Free george zimmerman

For a peckerwood like you they are.:razz:

That is one of the funniest words ever. :)

It's going to be a bit difficult for the doctor to testify that his nose was broken when his own doctor's report states that his nose was fractured. I've had a fracture in my foot: it is no where near the same thing as having a broken foot. A fracture and a break are two very different things. To have a fracture means if he was hit in the face, it wasn't very hard. Trayvon could not have been wailing on him if the nose was only fractured, which it was: not broken. That's in writing in the doctor's report: Zimmerman's own doctor. Look it up if you need to. Facts sure are a bitch, aren't they?

Uh, hate to tell you there Moe but a fractured nose IS A BROKEN NOSE.

From all medical books "a nasal fracture is a broken nose".
or "a nasal fracture commonly referred to as a broken nose".
or "Nasal fractures , which are broken noses, result from facial injuries".

"to have a fracture means if he was hit in the face, it wasn't very hard"
Do you know how completely stupid your posts are?
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

1. Trayvon had every right to stand his ground and defend himself against the weirdo who was following him. Even thought Trayvon tried to run away, GZ stalked him and engaged him with verbal insults. Answering with "cocky" is not a capital crime and GZ had no right to kill Trayvon in return for either his language or even rasseling around on theh ground.

GZ saw himself as a would-be hero. If only he could catch The Bad Guy, the neighborhood would recognize him for the Good Cop material he believes himself to be. He's a sociopath, a Mighty Mouse wanting to swoop down to save the day. That's why police departments have not wanted him.

Look at it this way: If every cop killed someone who was mouthing off, the bodies would be piled high.

2. Even if he gets away with killing Trayvon there's a good possibility that he'll be found guilty of causing the death in civil court. The monetary award is likely to be huge, as it should be because he did kill Trayvon and there should be enormous consequences for needless killing. He will never get out from under that.

3. And, even if he walks on the both the criminal and civil charge, GZ will never again be free. He brought this on himself. If he had not gone hunting (and why else would he have been carrying that loaded cannon?) ... If he had not gone out hunting that night, this would never have happened. I say he will never again be free because in jail or not, his own actions have caused him to be a hated man. There are a lot of blacks who are fed up with being shit on and its very likely he's their new poster boy. He will never again be able to bop on down to Target for lunch food. He's dead man walking.

I would hope that the gun nutters would think about this when they have their own Mighty Mouse fantasies. You can natter on and on about how you have the right to carry and maybe even the right to kill but that's doesn't mean it will end there. Wait until you experience killing someone. Maybe then, you'll understand that you will never again be the same. The life you had before you killed -- its over.

Here ... some of you might want to sew this on just under your NRA patch.


I agree 100%, Trayvon had every right to stand his ground that night.
So did George Zimmerman.
Trayvon lost.
Doesn't make Zimmerman guilty if BOTH had the same right.

Spot on and bulls eye post of the year my friend.:rock::rock::rock: THe PC k00ks wont like it, but that's the way it is.
1. Trayvon had every right to stand his ground and defend himself against the weirdo who was following him. Even thought Trayvon tried to run away, GZ stalked him and engaged him with verbal insults. Answering with "cocky" is not a capital crime and GZ had no right to kill Trayvon in return for either his language or even rasseling around on theh ground.

GZ saw himself as a would-be hero. If only he could catch The Bad Guy, the neighborhood would recognize him for the Good Cop material he believes himself to be. He's a sociopath, a Mighty Mouse wanting to swoop down to save the day. That's why police departments have not wanted him.

Look at it this way: If every cop killed someone who was mouthing off, the bodies would be piled high.

2. Even if he gets away with killing Trayvon there's a good possibility that he'll be found guilty of causing the death in civil court. The monetary award is likely to be huge, as it should be because he did kill Trayvon and there should be enormous consequences for needless killing. He will never get out from under that.

3. And, even if he walks on the both the criminal and civil charge, GZ will never again be free. He brought this on himself. If he had not gone hunting (and why else would he have been carrying that loaded cannon?) ... If he had not gone out hunting that night, this would never have happened. I say he will never again be free because in jail or not, his own actions have caused him to be a hated man. There are a lot of blacks who are fed up with being shit on and its very likely he's their new poster boy. He will never again be able to bop on down to Target for lunch food. He's dead man walking.

I would hope that the gun nutters would think about this when they have their own Mighty Mouse fantasies. You can natter on and on about how you have the right to carry and maybe even the right to kill but that's doesn't mean it will end there. Wait until you experience killing someone. Maybe then, you'll understand that you will never again be the same. The life you had before you killed -- its over.

Here ... some of you might want to sew this on just under your NRA patch.


I agree 100%, Trayvon had every right to stand his ground that night.
So did George Zimmerman.
Trayvon lost.
Doesn't make Zimmerman guilty if BOTH had the same right.

