Free george zimmerman

Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!
There was no huge gash on Zimmerman's head. The medical examiner said in was minor .. no stitches or bandage needed.
If they can't prove without a doubt=yes Zimmerman should be freed.

As of right now there's little question that trayvon beat on Zimmerman.

Remember he is innocent until proven guilty.
Trayvon's hands had none of Zimmerman's DNA or blood on them, after supposedly beating his nose bloody, and holding his hands on Zimmerman's nose and mouth to suffocate him. Odd.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!
There was no huge gash on Zimmerman's head. The medical examiner said in was minor .. no stitches or bandage needed.

Yeah, that was a farce.

He wore baddages that were about ten times the size as needed a day after. The medical expert said he did not need even bandages.

I thik the police were in on it to make it easy for Zimmerman.

The police were mad because of political pressure from the governors office to charge Zimmerman.
If they can't prove without a doubt=yes Zimmerman should be freed.

As of right now there's little question that trayvon beat on Zimmerman.

Remember he is innocent until proven guilty.
Trayvon's hands had none of Zimmerman's DNA or blood on them, after supposedly beating his nose bloody, and holding his hands on Zimmerman's nose and mouth to suffocate him. Odd.

Lack of DNA means none was collected.
Does not mean Martin didn't hit him.
Did you listen to what the examiner stated?
We have an eye witness testify that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and hitting him and you mental midgets go with the DNA.
We have an eye witness testify that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and hitting him and you mental midgets go with the DNA.

All the politically correct assholes on here are desperate to drag shit into their bubble = lOsInG. None of the actual evidence matters......they just want to hang the guy no matter what.


We have an eye witness testify that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and hitting him and you mental midgets go with the DNA.
Eye witness testimony is very unreliable but dna is not.

This is not a who done it you fool.
Zimmerman has admitted he shot and killed Martin.
LACK OF DNA on something is not conclusive evidence that someone did not touch that item.
That is what the examiner testified to.
He stated that all they can test is WHAT THEY COLLECTED and there could have been Martin's DNA on the gun and possibly it was not collected, was too small a sample to collect, had been contaminated and was uncollectable, had degraded in some way and a variety of other reasons why none WAS COLLECTED.

Are you really this naive and gullible? Do you listen to any of the witnesses at all?
The eye witness testified he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman.
And that testimony is "unreliable"
If they can't prove without a doubt=yes Zimmerman should be freed.

As of right now there's little question that trayvon beat on Zimmerman.

Remember he is innocent until proven guilty.
Trayvon's hands had none of Zimmerman's DNA or blood on them, after supposedly beating his nose bloody, and holding his hands on Zimmerman's nose and mouth to suffocate him. Odd.

How long did his body sit out in the rain before it was bagged?
How many other variables are there in the transportation of the body BEFORE autopsy?
Were his hands bagged and tagged separately?
Did you listen to any of the cross examination of the ME where all of this was asked?
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!
There was no huge gash on Zimmerman's head. The medical examiner said in was minor .. no stitches or bandage needed.

How did he get the not so huge gash on his head?
Smashing beer cans on it before he went there?
There will be the doctor that treated Zimmerman AND THE EMT that treated him on the scene testify for the defense.
And you are going to hate their testimony.
Their testimony will state that Zimmerman's nose was broken and there was blood comig from the nose and numerous other areas.
Facts sure a bitch aren't they?
We have an eye witness testify that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and hitting him and you mental midgets go with the DNA.
Eye witness testimony is very unreliable but dna is not.

This is not a who done it you fool.
Zimmerman has admitted he shot and killed Martin.
LACK OF DNA on something is not conclusive evidence that someone did not touch that item.
That is what the examiner testified to.
He stated that all they can test is WHAT THEY COLLECTED and there could have been Martin's DNA on the gun and possibly it was not collected, was too small a sample to collect, had been contaminated and was uncollectable, had degraded in some way and a variety of other reasons why none WAS COLLECTED.

Are you really this naive and gullible? Do you listen to any of the witnesses at all?

Anything is possible, goober.:eusa_angel:
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!
There was no huge gash on Zimmerman's head. The medical examiner said in was minor .. no stitches or bandage needed.

How did he get the not so huge gash on his head?
Smashing beer cans on it before he went there?
There will be the doctor that treated Zimmerman AND THE EMT that treated him on the scene testify for the defense.
And you are going to hate their testimony.
Their testimony will state that Zimmerman's nose was broken and there was blood comig from the nose and numerous other areas.
Facts sure a bitch aren't they?

For a peckerwood like you they are.:razz:
There was no huge gash on Zimmerman's head. The medical examiner said in was minor .. no stitches or bandage needed.

How did he get the not so huge gash on his head?
Smashing beer cans on it before he went there?
There will be the doctor that treated Zimmerman AND THE EMT that treated him on the scene testify for the defense.
And you are going to hate their testimony.
Their testimony will state that Zimmerman's nose was broken and there was blood comig from the nose and numerous other areas.
Facts sure a bitch aren't they?

For a peckerwood like you they are.:razz:

Correction: Rich peckerwood.
What we know for sure now is that Trayvon Martin never touched the gun. The DNA has proven this.

What we also know is that Martin did not have any of Zimmerman's DNA under his fingernails.

If I'm a juror who is trying to simply understand Zimmerman's story, I'm confused by the fact that the young man could not have been fighting over the gun and could not have been bashing Zimmerman's head into the ground. His fingernails would have shown it.

So how could the young man have possibly been the aggressor when the DNA doesn't show it to be true?
We have an eye witness testify that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and hitting him and you mental midgets go with the DNA.

Wrong none of them could even say 100% who was screaming.

I was thinking back on that and even the eye witness kept qualifying his answer to that with it was dark, in my opinion, stuff like that.

Even when he talked about Trayvon being on top in the scuffle, he said something like at the time I saw them..

The jury will talk about those screams and decide for themselves who it was.

I believe Zimmerman will walk away from this just like OJ and Casey Anthony did. That means, I thought both of them were guilty as sin but jurors thought something different. Sad but that's how it works.

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