Free Officer Michael Slager

You'll be missed. You were good for laughs. Before you go I have something to tell you. I put five letters after my name: MBA and JD. The JD means Juris Doctorate. I have a doctorate in law and I find your interpretation of the law to be amusing. You are really one funny guy.
I don't care what letter you have, here, there or wherever. You don't get to change the law. The Fleeing felon rule allows cops to shoot fleeing felons while they are running away (fleeing), when that fleeing felon poses a danger to the community, as Walter Scott obviously could be seen as. (after fighting with a cop). Furthermore, it is a cop's DUTY to shoot that dangerous fleeing felon, and he is derelict in his job, if he doesn't.

Hard to accept that you have a JD, when you contradict basic rule of law. And you don't seem "amusing". You seem stupid.

There is no such thing as "unarmed". A ballpoint pen is a deadly weapon. A piece of string or a belt is a deadly weapon. A rock on the ground is a deadly weapon.

Also, cops shooting people, rarely has to do with the suspect being armed. It usually has to so with the possibility of the suspect being armed with a gun, when the suspects hands disappear from view from the cop.
YOu have claimed to be a conservative, but which side of the aisle wants law enforcement involved when they have been offended? Yep, the same side that want "Safe Spaces" for the snowflakes to be able to hide.

The law you have quoted is not about being offended. It is not about being insulted. It is about actual abuse. But I guess a dumbass pussy like you just needs a way to hide and wants Big Brother to rescue you.
I have no idea what the hell you are babbling about.

Bullshit. You know exactly what I am talking about. Your claim that calling you a "dumbass" violates the senior abuse laws. In other words, despite claiming to be a conservative, you are such a snowflake that you want the gov't to punish people for calling you names. You want this board to be a Safe Space where no one calls your little snowflake, liberal, dumbass self any names.
Nope, protectionist: YOU don't have the right to change the law. You do that all the time. You are not amusing only ignorant. You think your silly opinions are hard facts. They are not.
I haven't changed anything. The guy (Scott) fought with a cop. That makes him a felon. He was fleeing. That makes him a fleeing felon. Law says cop should shoot fleeing felon, to protect others (the community). Not rocket science. Not philosophy.
Bullshit. You know exactly what I am talking about. Your claim that calling you a "dumbass" violates the senior abuse laws. In other words, despite claiming to be a conservative, you are such a snowflake that you want the gov't to punish people for calling you names. You want this board to be a Safe Space where no one calls your little snowflake, liberal, dumbass self any names.
OH, THAT's what you were babbling about. HAHA HA HA. Man, that thing really DID get to you didn't it ?

I notice that a lot of people in USMB like to try to mold the LAW to how they'd prefer that it be. I can only say >> NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:

One other thing, Winterborn >>> :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:
I think you are wrong. This is how Florida defines an elderly person:

'825.101(5) “Elderly person” means a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunctioning, to the extent that the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person’s own care or protection is impaired."

To be covered by the provisions of 825.101 one must be at least 60 years old, not 65 as you falsely claim. You make fun of others accusing them that they do not know the law. Most of the posters on this board know much more about the law than you do. It is you who is ignorant of the law.

I'm curious. Where did you get the idea that an elderly person was defined as being 65 or older under Florida law. Can you quote the applicable statute?
That's not the statute that was discussed. It was 825.102. You don't even know what law we were talking about. Back to the drawing board for you.

PS - this is all off topic.
Bullshit. You know exactly what I am talking about. Your claim that calling you a "dumbass" violates the senior abuse laws. In other words, despite claiming to be a conservative, you are such a snowflake that you want the gov't to punish people for calling you names. You want this board to be a Safe Space where no one calls your little snowflake, liberal, dumbass self any names.
OH, THAT's what you were babbling about. HAHA HA HA. Man, that thing really DID get to you didn't it ?

