Free george zimmerman

It could also be construed to be that TM was fighting off his attacker. You are saying that the person winning the fight was the attacker. That's an invalid assumption.

Which is something else.

Check out what happens to Glenn Danzig.

[ame=]Danzig getting knocked out - YouTube[/ame]

Think Danzig had the right to kill the guy who slugged him?'re not getting it s0n. If its in Florida, he has every right!!:rock::rock::2up:

That is funny as shit how the tough guy took a half punch to the face and fell like a sack of shit!!

That's pretty insane.
Which is something else.

Check out what happens to Glenn Danzig.

Danzig getting knocked out - YouTube

Think Danzig had the right to kill the guy who slugged him?'re not getting it s0n. If its in Florida, he has every right!!:rock::rock::2up:

That is funny as shit how the tough guy took a half punch to the face and fell like a sack of shit!!

That's pretty insane.

God bro......I really hope you never get into a situation like that, because your ass will end up very dead. me a favor.....make sure you never wander into a neighborhood you don't know. Naïve guys like you end up on the 11 o'clock news.
Anything that you see in that video is looking at it with 20-20 the moment, whats insane is taking for granted the other guy might try to kill you. You have no way of knowing. You owe it to the people who love you and need you to make sure that doesn't happen, no matter what it takes.
If I get pushed hard by anybody, my next move is to strike him directly in the solar plexis in an attempt to collapse an organ....period. If it collapses, I wont lose a single second of sleep......because I owe it to my family to make it home that night.
Everybody should spend 3 or 4 years on a dojo like I did......not so much to learn how to defend yourself, but more importantly, how you have to view these confrontations and what your response must be and without hesitation. Somebody gets in your face yelling at you, that's assault. You drop them with deadly closed. If you have a weapon, you hit them with it as many times as it takes for them to stop moving.
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You trayvon supporters don't understand or care about civilization or it's laws. I suggest you go fuck yourselve and go live in another country. Thank you.

It is a fact that the thug was beating on Zimmerman. I don't blame him for using his gun...

People like you love seeing people die and raped. You won't be happy until the rest of our country has crime rates like Chicago.

Here is when you know you are beating this guy.



You support thugs and have no problem with what's going on within our inner-cities. Pure trash.

Well, duh!^:razz:'re not getting it s0n. If its in Florida, he has every right!!:rock::rock::2up:

That is funny as shit how the tough guy took a half punch to the face and fell like a sack of shit!!

That's pretty insane.

God bro......I really hope you never get into a situation like that, because your ass will end up very dead. me a favor.....make sure you never wander into a neighborhood you don't know. Naïve guys like you end up on the 11 o'clock news.
Anything that you see in that video is looking at it with 20-20 the moment, whats insane is taking for granted the other guy might try to kill you. You have no way of knowing. You owe it to the people who love you and need you to make sure that doesn't happen, no matter what it takes.
If I get pushed hard by anybody, my next move is to strike him directly in the solar plexis in an attempt to collapse an organ....period. If it collapses, I wont lose a single second of sleep......because I owe it to my family to make it home that night.
Everybody should spend 3 or 4 years on a dojo like I did......not so much to learn how to defend yourself, but more importantly, how you have to view these confrontations and what your response must be and without hesitation. Somebody gets in your face yelling at you, that's assault. You drop them with deadly closed. If you have a weapon, you hit them with it as many times as it takes for them to stop moving.

Alrighty Bruce Lee.

I'll take my experience of getting into actual street fights over your pretend ballet dancing in a "dojo".

And I've walked the mean streets all over the world.


What George Zimmerman did wrong was not allow himself to be beaten to death by yet another black thug. That makes him a bad guy. This is a good guy.

Black teen says ?I?m not sorry? for beating 65 year old white man to death

You do know that the CCC is a cleaner version of the KKK, right?

If the KKK beat someone to death it wouldn't be justified. If a black man took out a gun and shot a white thug beating him up, there woudn't even be a trial.
Here is when you know you are beating this guy.



You support thugs and have no problem with what's going on within our inner-cities. Pure trash.

I posted this in another thread..I will post it for you.

[ame=]old man beats up black guy on bus - YouTube[/ame]

In this case..the young man basically does the same thing Zimmerman did and loses the fight.

Think he had a right to shoot the old man?

He got his ass kicked by an old man !! Holy shit thats funny.
What ! What ! WHAMO on the ground crying like a little bitch. Hell even the sisters were laughing!
Punk got what he deserved. The old man created space to avoid conflict. Punk and his ego(just like TM) had to follow and start shit. BAM!!! He's leaking!!! LOL!

