Free Internet at Your Expense for Low Income Families

What Do You Think of Providing Free Internet etc. for Low Income Families?

  • Sure. Why not? Give them all of it.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • OK for free internet etc. IF non educational sites are blocked.

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Federal government charity for any cause is a bad idea.

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters
Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Shame? WTF?????

You have demonstrated you have no understanding whatsoever of how to actually help people. You come off as selfish and petty, and as such, assign selfish and petty remedies for everything. So much gimme, gimme, gimme. Your idea of help is exactly why we have 40 year-olds still iving at home, and you may very well be one.

A perfect example of the dead weight that is dragging America down the shitter.
Yet this type of asshat will blame you and I, (and the rest who pay their own way) for a few crooked criminals/predators in the financial sector. All because we might be sick of the ever expanding list of freebies the useless are "entitled" too.

It goes like this:

The argument is that federal government charity is poor management of public resources, creates or perpetuates dependencies which increases permanent unemployment and poverty when government provides charity of any kind as an entitlement to anybody. Further it inevitably corrupts both those providing the charity and the recipients of the charity.

The progressive numbnut refuses to look at that statement and analyze and/or rebut it. He counters with: Well General Motors got a bailout or the big corporations got TARP funds.

As if that somehow justifies the other.

What ARE they teaching kids in school these days?
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Ask Obama and General Electric, ask Pelosi and Reid. You are never concerned unless its time to insult, which seems to be all you have.

In this post your incoherent, cups, dime, and the treasury, you should actually just post what the hell your talking about.

Control below your feet, Dr. Scholls and Lotrimin, buy new shoes???

He can't post what the hell he's talking about but it's pretty obvious, to me anyway, that he doesn't have a clue. At least not so far. :)

I see the two trolls are lost on this thread,.............:lol::lol::lol:

Lost, now that shows how stupid you are, I am specifically here, trolling for you, you notice this, and define this as lost.

I made fun of you, you bit, now you respond back like you caught me, your an idiot.
Shame? WTF?????

You have demonstrated you have no understanding whatsoever of how to actually help people. You come off as selfish and petty, and as such, assign selfish and petty remedies for everything. So much gimme, gimme, gimme. Your idea of help is exactly why we have 40 year-olds still iving at home, and you may very well be one.

A perfect example of the dead weight that is dragging America down the shitter.
Yet this type of asshat will blame you and I, (and the rest who pay their own way) for a few crooked criminals/predators in the financial sector. All because we might be sick of the ever expanding list of freebies the useless are "entitled" too.

It goes like this:

The argument is that it is poor management of public resources, creates or perpetuates dependencies which increases permanent unemployment and poverty when government provides charity of any kind as an entitlement to anybody. Further it inevitably corrupts both those providing the charity and the recipients of the charity.

The progressive numbnut refuses to look at that statement and analyze and/or rebut it. He counters with: Well General Motors got a bailout or the big corporations got TARP funds.

As if that somehow justifies the other.

What ARE they teaching kids in school these days?

Howard Zinn, literally, unfortunately.
This government should not be giving anything away. for those who think that the lazy and the spawn of the lazy should have free everything ; White a check from your own account. Don't use your vote to write a check from mine.

Yeah, I really agree with the philosophy, but then this government does give everything away, so I feel the poorest among us deserve their cut as well. I figure one payment to Israel about equals those computers for the poor. One payment to Wallstreet is worth housing all the homeless. Get the idea?? Now I don't feel sorry for you if you can allow Wallstreet and Israel to walk with your money while you whine about some guy in poverty.:eusa_angel:
He can't post what the hell he's talking about but it's pretty obvious, to me anyway, that he doesn't have a clue. At least not so far. :)

I see the two trolls are lost on this thread,.............:lol::lol::lol:

Lost, now that shows how stupid you are, I am specifically here, trolling for you, you notice this, and define this as lost.

I made fun of you, you bit, now you respond back like you caught me, your an idiot.

And you are an imbecile troll, who has been carrying on like an old lady in a sewing circle and making a fool of himself. :cuckoo::cuckoo: Imbecile.
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I see the two trolls are lost on this thread,.............:lol::lol::lol:

Lost, now that shows how stupid you are, I am specifically here, trolling for you, you notice this, and define this as lost.

I made fun of you, you bit, now you respond back like you caught me, your an idiot.

And you are an imbecile troll, who has been carrying on like an old lady in a sewing circle and making a fool of himself. :cuckoo::cuckoo: Imbecile.

No, your the imbecile troll and your the old lady and you cannot even sew and your the fool.

Wow, now I sound intelligent and am not a fool.
to the title of the thread.

NO! No no no no no NO NO!

I can't afford high speed internet. I won't take a government hand out for it either. It's unethical. These deadbeats can use dial up or the library like every goddamn one of us not able to pay the outrageous rates for high speed. Or steal the wireless connection from their neighbors if they care to break the law.

But have the government pay for it???? No fucking way.
I see the two trolls are lost on this thread,.............:lol::lol::lol:

Lost, now that shows how stupid you are, I am specifically here, trolling for you, you notice this, and define this as lost.

