Free george zimmerman

It's obvious there are those that have not seen one minute of actual testimony. They are again relying on the same media that lied to them about Zimmerman and Martin to begin with.

Before you start moving your fingers, how about you watch the actual videos or read the transcripts. The day ended with the prosecution witness admitting Zimmerman was telling the truth. He'll be back on the stand in the morning. It's streaming live on several media sites and HLN is carrying it live as well.

Please educate yourselves instead of believing the biased, lying, liberal media.
911 dispatcher SEan Noftke testified that he never gave Zimmerman any commands or orders as all 911 dispatchers never do that per policy to avoid being held liable.
That is in evidence.
And you good folks were conned and tricked into believing that the dispatcher ORDERED Zimmerman to do something.
Time to wise up.
Zimmerman was never ordered or commanded to do a damn thing by police of any dispatcher.

He should have taken the dispatcher's advice.

Wyatt Zimmerman had a better idea.

The hell with the homeowners org about confrontations. He had a better solution, just like hitler.

What is also in evidence is that Zimmerman LOST Martin at one point. That is also supported by the timeline.
All Martin had to do was WALK HOME.
Instead he hid in the bushes and jumped Zimmerman.
Yeah TM should have gone home. He a black boy.
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He should have taken the dispatcher's advice.

Wyatt Zimmerman had a better idea.

The hell with the homeowners org about confrontations. He had a better solution, just like hitler.

What is also in evidence is that Zimmerman LOST Martin at one point. That is also supported by the timeline.
All Martin had to do was WALK HOME.
Instead he hid in the bushes and jumped Zimmerman.
Yeah TM should have gone home. He a black boy.

Rayezizm!!! is all you have.
Are you really this ignorant?
First degree premediated murder with speical circumstances. A child. Burn his ass. Deadly force was not necessary. He wanted this kid bad.

I don't spend much time in political threads nowadays...

this is the first LOL posting I've seen in several months...

it's painfully obvious that she's still dumber'n a box of rocks...
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911 dispatcher SEan Noftke testified that he never gave Zimmerman any commands or orders as all 911 dispatchers never do that per policy to avoid being held liable.
That is in evidence.
And you good folks were conned and tricked into believing that the dispatcher ORDERED Zimmerman to do something.
Time to wise up.
Zimmerman was never ordered or commanded to do a damn thing by police of any dispatcher.

He should have taken the dispatcher's advice.

Wyatt Zimmerman had a better idea.

The hell with the homeowners org about confrontations. He had a better solution, just like hitler.

Oh Gawd

limpwristers are gay
George Zimmerman’s murder trial is a rapidly unspooling farce that could likely result in a massive tragedy.

When Trayvon Martin’s slaying became an international moral panic last year, the media’s blind barking supplicants to the Global Cult of Equality stoked racial tensions by first insisting that George Zimmerman was white. When that proved to be untrue, they deliberately doctored evidence to lend the false impression that Zimmerman stalked Martin because he was black. They were mostly silent regarding a neighbor of Zimmerman’s claim that his gated Florida community had been hit by eight burglaries in the fifteen months prior to Zimmerman’s fatal encounter with Martin, all of them allegedly perpetrated by black males.

For all the smug avowals of the brainwashed and sold-out egalitarian media that the so-called “racists” are “living in the past,” the late-stage progressive agenda can only be clumsily propped up by continually reminding the public of racial atrocities that largely ceased happening generations ago.......

The Week That Perished - Taki's Magazine


Zimmerman is as "white" as I am.

We are both ethically diverse. As in my father was Hispanic and my mother had a Euro background.

Same with Zimmerman. Except that his father had a Euro background and his mother was Hispanic.

Doesn't make him..or me any less "white".
George Zimmerman’s murder trial is a rapidly unspooling farce that could likely result in a massive tragedy.

When Trayvon Martin’s slaying became an international moral panic last year, the media’s blind barking supplicants to the Global Cult of Equality stoked racial tensions by first insisting that George Zimmerman was white. When that proved to be untrue, they deliberately doctored evidence to lend the false impression that Zimmerman stalked Martin because he was black. They were mostly silent regarding a neighbor of Zimmerman’s claim that his gated Florida community had been hit by eight burglaries in the fifteen months prior to Zimmerman’s fatal encounter with Martin, all of them allegedly perpetrated by black males.

For all the smug avowals of the brainwashed and sold-out egalitarian media that the so-called “racists” are “living in the past,” the late-stage progressive agenda can only be clumsily propped up by continually reminding the public of racial atrocities that largely ceased happening generations ago.......

The Week That Perished - Taki's Magazine


Zimmerman is as "white" as I am.

We are both ethically diverse. As in my father was Hispanic and my mother had a Euro background.

Same with Zimmerman. Except that his father had a Euro background and his mother was Hispanic.

Doesn't make him..or me any less "white".

s0n....nobody cares what you think. There is a reason for the phrase, "reality is 95% perception!"

A majority of the black community THINK Zimmerman is white.:coffee: If his last name was Garcia, the dynamic would be different.

