Free george zimmerman

I'm still waiting for the evidence but from the little bit I have seen it doesn't look good for George Zimmerman. Of course, so far all we have heard is the prosecution's side of the story. The defense is yet to make its case.

But... all they really need to do is to raise "reasonable doubt". I'd be throwing as many theories as I could come up with no matter how crazy they sound.

I don't know who was the aggressor, but to be quite honest with you, I would not want to be in Zimmerman's shoes today.


You have to got to be kidding.
NONE of the prosecution's witnesses have proven a damn thing that we did not already know.
Eye witness today most unbiased and consistent from the start in all his statements stated Martin was on top of Zimmerman, straddling him and it was Zimmerman was the one screaming for help.
The girlfriend was pitiful!! She was a big help to the defense as she came across as ghetto stupid, unconvincing and irritated to be there. Her answers on why didn't she call police to help Trayvon were pathetic.
The other witness was even worse as she changed her story the day of trial and added supposed details she had not stated in the police interviews and her deposition. She also looked pitiful on the stand.

You are not watching the same trial. The ENTIRE burden of proof is always on the prosecution and they have not proven anything other than what was already known.
If this is all the prosecution has expect a not guilty verdict or a hung jury.
Not one piece of evidence has been introduced that Zimmerman MURDERED Martin.
Not one.

Really? I will take your view of it over mine.

I am not able to watch the trial. I am only getting the news second hand from the "news". What I heard was that the witness said that the person who got up from the fight had been "on top and got up holding his head and began pacing". That had to be Zimmerman, but that still does not mean that Zimmerman was the aggressor. The one who is the aggressor does not always end up on top.

I still would not want to be Zimmerman. I do not trust the justice system to be fair any longer. An innocent man can be found guilty on little or no evidence.

Today CNN is saying this will end in an acquittal.

Yeah, you can call me cynical.


Immie, I am just like you!
Bird in hand. I am usually the cynic, pessimist and Mr. Negative.
It is not over until it is over.
Whatever the jury does I will support their decision.
And be glad this tragedy is over.
However, it disturbs me that the black community has made this into a whitey versus them issue.
Just like the OJ trial.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family.
They lost a son and have had to see how they have been manipulated by the very people that are supposed to help them.
Trayvon Martin made the choice to go back and teach the "Crazy Cracker Ass" a lesson for following him..That's where he made his fatal mistake. Am I the only one who seen the big gash on the back of this man's head? He sure did not do that to himself. Why is everybody trying this case in the media in an attempt to get this man locked up or even worse without a trial? Sounds like Trayvon was just being cockey and showing off because he had his Crazy, fresh mouthed, wise assed, girlfriend on his cell phone. We all have the right to defend ourselves and this is clearly a case about that.
George Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. It's my feeling that Trayvon pursued George and George had no choice. Trayvon was not the pure and the little "13 year old" angel his family and their mouthpieces want to lead us to believe!!

You ignore the fact that Zimmerman followed Trayvon when he was instructed not to, and that the only reason he believed the boy was suspicious was because he was black.

1. Zimmerman did not break any laws ignoring that as he has not been charged with disobeying a lawful police command.
2. Following Martin is not a crime in any way under Florida statute.
3. The Judge will charge the jury that following someone is not a crime under Florida statute and that in no way allows aggressive behavior by the individual being followed.

IOW it means nothing at trial other than potential shock value to the jury.
You have to got to be kidding.
NONE of the prosecution's witnesses have proven a damn thing that we did not already know.
Eye witness today most unbiased and consistent from the start in all his statements stated Martin was on top of Zimmerman, straddling him and it was Zimmerman was the one screaming for help.
The girlfriend was pitiful!! She was a big help to the defense as she came across as ghetto stupid, unconvincing and irritated to be there. Her answers on why didn't she call police to help Trayvon were pathetic.
The other witness was even worse as she changed her story the day of trial and added supposed details she had not stated in the police interviews and her deposition. She also looked pitiful on the stand.

You are not watching the same trial. The ENTIRE burden of proof is always on the prosecution and they have not proven anything other than what was already known.
If this is all the prosecution has expect a not guilty verdict or a hung jury.
Not one piece of evidence has been introduced that Zimmerman MURDERED Martin.
Not one.

Really? I will take your view of it over mine.