Thanks for the vid. Not only is it funny as hell,it proves the exact opposite of what you intended.
I'm going to go watch it again.:clap2:
911 dispatcher SEan Noftke testified that he never gave Zimmerman any commands or orders as all 911 dispatchers never do that per policy to avoid being held liable.
That is in evidence.
And you good folks were conned and tricked into believing that the dispatcher ORDERED Zimmerman to do something.
Time to wise up.
Zimmerman was never ordered or commanded to do a damn thing by police of any dispatcher.
First degree premediated murder with speical circumstances. A child. Burn his ass. Deadly force was not necessary. He wanted this kid bad.
First degree premediated murder with speical circumstances. A child. Burn his ass. Deadly force was not necessary. He wanted this kid bad.

First you need to know the definition of premeditated and the burden of proof to prove that in a court of law.
"special circumstances" makes no sense under Florida law.
You were not there and the evidence now shows that deadly force POSSIBLY was warranted.
At best your argument is a manslaughter one and I have stated from the start THIS IS A MANSLAUGHTER CASE.
Sorry you were conned by media that lied to you, manipulated the 911 call and doctored it up for play, portrayed Trayvon Martin as a 6th grade choir boy and more.
However, you are an adult and should know better now.
Your prejudice is showing when you Zimmerman to burn.
Being prejudiced is not a good thing.
What George Zimmerman did wrong was not allow himself to be beaten to death by yet another black thug. That makes him a bad guy. This is a good guy.

Black teen says ?I?m not sorry? for beating 65 year old white man to death

You do know that the CCC is a cleaner version of the KKK, right?

If the KKK beat someone to death it wouldn't be justified. If a black man took out a gun and shot a white thug beating him up, there woudn't even be a trial.

If the black man was doing so in self defense=no trial. Fact...This is the way it normally would be done.
George Zimmerman’s murder trial is a rapidly unspooling farce that could likely result in a massive tragedy.

When Trayvon Martin’s slaying became an international moral panic last year, the media’s blind barking supplicants to the Global Cult of Equality stoked racial tensions by first insisting that George Zimmerman was white. When that proved to be untrue, they deliberately doctored evidence to lend the false impression that Zimmerman stalked Martin because he was black. They were mostly silent regarding a neighbor of Zimmerman’s claim that his gated Florida community had been hit by eight burglaries in the fifteen months prior to Zimmerman’s fatal encounter with Martin, all of them allegedly perpetrated by black males.

For all the smug avowals of the brainwashed and sold-out egalitarian media that the so-called “racists” are “living in the past,” the late-stage progressive agenda can only be clumsily propped up by continually reminding the public of racial atrocities that largely ceased happening generations ago.......

The Week That Perished - Taki's Magazine
So instead of manning up and admitting that the only evidence so far of racial animus in George Zimmerman’s murder trial allegedly came straight from Trayvon Martin’s lips, panicked prog pundits scrambled last week to explain that “cracker” is not a racist term. After all, that’s what Rachel Jeantel claims, and even though the thick-necked, heavy-lidded she-beast appears to be barely sentient, white people are too stupid to understand her. We are lectured by the same people who incessantly lampoon white Southern accents that crackers are simply too “ignorant” to comprehend the rich vibrant nuances of Miz Jeantel’s prehistoric verbal grunts and clicks....

The Week That Perished - Taki's Magazine

Too true
911 dispatcher SEan Noftke testified that he never gave Zimmerman any commands or orders as all 911 dispatchers never do that per policy to avoid being held liable.
That is in evidence.
And you good folks were conned and tricked into believing that the dispatcher ORDERED Zimmerman to do something.
Time to wise up.
Zimmerman was never ordered or commanded to do a damn thing by police of any dispatcher.

He should have taken the dispatcher's advice.

Wyatt Zimmerman had a better idea.

The hell with the homeowners org about confrontations. He had a better solution, just like hitler.
911 dispatcher SEan Noftke testified that he never gave Zimmerman any commands or orders as all 911 dispatchers never do that per policy to avoid being held liable.
That is in evidence.
And you good folks were conned and tricked into believing that the dispatcher ORDERED Zimmerman to do something.
Time to wise up.
Zimmerman was never ordered or commanded to do a damn thing by police of any dispatcher.

He should have taken the dispatcher's advice.

Wyatt Zimmerman had a better idea.

The hell with the homeowners org about confrontations. He had a better solution, just like hitler.

What is also in evidence is that Zimmerman LOST Martin at one point. That is also supported by the timeline.
All Martin had to do was WALK HOME.
Instead he hid in the bushes and jumped Zimmerman.
All Martin had to do WAS WALK HOME and nothing would have happened.

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