to go to jail for stupidity. And murder.

yeeeeesh.......gotta love the consistency of the far left limpwristers. They live in a perpetual world of fantasy. Im laughing.....Zimmerman is a fucking hero to tens of millions of Americans!!:2up: And Im thinking the stupid one is the person who has now been a stiff for over a year!

Your bigotry is obvious by your remarks.

Yes, a bigot and a heartless bastard as well. Here's to karma catching up with him.
The eye witness testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman in a fight is damn sure evidence. Strong evidence for the defense.
Eye witness evidence is always considered to be more reliable than circumstantial evidence.
So far the house of cards the prosecution has dealt is all maybe, what if, because of and circumstantial.
All of it. Every media outlet there is on the globe including CNN is calling this a not guilty.
I do not believe that shit in a minute.
Not yet anyway but if this is the prosecution's case it as weak as any murder case I have ever seen.
If this is all they have no intent to murder has been shown, nothing, nada, zero on intent.

It could also be construed to be that TM was fighting off his attacker. You are saying that the person winning the fight was the attacker. That's an invalid assumption.

If he was on the bottom you could construe it that way.
What is in evidence is that TM was on the top and Zimmerman was screaming for help.
Exactly the opposite of what the media portrayed.
You can "construe" it any way you want but the jury is charged not to and is the determiner of fact and the facts are that TM was on top of Zimmerman.
There's no evidence of anything either way yet.

You mean on the who threw the first punch?
If so I see your point.
However, Zimmerman has to prove nothing on that. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove Zimmerman threw the first punch.
Can not prove that burden?
Not guilty is the charge the Judge gives the jury if they CAN NOT show Zimmerman threw the punch.
Damn, especially NOW after an eye witness, the most credible witness to date AND A PROSECUTION WITNESS, says Zimmerman was screaming help for his life.
Come on now, is this a NO BRAINER or what?

It's up to the jury to decide if they believe Zimmerman or not.

It is up to the jury to follow THE LAW and go by the Judge's jury charges.
As far as Zimmerman's testimony he will testify that Martin was the aggressor.
And there is no evidence to refute that.
Nothing, nada, zero.
I am waiting for some.
Where is it? Unlike you, I am objective.
You had your mind made up Zimmerman was guilty from the start.
Sorry about that.
You mean on the who threw the first punch?
If so I see your point.
However, Zimmerman has to prove nothing on that. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove Zimmerman threw the first punch.
Can not prove that burden?
Not guilty is the charge the Judge gives the jury if they CAN NOT show Zimmerman threw the punch.
Damn, especially NOW after an eye witness, the most credible witness to date AND A PROSECUTION WITNESS, says Zimmerman was screaming help for his life.
Come on now, is this a NO BRAINER or what?

It's up to the jury to decide if they believe Zimmerman or not.

It is up to the jury to follow THE LAW and go by the Judge's jury charges.
As far as Zimmerman's testimony he will testify that Martin was the aggressor.
And there is no evidence to refute that.
Nothing, nada, zero.
I am waiting for some.
Where is it? Unlike you, I am objective.
You had your mind made up Zimmerman was guilty from the start.
Sorry about that.

Zimmerman put a bullet through the heart of the evidence.:evil:
It's up to the jury to decide if they believe Zimmerman or not.

It is up to the jury to follow THE LAW and go by the Judge's jury charges.
As far as Zimmerman's testimony he will testify that Martin was the aggressor.
And there is no evidence to refute that.
Nothing, nada, zero.
I am waiting for some.
Where is it? Unlike you, I am objective.
You had your mind made up Zimmerman was guilty from the start.
Sorry about that.

Zimmerman put a bullet through the heart of the evidence.:evil:

George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin?
I didn't know that and must have missed that during the trial.
Thanks for pointing out that new piece of evidence for us.
yeeeeesh.......gotta love the consistency of the far left limpwristers. They live in a perpetual world of fantasy. Im laughing.....Zimmerman is a fucking hero to tens of millions of Americans!!:2up: And Im thinking the stupid one is the person who has now been a stiff for over a year!

Your bigotry is obvious by your remarks.

Yes, a bigot and a heartless bastard as well. Here's to karma catching up with him.


I call it as I see it......invariably. The limpwristers get all caught up in the tragedy promoted by the legions of the PC police......invariably. I just never fell for it. For the limpwristers, if Zimmerman was the stiff, they'd say he had what was coming to him......because to them, the black guy cant be racist......ever.:coffee:

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