I am not able to watch the trial. I am only getting the news second hand from the "news". What I heard was that the witness said that the person who got up from the fight had been "on top and got up holding his head and began pacing". That had to be Zimmerman, but that still does not mean that Zimmerman was the aggressor. The one who is the aggressor does not always end up on top.

I still would not want to be Zimmerman. I do not trust the justice system to be fair any longer. An innocent man can be found guilty on little or no evidence.

Today CNN is saying this will end in an acquittal.

Yeah, you can call me cynical.


Immie, I am just like you!
Bird in hand. I am usually the cynic, pessimist and Mr. Negative.
It is not over until it is over.
Whatever the jury does I will support their decision.
And be glad this tragedy is over.
However, it disturbs me that the black community has made this into a whitey versus them issue.
Just like the OJ trial.

I am not certain I can support a verdict if the evidence shows an innocent man was convicted. That thought bothers me to no end.

I do agree though that it is sad that this case has been made into an us versus them case. My personal opinion is that it does a disservice to the memory of Trayvon Martin who should not have died that day.

Really? I will take your view of it over mine.

I am not able to watch the trial. I am only getting the news second hand from the "news". What I heard was that the witness said that the person who got up from the fight had been "on top and got up holding his head and began pacing". That had to be Zimmerman, but that still does not mean that Zimmerman was the aggressor. The one who is the aggressor does not always end up on top.

I still would not want to be Zimmerman. I do not trust the justice system to be fair any longer. An innocent man can be found guilty on little or no evidence.

Today CNN is saying this will end in an acquittal.

Yeah, you can call me cynical.


Immie, I am just like you!
Bird in hand. I am usually the cynic, pessimist and Mr. Negative.
It is not over until it is over.
Whatever the jury does I will support their decision.
And be glad this tragedy is over.
However, it disturbs me that the black community has made this into a whitey versus them issue.
Just like the OJ trial.

I am not certain I can support a verdict if the evidence shows an innocent man was convicted. That thought bothers me to no end.

I do agree though that it is sad that this case has been made into an us versus them case. My personal opinion is that it does a disservice to the memory of Trayvon Martin who should not have died that day.


The death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy.
But that does not make it murder.
Immie, I am just like you!
Bird in hand. I am usually the cynic, pessimist and Mr. Negative.
It is not over until it is over.
Whatever the jury does I will support their decision.
And be glad this tragedy is over.
However, it disturbs me that the black community has made this into a whitey versus them issue.
Just like the OJ trial.

I am not certain I can support a verdict if the evidence shows an innocent man was convicted. That thought bothers me to no end.

I do agree though that it is sad that this case has been made into an us versus them case. My personal opinion is that it does a disservice to the memory of Trayvon Martin who should not have died that day.


The death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy.
But that does not make it murder.

Agreed, but for the record, I did not say it was murder or even that Zimmerman was guilty of anything. I stated I did not know the facts of what happened.

The facts of this case are JUST A LITTLE different than what you good folks were conned into believing.

Weren't they?

Actually no.

In fact Zimmerman looks worse now.

After he murdered Martin..he rolled him on to his stomach and tried to restrain him. The first witness on the scene said he was calm and cool.

Nothing indicates he was upset or on death's door. Quite the opposite. He may have been satisfied that he got what he was after.

Wrong, idiot. The police officer found Martin face down and he and another officer rolled hi so they could perform CPR.But feel free to lie about facts in evidence.

There are photos of Martin face down taken by a witness and a cop.

We know what you want the outcome of the trial to be. It's well known that you feel there is never any justification for a white man to take a black man's life, but Geeeze guy, you are blowing what's left of your credibility.
Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

When you refer to it being "That simple". Were you referring to your thought process?

I have a tendency to burn away the bullshit.

You folks?

Not so much.

Sorry, liar you have a tendency to try to burn away the truth with ignorance.

If you are going to make wild claims at this point in the story, at least review what the 2 police officers and one civilian witness that testified yesterday saw when they arrived.
Look at photos taken by one officer and the witness before you further make a fool of yourself.
Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.

You're fucking kidding.

There's tons of evidence Zimmerman picked a fight.

