Free george zimmerman

It would take a strict idealist to imagine that this case is going in any direction other than disastrous for the prosecution. Their "star" Rachel Jeantel, turned out to be a train wreck.
It would take a strict idealist to imagine that this case is going in any direction other than disastrous for the prosecution. Their "star" Rachel Jeantel, turned out to be a train wreck.

most of the states witnesses have not been helpful to the state
a bit premature to call for freeing zimmerman

True, the jury will do that for us in a couple weeks. I look forward to seeing the Martin family weeping as the not guilty verdict comes in. There is a price to pay for raising a violent child.

If you are looking forward to seeing a family weep for the loss of their son - for whatever reason, then you are even more of a filthy, immoral piece of shit than I already had you pegged as.
George Zimmerman is going to be tried as many times as it takes to find him guilty. If he is acquitted, it won't be over. He will face another trial in Federal Court. We really no longer have double jeopardy protections. Overlapping laws have seen to that.
The eye witness testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman in a fight is damn sure evidence. Strong evidence for the defense.
Eye witness evidence is always considered to be more reliable than circumstantial evidence.
So far the house of cards the prosecution has dealt is all maybe, what if, because of and circumstantial.
All of it. Every media outlet there is on the globe including CNN is calling this a not guilty.
I do not believe that shit in a minute.
Not yet anyway but if this is the prosecution's case it as weak as any murder case I have ever seen.
If this is all they have no intent to murder has been shown, nothing, nada, zero on intent.

It could also be construed to be that TM was fighting off his attacker. You are saying that the person winning the fight was the attacker. That's an invalid assumption.

Which is something else.

Check out what happens to Glenn Danzig.

[ame=]Danzig getting knocked out - YouTube[/ame]

Think Danzig had the right to kill the guy who slugged him?
It is up to the jury to follow THE LAW and go by the Judge's jury charges.
As far as Zimmerman's testimony he will testify that Martin was the aggressor.
And there is no evidence to refute that.
Nothing, nada, zero.
I am waiting for some.
Where is it? Unlike you, I am objective.
You had your mind made up Zimmerman was guilty from the start.
Sorry about that.

Zimmerman put a bullet through the heart of the evidence.:evil:

George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin?
I didn't know that and must have missed that during the trial.
Thanks for pointing out that new piece of evidence for us.

Ah yes..the blue sky argument.

It is up to the jury to follow THE LAW and go by the Judge's jury charges.
As far as Zimmerman's testimony he will testify that Martin was the aggressor.
And there is no evidence to refute that.
Nothing, nada, zero.
I am waiting for some.
Where is it? Unlike you, I am objective.
You had your mind made up Zimmerman was guilty from the start.
Sorry about that.

Zimmerman put a bullet through the heart of the evidence.:evil:

George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin?
I didn't know that and must have missed that during the trial.
Thanks for pointing out that new piece of evidence for us.

You're welcome. You Z supporters are not the brightest bulbs in the box.:evil:
The eye witness testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman in a fight is damn sure evidence. Strong evidence for the defense.
Eye witness evidence is always considered to be more reliable than circumstantial evidence.
So far the house of cards the prosecution has dealt is all maybe, what if, because of and circumstantial.
All of it. Every media outlet there is on the globe including CNN is calling this a not guilty.
I do not believe that shit in a minute.
Not yet anyway but if this is the prosecution's case it as weak as any murder case I have ever seen.
If this is all they have no intent to murder has been shown, nothing, nada, zero on intent.

It could also be construed to be that TM was fighting off his attacker. You are saying that the person winning the fight was the attacker. That's an invalid assumption.

Which is something else.

Check out what happens to Glenn Danzig.

[ame=]Danzig getting knocked out - YouTube[/ame]

Think Danzig had the right to kill the guy who slugged him?'re not getting it s0n. If its in Florida, he has every right!!:rock::rock::2up:

That is funny as shit how the tough guy took a half punch to the face and fell like a sack of shit!!
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Zimmerman put a bullet through the heart of the evidence.:evil:

George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin?
I didn't know that and must have missed that during the trial.
Thanks for pointing out that new piece of evidence for us.

You're welcome. You Z supporters are not the brightest bulbs in the box.:evil:

You trayvon supporters don't understand or care about civilization or it's laws. I suggest you go fuck yourselve and go live in another country. Thank you.

