Free Internet at Your Expense for Low Income Families

What Do You Think of Providing Free Internet etc. for Low Income Families?

  • Sure. Why not? Give them all of it.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • OK for free internet etc. IF non educational sites are blocked.

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Federal government charity for any cause is a bad idea.

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?
What does JM stand for, Jasco Mexico? WE=American taxpayers.

Are you honestly asking a member who goes by the name of James Morrison what his signatory initials JM stand for?

Oh, and you still don't seem to understand the term 'strawman'. I suggest you look it up from a reliable source before you further embarrass yourself. :)

Not honesty, a pun you are to hateful to see. Tsk. I have understood strawman ever since republicans puked on the carpet. Tsk!

The good Education of Youth has been esteemed by wise Men in all Ages, as the surest Foundation of the Happiness both of private Families and of Common-wealths. Almost all Governments have therefore made it a principal Object of their Attention, to establish and endow with proper Revenues, such Seminaries of Learning, as might supply the succeeding Age with Men qualified to serve the Publick with Honour to themselves, and to their Country. Benjamin Franklin, Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania, 1749
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?

Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.
The Tampa Housing Authority has secured a $2.1 million federal grant to provide broadband Internet access to 23 public housing sites.

Internet access will be available to about 3,400 residents for free for the first two years. After two years, residents will be able to pay for the access for the next three years for $18.35 per month.


I'm quitting my job and moving to Tampa!
I guess we know what you use your computer for.
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?

Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Respectfully sir, you have no idea what I or anybody else have concern for or what we might or might not be ashamed of unless you are provided that information and you have no clue whether or not I am a weak or strong individual. You do make yourself look like an idiot inserting that into the debate, however. It would pretty much zero out any score you might get in a formal debate.

You also have unequivocably demonstrated that you haven't read most, if any, arguments in this thread which pretty much puts you in the troll class for this thread.

Do have a nice day.
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?

Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Shame? WTF?????

You have demonstrated you have no understanding whatsoever of how to actually help people. You come off as selfish and petty, and as such, assign selfish and petty remedies for everything. So much gimme, gimme, gimme. Your idea of help is exactly why we have 40 year-olds still iving at home, and you may very well be one.
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

What do you think free means? Nobody gets anything free, someone always has to pay for it.
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

What do you think free means? Nobody gets anything free, someone always has to pay for it.

"Free" to the staunch leftist means that neither he nor the recipient has to pay for it. :)
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

What do you think free means? Nobody gets anything free, someone always has to pay for it.

"Free" to the staunch leftist means that neither he nor the recipient has to pay for it. :)

And dont forget the part of not working for anything either.
Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?

Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Shame? WTF?????

You have demonstrated you have no understanding whatsoever of how to actually help people. You come off as selfish and petty, and as such, assign selfish and petty remedies for everything. So much gimme, gimme, gimme. Your idea of help is exactly why we have 40 year-olds still iving at home, and you may very well be one.

My, what a diatribe that was. I guess the word shame hit a nerve, heh? LMAO!!:lol: Speaking of gimme, who was it that gave his life for your freedoms, boy?
honestly the whining from "conservatives" about how poor people who might get something for free is astounding-

omigod a poor person got something - wait it must have cost me some enourmous sum

you notice how cons never bitch about what stuff rich people get for free....

Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?

Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Ask Obama and General Electric, ask Pelosi and Reid. You are never concerned unless its time to insult, which seems to be all you have.

In this post your incoherent, cups, dime, and the treasury, you should actually just post what the hell your talking about.

Control below your feet, Dr. Scholls and Lotrimin, buy new shoes???
Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?

Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Ask Obama and General Electric, ask Pelosi and Reid. You are never concerned unless its time to insult, which seems to be all you have.

In this post your incoherent, cups, dime, and the treasury, you should actually just post what the hell your talking about.

Control below your feet, Dr. Scholls and Lotrimin, buy new shoes???

He can't post what the hell he's talking about but it's pretty obvious, to me anyway, that he doesn't have a clue. At least not so far. :)
Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Shame? WTF?????

You have demonstrated you have no understanding whatsoever of how to actually help people. You come off as selfish and petty, and as such, assign selfish and petty remedies for everything. So much gimme, gimme, gimme. Your idea of help is exactly why we have 40 year-olds still iving at home, and you may very well be one.

My, what a diatribe that was. I guess the word shame hit a nerve, heh? LMAO!!:lol: Speaking of gimme, who was it that gave his life for your freedoms, boy?

If I were you I would be very careful here as I have attended funerals of four beloved service personnel in the last eight years and have loved ones in harms way now. And I do not take kindly to those who would make light of that.

But milions of men and women have given or risked their lives for my freedoms, your freedoms, and all freedoms of freedom loving people. Even for the freedoms of those who are willing to now give it all away hoping big government will take good care of them in the fashion they would like. That is something that should give pause to all who would throw away the very unalienable rights they have fought to obtain and preserve.

And, since it is obvious you don't know, your introducing this into the debate constitutes a straw man.
This government should not be giving anything away. for those who think that the lazy and the spawn of the lazy should have free everything ; White a check from your own account. Don't use your vote to write a check from mine.
Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Ask Obama and General Electric, ask Pelosi and Reid. You are never concerned unless its time to insult, which seems to be all you have.

In this post your incoherent, cups, dime, and the treasury, you should actually just post what the hell your talking about.

Control below your feet, Dr. Scholls and Lotrimin, buy new shoes???

He can't post what the hell he's talking about but it's pretty obvious, to me anyway, that he doesn't have a clue. At least not so far. :)

I see the two trolls are lost on this thread,.............:lol::lol::lol:
Nobody should be getting anything 'free' from the people's treasury. Everybody should be contributing proportionately for the common good, however, meaning that whatever the elected representatives decide should be done will benefit all equally from the poorest to the richest.

Don't you see that robbing Peter to pay Paul gains the unwavering approval of Paul? And how corrupting that is?

Yes, I totally agree. Where are my millions of dollars the Wallstreet CEOs pocketed. I could use that to pay off my share of the National debt.

You are never concerned with the treasury until it comes to dropping a dime in the tin cup. That is what I have a hard time undertsanding of what appears to be a rightwinged UnAmerican shame. Yeah, I know, you have no shame. You are a weak individual lacking power to make change, and need someone to control below your feet.

Shame? WTF?????

You have demonstrated you have no understanding whatsoever of how to actually help people. You come off as selfish and petty, and as such, assign selfish and petty remedies for everything. So much gimme, gimme, gimme. Your idea of help is exactly why we have 40 year-olds still iving at home, and you may very well be one.

A perfect example of the dead weight that is dragging America down the shitter.
Yet this type of asshat will blame you and I, (and the rest who pay their own way) for a few crooked criminals/predators in the financial sector. All because we might be sick of the ever expanding list of freebies the useless are "entitled" too.

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