I notice that a lot of people in USMB like to try to mold the LAW to how they'd prefer that it be. I can only say >> NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:

One other thing, Winterborn >>> :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:

I enjoy showing fake conservatives. That you would even CLAIM to call the cops because someone called you a name is one of the wimpiest things I have seen on these forums. To claim to be a conservative, and then want the gov't to protect you when someone calls you a name is the opposite of a conservative. If the name had been racially motivated or particularly obscene, you might have some grounds for your action. I would still disagree with what you claim you did. But to say you called the cops because someone called you a "dumbass"? Jeez, that is about as snowflake as it gets.

Oh, and they were right. You ARE a dumbass.
I think you are wrong. This is how Florida defines an elderly person:

'825.101(5) “Elderly person” means a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunctioning, to the extent that the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person’s own care or protection is impaired."

To be covered by the provisions of 825.101 one must be at least 60 years old, not 65 as you falsely claim. You make fun of others accusing them that they do not know the law. Most of the posters on this board know much more about the law than you do. It is you who is ignorant of the law.

I'm curious. Where did you get the idea that an elderly person was defined as being 65 or older under Florida law. Can you quote the applicable statute?
That's not the statute that was discussed. It was 825.102. You don't even know what law we were talking about. Back to the drawing board for you.

PS - this is all off topic.

And being called a "dumbass" cause you psychological harm? LMAO!!
And being called a "dumbass" cause you psychological harm? LMAO!!
OFF TOPIC! ......Discuss Slager/Scott or go elsewhere.

All caps and larger font? Does this mean you are upset? Did I cause you psychological harm? Are you calling the cops on me?

I wonder why the person who called you a "dumbass" was never arrested? Perhaps because you lied about calling?
Last I checked, he was unarmed and shot in the back.

Not cool by any means.
Cool, lukewarm, hot, whatever. It was legal, and it makes sense. The idea of the law was to prevent dangerous felons from escaping out into the community, and thereby having a harmful condition exist, that could have been prevented by shooting the felon, while he was fleeing.

Haven't you ever seen Marshall Dillon do it on Gunsmoke ? He does it 6 days a week. :biggrin:
Can't shoot an unarmed man in the back and call it justified.
FALSE! Not only is a police officer allowed to shoot a fleeing felon (which is always in the back, because he's fleeing), but the officer is obligated to do so.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia

There was no real evidence that the man posed a danger to the community. He only fought the cop when the cop tried to arrest him. And he was not armed and the cop knew it. He had just been fighting with the man.
Last I checked, he was unarmed and shot in the back.

Not cool by any means.
Cool, lukewarm, hot, whatever. It was legal, and it makes sense. The idea of the law was to prevent dangerous felons from escaping out into the community, and thereby having a harmful condition exist, that could have been prevented by shooting the felon, while he was fleeing.

Haven't you ever seen Marshall Dillon do it on Gunsmoke ? He does it 6 days a week. :biggrin:

So you can't tell fiction from reality? Did you gain your knowledge of the law by watching old westerns?
All caps and larger font? Does this mean you are upset? Did I cause you psychological harm? Are you calling the cops on me?

I wonder why the person who called you a "dumbass" was never arrested? Perhaps because you lied about calling?
No, it has nothing to do with being upset. it is my standard style. Haven't you ever noticed, when you follow me around so much ? And you're still off topic.

Note: to WB. I'm not as interested in this thing you can't seem to get over, as you are.

I'd rather talk about this very interesting TOPIC. The shooting of Walter Scott, and the conviction of Michael Slager.
All caps and larger font? Does this mean you are upset? Did I cause you psychological harm? Are you calling the cops on me?

I wonder why the person who called you a "dumbass" was never arrested? Perhaps because you lied about calling?
No, it has nothing to do with being upset. it is my standard style. Haven't you ever noticed, when you follow me around so much ? And you're still off topic.

Note: to WB. I'm not as interested in this thing you can't seem to get over, as you are.

I'd rather talk about this very interesting TOPIC. The shooting of Walter Scott, and the conviction of Michael Slager.

If I were you I wouldn't want to discuss it either. In fact, most people would be very embarrassed to have claimed to have called the cops because someone on a political debate site called them a "dumbass".

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