Like I said s0n......your level of naïve can get your ass capped, especially living in the city. When this verdict goes down, proceed with extreme caution because we will see war zones.
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George Zimmerman’s murder trial is a rapidly unspooling farce that could likely result in a massive tragedy.

When Trayvon Martin’s slaying became an international moral panic last year, the media’s blind barking supplicants to the Global Cult of Equality stoked racial tensions by first insisting that George Zimmerman was white. When that proved to be untrue, they deliberately doctored evidence to lend the false impression that Zimmerman stalked Martin because he was black. They were mostly silent regarding a neighbor of Zimmerman’s claim that his gated Florida community had been hit by eight burglaries in the fifteen months prior to Zimmerman’s fatal encounter with Martin, all of them allegedly perpetrated by black males.

For all the smug avowals of the brainwashed and sold-out egalitarian media that the so-called “racists” are “living in the past,” the late-stage progressive agenda can only be clumsily propped up by continually reminding the public of racial atrocities that largely ceased happening generations ago.......

The Week That Perished - Taki's Magazine


Zimmerman is as "white" as I am.

We are both ethically diverse. As in my father was Hispanic and my mother had a Euro background.

Same with Zimmerman. Except that his father had a Euro background and his mother was Hispanic.

Doesn't make him..or me any less "white".

s0n....nobody cares what you think. There is a reason for the phrase, "reality is 95% perception!"

A majority of the black community THINK Zimmerman is white.:coffee:

Like I said s0n......your level of naïve can get your ass capped, especially living in the city. When this verdict goes down, proceed with extreme caution because we will see war zones.

sOn you ain't in the same class as all.

You should proceed with caution when dealing with your betters.


Zimmerman is as "white" as I am.

We are both ethically diverse. As in my father was Hispanic and my mother had a Euro background.

Same with Zimmerman. Except that his father had a Euro background and his mother was Hispanic.

Doesn't make him..or me any less "white".

s0n....nobody cares what you think. There is a reason for the phrase, "reality is 95% perception!"

A majority of the black community THINK Zimmerman is white.:coffee:

Like I said s0n......your level of naïve can get your ass capped, especially living in the city. When this verdict goes down, proceed with extreme caution because we will see war zones.

sOn you ain't in the same class as all.

You should proceed with caution when dealing with your betters.


:lol: Glad I wasn't drinking a cup of coffee when I read this post.
911 dispatcher SEan Noftke testified that he never gave Zimmerman any commands or orders as all 911 dispatchers never do that per policy to avoid being held liable.
That is in evidence.
And you good folks were conned and tricked into believing that the dispatcher ORDERED Zimmerman to do something.
Time to wise up.
Zimmerman was never ordered or commanded to do a damn thing by police of any dispatcher.

He should have taken the dispatcher's advice.

Wyatt Zimmerman had a better idea.

The hell with the homeowners org about confrontations. He had a better solution, just like hitler.

Oh Gawd

limpwristers are gay

Come on Goober, you can do better than that.:razz:
George Zimmerman should have to pay DOUBLE for his defense.
And give half to the prosecution. Their witnesses are a defendant's dream.
Another bad day for the state.
George Zimmerman should have to pay DOUBLE for his defense.
And give half to the prosecution. Their witnesses are a defendant's dream.
Another bad day for the state.


Funny how that works.
The arrogance of the Zimmerman posters is astounding.

There is a thing such as over confidence,

They all live in la la land; they really do. Remember, these are the people who believe in Rush Limbaugh and his ilk. These are the people who believe if you say something often enough, it becomes truth. They say over and over again how Obama needs to be impeached, how he is a complete failure and they believe if they say it often enough, it becomes truth. They say over and over again how the liberals control and ruin public education, and they believe if it is said often enough, that becomes truth. Now they are telling themselves over and over that Zimmerman is going to go free. If they say it often enough, in their minds, it will become truth. It's funny. None of the shit they say over and over again ever does become truth, and most likely this won't either.
The arrogance of the Zimmerman posters is astounding.

There is a thing such as over confidence,

They all live in la la land; they really do. Remember, these are the people who believe in Rush Limbaugh and his ilk. These are the people who believe if you say something often enough, it becomes truth. They say over and over again how Obama needs to be impeached, how he is a complete failure and they believe if they say it often enough, it becomes truth. They say over and over again how the liberals control and ruin public education, and they believe if it is said often enough, that becomes truth. Now they are telling themselves over and over that Zimmerman is going to go free. If they say it often enough, in their minds, it will become truth. It's funny. None of the shit they say over and over again ever does become truth, and most likely this won't either.

Know where I get my news about Rush Limbaugh from? Here

Know who provides said news? So called liberals such as yourself.

I never listen to Rush's show and I never see threads on this site from conservatives praising Rush. There are occasionally posts praising him, but generally those are in response to another hate-filled post by a so-called tolerant liberal.

If it were not for so-called tolerant liberals and their hate posts, I doubt if I would even know if Rush were still alive.


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