Spot on and bulls eye post of the year my friend.:rock::rock::rock: THe PC k00ks wont like it, but that's the way it is.

That's not what the law says.

This is not the Wild West or Deadwood during the gold rush.

The country does not run on survival of the fittest.
What we know for sure now is that Trayvon Martin never touched the gun. The DNA has proven this.

What we also know is that Martin did not have any of Zimmerman's DNA under his fingernails.

If I'm a juror who is trying to simply understand Zimmerman's story, I'm confused by the fact that the young man could not have been fighting over the gun and could not have been bashing Zimmerman's head into the ground. His fingernails would have shown it.

So how could the young man have possibly been the aggressor when the DNA doesn't show it to be true?

If he had very short nails, as most men do, it's easy that nothing might have ended up underneath them!
I agree 100%, Trayvon had every right to stand his ground that night.
So did George Zimmerman.
Trayvon lost.
Doesn't make Zimmerman guilty if BOTH had the same right.

Spot on and bulls eye post of the year my friend.:rock::rock::rock: THe PC k00ks wont like it, but that's the way it is.

That's not what the law says.

This is not the Wild West or Deadwood during the gold rush.

The country does not run on survival of the fittest.

Yes it does.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
What we know for sure now is that Trayvon Martin never touched the gun. The DNA has proven this.

What we also know is that Martin did not have any of Zimmerman's DNA under his fingernails.

If I'm a juror who is trying to simply understand Zimmerman's story, I'm confused by the fact that the young man could not have been fighting over the gun and could not have been bashing Zimmerman's head into the ground. His fingernails would have shown it.

So how could the young man have possibly been the aggressor when the DNA doesn't show it to be true?

If he had very short nails, as most men do, it's easy that nothing might have ended up underneath them!

If a frog had wings he would not bump his ass when he landed.
What we know for sure now is that Trayvon Martin never touched the gun. The DNA has proven this.

What we also know is that Martin did not have any of Zimmerman's DNA under his fingernails.

If I'm a juror who is trying to simply understand Zimmerman's story, I'm confused by the fact that the young man could not have been fighting over the gun and could not have been bashing Zimmerman's head into the ground. His fingernails would have shown it.

So how could the young man have possibly been the aggressor when the DNA doesn't show it to be true?

If he had very short nails, as most men do, it's easy that nothing might have ended up underneath them!

If a frog had wings he would not bump his ass when he landed.

The DNA expert already testified that it is possible that DNA was not collected.
Lack of DNA means nothing.
Same with fingerprints, you do NOT ALWAYS GET A SAMPLE.
If you do not know either of those things then stay out of the discussion.
Those 2 things are Forensics 101 of evidence gathering.
If he had very short nails, as most men do, it's easy that nothing might have ended up underneath them!

If a frog had wings he would not bump his ass when he landed.

The DNA expert already testified that it is possible that DNA was not collected.
Lack of DNA means nothing.
Same with fingerprints, you do NOT ALWAYS GET A SAMPLE.
If you do not know either of those things then stay out of the discussion.
Those 2 things are Forensics 101 of evidence gathering.

I have a better idea. You stay out of the discussion.
If he had very short nails, as most men do, it's easy that nothing might have ended up underneath them!

If a frog had wings he would not bump his ass when he landed.

The DNA expert already testified that it is possible that DNA was not collected.
Lack of DNA means nothing.
Same with fingerprints, you do NOT ALWAYS GET A SAMPLE.
If you do not know either of those things then stay out of the discussion.
Those 2 things are Forensics 101 of evidence gathering.

Remember Gadawg, people who continually ignore things like this are not interested in the facts of the case. It is becoming increasingly likely that Zimmerman will be acquitted, and as you said before, DNA evidence has no bearing on the verdict.

But don't forget this one critical fact about Martin supporters on this thread, there are:

If a frog had wings he would not bump his ass when he landed.

The DNA expert already testified that it is possible that DNA was not collected.
Lack of DNA means nothing.
Same with fingerprints, you do NOT ALWAYS GET A SAMPLE.
If you do not know either of those things then stay out of the discussion.
Those 2 things are Forensics 101 of evidence gathering.

I have a better idea. You stay out of the discussion.

I have a better idea than that, be quiet.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

1. Trayvon had every right to stand his ground and defend himself against the weirdo who was following him. Even thought Trayvon tried to run away, GZ stalked him and engaged him with verbal insults. Answering with "cocky" is not a capital crime and GZ had no right to kill Trayvon in return for either his language or even rasseling around on theh ground.

GZ saw himself as a would-be hero. If only he could catch The Bad Guy, the neighborhood would recognize him for the Good Cop material he believes himself to be. He's a sociopath, a Mighty Mouse wanting to swoop down to save the day. That's why police departments have not wanted him.

Look at it this way: If every cop killed someone who was mouthing off, the bodies would be piled high.