I made fun of you, you bit, now you respond back like you caught me, your an idiot.

And you are an imbecile troll, who has been carrying on like an old lady in a sewing circle and making a fool of himself. :cuckoo::cuckoo: Imbecile.

Are you referring to this post?
Lost, now that shows how stupid you are, I am specifically here, trolling for you, you notice this, and define this as lost.

I made fun of you, you bit, now you respond back like you caught me, your an idiot.

And you are an imbecile troll, who has been carrying on like an old lady in a sewing circle and making a fool of himself. :cuckoo::cuckoo: Imbecile.

No, your the imbecile troll and your the old lady and you cannot even sew and your the fool.

Wow, now I sound intelligent and am not a fool.

Please, send the pumpkin wagon to hual Md back to the village of idiots, the Imbecile!!!! Completely lost it!! LMAO!!!:lol::lol::lol:
And you are an imbecile troll, who has been carrying on like an old lady in a sewing circle and making a fool of himself. :cuckoo::cuckoo: Imbecile.

No, your the imbecile troll and your the old lady and you cannot even sew and your the fool.

Wow, now I sound intelligent and am not a fool.

Please, send the pumpkin wagon to hual Md back to the village of idiots, the Imbecile!!!! Completely lost it!! LMAO!!!:lol::lol::lol:

I can't, I used it for Gourds, your head is the biggest so I got it stuck under a low bridge, sorry.
to the title of the thread.

NO! No no no no no NO NO!

I can't afford high speed internet. I won't take a government hand out for it either. It's unethical. These deadbeats can use dial up or the library like every goddamn one of us not able to pay the outrageous rates for high speed. Or steal the wireless connection from their neighbors if they care to break the law.

But have the government pay for it???? No fucking way.

That a boy! Lets keep America dumbed down, the lazy shiftless bums deserve to die in Iraq, every last on of them!:eusa_angel:
to the title of the thread.

NO! No no no no no NO NO!

I can't afford high speed internet. I won't take a government hand out for it either. It's unethical. These deadbeats can use dial up or the library like every goddamn one of us not able to pay the outrageous rates for high speed. Or steal the wireless connection from their neighbors if they care to break the law.

But have the government pay for it???? No fucking way.

That a boy! Lets keep America dumbed down, the lazy shiftless bums deserve to die in Iraq, every last on of them!:eusa_angel:

In my opinion, Shintao's post here is beneath contempt.

But the rest of ya'll have a good night. Tomorrow is another day.
to the title of the thread.

NO! No no no no no NO NO!

I can't afford high speed internet. I won't take a government hand out for it either. It's unethical. These deadbeats can use dial up or the library like every goddamn one of us not able to pay the outrageous rates for high speed. Or steal the wireless connection from their neighbors if they care to break the law.

But have the government pay for it???? No fucking way.

That a boy! Lets keep America dumbed down, the lazy shiftless bums deserve to die in Iraq, every last on of them!:eusa_angel:
Proof positive that kids who never were never forced to live without internet are fucking stupid. Civilization DID survive without having the interwebz at your disposal for rich or poor.

Shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up.
Lost, now that shows how stupid you are, I am specifically here, trolling for you, you notice this, and define this as lost.

I made fun of you, you bit, now you respond back like you caught me, your an idiot.

And you are an imbecile troll, who has been carrying on like an old lady in a sewing circle and making a fool of himself. :cuckoo::cuckoo: Imbecile.

Are you referring to this post?

That post isn't on this thread. LMAO!! "Discuss economic policy and wallstreet."

This thread is " Free Internet at Your Expense for Low Income Families."

Come on dude, get a handle.
Hey Shittoe... when the government has to choose between paying for po' people's innerwebz and the courts, which should be paid for first? Or how about public libraries? We won't need them if the gubmint supplies our internet needs. So we have the budget there by closing ALL public libraries for good now don't we? It's all on the internet anyway, isn't it?

How about we buy them all top of the line laptops too so they can surf streaming porn too! There we go! And we can can medicaid payments so little Jermaine Shitforbrains can get his free internet instead.

Where the fuck do you think government gets money from anyway???? Some magical money tree or a collection of golden gooses out back of the mint? You can't print money with no value. You must either work for it or produce something of worth for it. The government does none of that. It can only tax and TAKE it from those who do work and produce.

You may be able to buy votes for so long... then when nobody who produces is left, who will vote for you to stay in power when you can no longer pay the tab because you've destroyed all those who used to?

You goddamn evil greedy retard!
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to the title of the thread.

NO! No no no no no NO NO!

I can't afford high speed internet. I won't take a government hand out for it either. It's unethical. These deadbeats can use dial up or the library like every goddamn one of us not able to pay the outrageous rates for high speed. Or steal the wireless connection from their neighbors if they care to break the law.

But have the government pay for it???? No fucking way.

That a boy! Lets keep America dumbed down, the lazy shiftless bums deserve to die in Iraq, every last on of them!:eusa_angel:
Proof positive that kids who never were never forced to live without internet are fucking stupid. Civilization DID survive without having the interwebz at your disposal for rich or poor.

Shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up.

Well yes, let them eat dirt fuckface! We don't need to feed those lazy dumb asses. Besides they are making us look bad,...kick them while they are down fuckface. Piss on them too!!!
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That a boy! Lets keep America dumbed down, the lazy shiftless bums deserve to die in Iraq, every last on of them!:eusa_angel:
Proof positive that kids who never were never forced to live without internet are fucking stupid. Civilization DID survive without having the interwebz at your disposal for rich or poor.

Shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up.

Well yes, let them eat dirt fuckface! We don't need to feed those lazy dumb asses. Besides they are making us look bad,...kick them while they are down fuckface. Piss on them too!!!
How about forcing them to learn to be responsible citizens and fish for themselves instead of begging for scraps of fish from the gubmint's table you think you're going to be allowed to sit at.
Hey Shittoe... when the government has to choose between paying for po' people's innerwebz and the courts, which should be paid for first? Or how about public libraries? We won't need them if the gubmint supplies our internet needs. So we have the budget there by closing ALL public libraries for good now don't we? It's all on the internet anyway, isn't it?

How about we buy them all top of the line laptops too so they can surf streaming porn too! There we go! And we can can medicaid payments so little Jermaine Shitforbrains can get his free internet instead.

Where the fuck do you think government gets money from anyway???? Some magical money tree or a collection of golden gooses out back of the mint? You can't print money with no value. You must either work for it or produce something of worth for it. The government does none of that. It can only tax and TAKE it from those who do work and produce.

You may be able to buy votes for so long... then when nobody who produces is left, who will vote for you to stay in power when you can no longer pay the tab because you've destroyed all those who used to?

You goddamn evil greedy retard!

Hey Big Suck, the people always come first. Yes, Librarys are going away if you followed this thread. How do you feel about that? Can we do without books that turn to dust? Can we do without collections of vinal records, old cassettes, newspapers. Isn't all that on the internet?

Nah, I think lap tops would be a bit too much, lets stick with desktops in their homes so they can surf porn and beastiality like the rich folks do. Now we might put pcs in the airport restrooms for the Livingston toe tapper types. What do you think about that? You can take a shit and watch some nasty dirty ungodly sinning pornography on a screen.

I think govrnment makes money, lots of money, and I think you pay for it eventually. Kind of like a magic money tree with ATMs hanging down, and green bills silently floating doward like leaves. Oh you figured it out, they tax the shit out of you for it.

Oh, I like that last line. First, you don't know shit about me imbecile, or who I am spending my time getting my cock sucked by while you are out producing or kissing ass, or whatever it is you do. I am surprised you got a problem with evil, greedy bastards like yourself. Hate the competition I suppose? LOL!! Later imbecile..........:lol::lol::lol:
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Providing more resources to the disadvantaged was very common in the postwar years.

Back then it was seen as an investment in the American people. FDR had great faith in the American people, especially the poor -- who were always the first to go to war to defend freedom. If you give them a leg-up during hard times, some of them will go on to make great contributions. The nation benefits when more of her citizens have access to universities, information (internet), health care, parks, and a living wage. A nation loses when more and more people are born into crippling poverty, as an ever-narrowing group of people control all the wealth, sequestering it from the real economy, as they funnel it into Washington, phantom speculative money games, and dynastic inheritances..

Ronald Reagan's father was jobless. His family was poor, besieged by hard economic times. What did FDR do for the Reagans? He gave Ronald Reagan's father a government job. FDR didn't want generations of Americans to be destroyed by poverty and unemployment -- indeed, he thought they had something of value to contribute. Just as we use taxes to pay for roads and bridges, we also use taxes to invest in opportunities for those born without wealth or access to resources.

(FDR's faith in the lower classes -- his willingness to invest in them -- is the reason America created the greatest, most productive middle class in world history. It is the reason someone born poor could, with hard work, achieve anything)

Ronald Reagan, when his family was laid low by hard times, is lucky that FDR didn't think he was a welfare queen. Ronald Reagan is lucky that FDR gave him a leg-up.

It would have been much easier for FDR to say "why should I give these losers something they didn't earn"..... but . . . . FDR didn't say that. He invested in the American people. He invested in Ronald Reagan. And the investment paid off.

Giving poor people more opportunities is not a hand out.
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Proof positive that kids who never were never forced to live without internet are fucking stupid. Civilization DID survive without having the interwebz at your disposal for rich or poor.

Shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up.

Well yes, let them eat dirt fuckface! We don't need to feed those lazy dumb asses. Besides they are making us look bad,...kick them while they are down fuckface. Piss on them too!!!
How about forcing them to learn to be responsible citizens and fish for themselves instead of begging for scraps of fish from the gubmint's table you think you're going to be allowed to sit at.

Hmm, force them to learn to be responsible?? LMAO! How did that work out with intelligent people who have more than they need?? ie. wallstreet, banks, lenders, Trillions, etc. Nah, I already sit at my own table, and I don't have to fish.

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