It is a fact that the thug was beating on Zimmerman. I don't blame him for using his gun...

People like you love seeing people die and raped. You won't be happy until the rest of our country has crime rates like Chicago.
Funny how you leftist hate any law that you disagree with based on emotions. Zimmerman follow the law of florida and so he shouldn't be imprisoned for it.

You people want to hang the guy as you hate the stand your ground laws.

This isn't how a civilized society works...

Now let's talk about the violence in Chicago, Philly, New York, etc...Now that is a story.
Zimmerman put a bullet through the heart of the evidence.:evil:

George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin?
I didn't know that and must have missed that during the trial.
Thanks for pointing out that new piece of evidence for us.

You're welcome. You Z supporters are not the brightest bulbs in the box.:evil:

I believe George Zimmerman to be a fucking idiot.
Same as you.
Does not make him a murderer.
And the evidence is showing JUST LIKE I HAVE BEEN SAYING.
This has never been and is not a murder case.
BTW, don't you feel stupid and dumb as a brick?
You fell hook, line and sinker for the 6th grade photo of Trayvon, the "he was chased down and shot", the faked 911 call that was cut up and doctored by the press and the "Zimmerman is an Aryan Nation racist" media blitz.
Do you still believe that nonsense or have you wised up?
George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin?
I didn't know that and must have missed that during the trial.
Thanks for pointing out that new piece of evidence for us.

You're welcome. You Z supporters are not the brightest bulbs in the box.:evil:

You trayvon supporters don't understand or care about civilization or it's laws. I suggest you go fuck yourselve and go live in another country. Thank you.

It is a fact that the thug was beating on Zimmerman. I don't blame him for using his gun...

People like you love seeing people die and raped. You won't be happy until the rest of our country has crime rates like Chicago.

Kiss my ass and call it a love story wing nut.
George Zimmerman is going to be tried as many times as it takes to find him guilty. If he is acquitted, it won't be over. He will face another trial in Federal Court. We really no longer have double jeopardy protections. Overlapping laws have seen to that.

Maybe but I doubt it.
George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin?
I didn't know that and must have missed that during the trial.
Thanks for pointing out that new piece of evidence for us.

You're welcome. You Z supporters are not the brightest bulbs in the box.:evil:

You trayvon supporters don't understand or care about civilization or it's laws. I suggest you go fuck yourselve and go live in another country. Thank you.

It is a fact that the thug was beating on Zimmerman. I don't blame him for using his gun...

People like you love seeing people die and raped. You won't be happy until the rest of our country has crime rates like Chicago.

Here is when you know you are beating this guy.

You're welcome. You Z supporters are not the brightest bulbs in the box.:evil:

You trayvon supporters don't understand or care about civilization or it's laws. I suggest you go fuck yourselve and go live in another country. Thank you.

It is a fact that the thug was beating on Zimmerman. I don't blame him for using his gun...

People like you love seeing people die and raped. You won't be happy until the rest of our country has crime rates like Chicago.

Here is when you know you are beating this guy.



You support thugs and have no problem with what's going on within our inner-cities. Pure trash.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!
Whatever Trayvon's faults (real or imagined), he was never issued a restraining order resulting from domestic assault against a former fiancée, or arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both third-degree felonies that were later waived once he agreed to enter an alcohol education program.

Unfortunately, "RadicalRedneck's" poster-boy, George Zimmerman cannot make that claim.

“He (Zimmerman)had a temper and he became a liability,” he recalled. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted. … It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”
- fellow security officer
Zimmerman was also fired from his security job because of his propensity to "lose his cool and totally overreact."

What also remains unexplained is how an individual who weighed 200 pounds worked part time as a security guard and bouncer for 4 years could be made to fear for his life by an unarmed 140 pound, 17 year old boy!
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You trayvon supporters don't understand or care about civilization or it's laws. I suggest you go fuck yourselve and go live in another country. Thank you.

It is a fact that the thug was beating on Zimmerman. I don't blame him for using his gun...

People like you love seeing people die and raped. You won't be happy until the rest of our country has crime rates like Chicago.

Here is when you know you are beating this guy.



You support thugs and have no problem with what's going on within our inner-cities. Pure trash.

I posted this in another thread..I will post it for you.

[ame=]old man beats up black guy on bus - YouTube[/ame]

In this case..the young man basically does the same thing Zimmerman did and loses the fight.

Think he had a right to shoot the old man?

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