2. Even if he gets away with killing Trayvon there's a good possibility that he'll be found guilty of causing the death in civil court. The monetary award is likely to be huge, as it should be because he did kill Trayvon and there should be enormous consequences for needless killing. He will never get out from under that.

3. And, even if he walks on the both the criminal and civil charge, GZ will never again be free. He brought this on himself. If he had not gone hunting (and why else would he have been carrying that loaded cannon?) ... If he had not gone out hunting that night, this would never have happened. I say he will never again be free because in jail or not, his own actions have caused him to be a hated man. There are a lot of blacks who are fed up with being shit on and its very likely he's their new poster boy. He will never again be able to bop on down to Target for lunch food. He's dead man walking.

I would hope that the gun nutters would think about this when they have their own Mighty Mouse fantasies. You can natter on and on about how you have the right to carry and maybe even the right to kill but that's doesn't mean it will end there. Wait until you experience killing someone. Maybe then, you'll understand that you will never again be the same. The life you had before you killed -- its over.

Here ... some of you might want to sew this on just under your NRA patch.


I agree 100%, Trayvon had every right to stand his ground that night.
So did George Zimmerman.
Trayvon lost.
Doesn't make Zimmerman guilty if BOTH had the same right.

Except that a verbal or even physical rasseling match is no place for a gun.

GZ had the right to use the same degree of force that Trayvon used. Shooting someone who called you a cracker is just a tiny bit over the top, legally speaking. Especially since GZ said Trayvon tried to get away from him and he went after him.

Thing is, Trayvon wasn't doing anything wrong and this jerk came after him for doing nothing wrong. From the very first moment, GZ was in the wrong and that never changed.
The DNA expert already testified that it is possible that DNA was not collected.
Lack of DNA means nothing.
Same with fingerprints, you do NOT ALWAYS GET A SAMPLE.
If you do not know either of those things then stay out of the discussion.
Those 2 things are Forensics 101 of evidence gathering.

I have a better idea. You stay out of the discussion.

I have a better idea than that, be quiet.

Make me.
1. Trayvon had every right to stand his ground and defend himself against the weirdo who was following him. Even thought Trayvon tried to run away, GZ stalked him and engaged him with verbal insults. Answering with "cocky" is not a capital crime and GZ had no right to kill Trayvon in return for either his language or even rasseling around on theh ground.

GZ saw himself as a would-be hero. If only he could catch The Bad Guy, the neighborhood would recognize him for the Good Cop material he believes himself to be. He's a sociopath, a Mighty Mouse wanting to swoop down to save the day. That's why police departments have not wanted him.

Look at it this way: If every cop killed someone who was mouthing off, the bodies would be piled high.

2. Even if he gets away with killing Trayvon there's a good possibility that he'll be found guilty of causing the death in civil court. The monetary award is likely to be huge, as it should be because he did kill Trayvon and there should be enormous consequences for needless killing. He will never get out from under that.

3. And, even if he walks on the both the criminal and civil charge, GZ will never again be free. He brought this on himself. If he had not gone hunting (and why else would he have been carrying that loaded cannon?) ... If he had not gone out hunting that night, this would never have happened. I say he will never again be free because in jail or not, his own actions have caused him to be a hated man. There are a lot of blacks who are fed up with being shit on and its very likely he's their new poster boy. He will never again be able to bop on down to Target for lunch food. He's dead man walking.

I would hope that the gun nutters would think about this when they have their own Mighty Mouse fantasies. You can natter on and on about how you have the right to carry and maybe even the right to kill but that's doesn't mean it will end there. Wait until you experience killing someone. Maybe then, you'll understand that you will never again be the same. The life you had before you killed -- its over.

Here ... some of you might want to sew this on just under your NRA patch.


I agree 100%, Trayvon had every right to stand his ground that night.
So did George Zimmerman.
Trayvon lost.
Doesn't make Zimmerman guilty if BOTH had the same right.

Except that a verbal or even physical rasseling match is no place for a gun.

GZ had the right to use the same degree of force that Trayvon used. Shooting someone who called you a cracker is just a tiny bit over the top, legally speaking. Especially since GZ said Trayvon tried to get away from him and he went after him.

Thing is, Trayvon wasn't doing anything wrong and this jerk came after him for doing nothing wrong. From the very first moment, GZ was in the wrong and that never changed.
TM never directly called Z a cracker. He told that to DD on the cell phone.
If he had very short nails, as most men do, it's easy that nothing might have ended up underneath them!

If a frog had wings he would not bump his ass when he landed.

The DNA expert already testified that it is possible that DNA was not collected.
Lack of DNA means nothing.
Same with fingerprints, you do NOT ALWAYS GET A SAMPLE.
If you do not know either of those things then stay out of the discussion.
Those 2 things are Forensics 101 of evidence gathering.

After the "terrible beating" Trayvon gave GZ, why weren't his knuckles skinned or bruised or ..............? If he really hit GZ, there had to be some sign of it that GZ himself could not have caused.

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