Like Martin's broken nose? Zimmerman's cut knuckles? Oh Wait! Got that reversed, didn't I?
The witnesses that saw Zimmerman on top all got their first look at the incident AFTER the gun shot. Zimmerman himself told investigators that he got on top of Martin to further restrain him until it became apparent that that was unnecessary.
One witness that claims he was face to face with Zimmerman within 20 seconds is obviously mistaken. His own wife saw Zimmerman on top of a face down Martin for a period of time, but when her husband arrived on scene, Zimmerman was completing his call to 911 reporting that he had shot Martin. I'm certain 911 would have kept a man reporting he had just shot someone on the phone several minutes.

The one witness that saw the fight BEFORE the gunshot (John Good) said the lighter skinned man in the red jacket was on the bottom and the man in the hoodie was on top raining down blows "Mixed Martial Arts style" He also used the term "ground and pound".
I am not certain I can support a verdict if the evidence shows an innocent man was convicted. That thought bothers me to no end.

I do agree though that it is sad that this case has been made into an us versus them case. My personal opinion is that it does a disservice to the memory of Trayvon Martin who should not have died that day.


The death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy.
But that does not make it murder.

Agreed, but for the record, I did not say it was murder or even that Zimmerman was guilty of anything. I stated I did not know the facts of what happened.


I didn't say you did, nor would I expect you to make an uninformed decision like some are wont to do. You sir, are above that.
The death of Trayvon Martin is a tragedy.
But that does not make it murder.

Agreed, but for the record, I did not say it was murder or even that Zimmerman was guilty of anything. I stated I did not know the facts of what happened.


I didn't say you did, nor would I expect you to make an uninformed decision like some are wont to do. You sir, are above that.

But, I was talking to and quoting Gadawg. :)

Sorry I had contradicted you about that time. I guess I jumped to conclusions as I am often tempted to do. It's HARD to examine facts before forming an opinion.
Sorry I had contradicted you about that time. I guess I jumped to conclusions as I am often tempted to do. It's HARD to examine facts before forming an opinion.

You contradicted me?

I didn't really see it that way. I saw it as adding information. As I tried to clarify, I am only privileged enough to see the evening highlights of the trial. That does not lead to "facts". It did seem to me that the defense was in trouble and that was what I said, but others in this thread seem to be saying, "Hell no, defense is kicking ass!"

I think I will wait until the verdict is in. Remember, everyone was absolutely certain OJ would be convicted in the murder trial.

I also feel sorry for the naive and gullible Americans that fell for the media frenzy of 6th grade Trayvon Martin, the kid with the candy and soft drink quietly going home that did nothing.
The facts are in evidence now that Martin was on top of Zimmerman straddling him in a fight.
This is not a murder case sports fans.
Never was.
Time for the prosecution to offer a deal but the way the case is going the defense probably would not take it.

Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.

There's no evidence of anything either way yet.
Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.

There's no evidence of anything either way yet.

Every second of testimony so far is evidence as well as the gun and clothing, 911 call and other recorded evidence..
Respectfully, study up on this. Will give you a break as you may not know.
The trial has started and numerous witnesses as well as physical evidence has been introduced in this trail.
The eye witness testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman in a fight is damn sure evidence. Strong evidence for the defense.
Eye witness evidence is always considered to be more reliable than circumstantial evidence.
So far the house of cards the prosecution has dealt is all maybe, what if, because of and circumstantial.
All of it. Every media outlet there is on the globe including CNN is calling this a not guilty.
I do not believe that shit in a minute.
Not yet anyway but if this is the prosecution's case it as weak as any murder case I have ever seen.
If this is all they have no intent to murder has been shown, nothing, nada, zero on intent.
Ah so..if I pick a fight with you and you start to win, I can shoot you?

Good to know.

There is NO evidence that Zimmerman picked a fight.
NONE to date.
Sorry that it is not going so swell for your team that believed things that are now proven not to be true.

There's no evidence of anything either way yet.

You mean on the who threw the first punch?
If so I see your point.
However, Zimmerman has to prove nothing on that. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove Zimmerman threw the first punch.
Can not prove that burden?
Not guilty is the charge the Judge gives the jury if they CAN NOT show Zimmerman threw the punch.
Damn, especially NOW after an eye witness, the most credible witness to date AND A PROSECUTION WITNESS, says Zimmerman was screaming help for his life.
Come on now, is this a NO BRAINER or what?

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