Free? That Is A Laugh.


Limiting who can get a gun MIGHT reduce crime. It would certainly make more victims.

Except the evidence is contrary. When Australia banned a lot of private guns in 1996, the murder rate dropped from 358 in 1996 to 188 in 2011.

Limiting who can get a gun MIGHT reduce crime. It would certainly make more victims.

Except the evidence is contrary. When Australia banned a lot of private guns in 1996, the murder rate dropped from 358 in 1996 to 188 in 2011.

So, since it worked in Australia is MUST be the only answer! lol

And btw, check their murder rates since. Still much lower than ours. But they are rising steadily. Whereas, our have been falling steadily for decades.

As I have said, our culture is distinctly different. What you would be doing is disarming the law abiding citizens. The criminals would not turn in their weapons.

But if you could explain how you would disarm all the criminals I would love to hear it.
Uh, no theirs have declined.

And I don't care about the "Criminals". Most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments.
Uh, no theirs have declined.

And I don't care about the "Criminals". Most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments.

Australians have always had a low crime rate. And they had fewer guns as well.

As for the Australian suicide rates, they are: "Suicide rates in Australia peaked in 1963 (17.5 per 100,000), declining to 11.3 per 100,000 in 1984, and climbing back to 14.6 in 1997. Rates have been lower than this since that year. The age-standardised suicide rate for persons in 2012 was 11.2 per 100,000"

So they were 11.3 per 100k in 1984, and they were 11.2 per 100k in 2012. The year after the gun restrictions hit was the highest they had been, at 14.6 per 100k. So apparently gun restrictions have little or no positive effect on suicides.

2/3 of the gun deaths from the numbers you want to use are suicides. And since you have no evidence that removing guns will lower the suicide rates, it is a ridiculous argument. The gun restrictions in Australia didn't have any effect on suicide rates. Japan has very strict gun laws and suicides rates far greater than ours.

From:Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

"According to the FBI, almost four in ten homicides are classified as "unknown" while arguments are, predictably, the top cause of known homicides. It is unclear what percentage of gun deaths are gang-related nationally and even from one city to the next. So while Detroit logs some 350 homicides annually, there is no hard statistic to grasp the exact percentage that is gang-related or involving gang-members. In New Orleans, between 35-55% of homicides are classified as gang-related. In Chicago, an estimated 80% of homicides are gang-related. And in Baltimore, the police commissioner states that 80% of homicides are drug-related. (But again, most of this depends on methods of keeping records, and, often, personal opinions.)"

So depending on where you live, violent crime from the streets can be a serious issue.
Florida Makes Off-Grid Living Illegal 8211 Mandates All Homes Must Be Connected To An Electricity Grid Collective-Evolution

"It’s no secret that an opposition to sustainable living exists. Earlier this year, Texas state brought several SWAT teams to a sustainable community and threatened to shut it down. Each one of the community members were initially handcuffed at gunpoint. It was called “The Garden of Eden Community,” and was totally self sustainable. You can read more about that here.

This time, it’s Robin Speronis that’s come under fire. She lives off the grid in Florida, completely independent of the city’s water and electric system. A few weeks ago, officials ruled her off-grid home illegal. Officials cited the International Property Maintenance Code, which mandates that homes be connected to an electricity grid and a running water source. That’s just like saying our dependency on corporations isn’t even a choice. The battle to live without most utilities has been ongoing for Robin, the self-sufficient woman has lived for more than a year and a half using solar energy, a propane camping stove and rain water.

In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Not sure if you sponsor the "Freedom Party" or the "Liberal Party". Sometimes you sign up for a free waffle cone and you find out there were circumstances involved. Sometimes it seems that free waffle cone wasn't free.......

Layman's terms......Politics for Dummies......Basics........OBVIOUS AMOUNTS OF EDUCATION IN YOUR FACE.

Corporations will now allow you to go off grid. They will not allow you to feed people for free. They will not allow you to heal people for less. Welcome to politics my friend.
Uh, no theirs have declined.

And I don't care about the "Criminals". Most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments.

Australians have always had a low crime rate. And they had fewer guns as well.

As for the Australian suicide rates, they are: "Suicide rates in Australia peaked in 1963 (17.5 per 100,000), declining to 11.3 per 100,000 in 1984, and climbing back to 14.6 in 1997. Rates have been lower than this since that year. The age-standardised suicide rate for persons in 2012 was 11.2 per 100,000"

So they were 11.3 per 100k in 1984, and they were 11.2 per 100k in 2012. The year after the gun restrictions hit was the highest they had been, at 14.6 per 100k. So apparently gun restrictions have little or no positive effect on suicides.

2/3 of the gun deaths from the numbers you want to use are suicides. And since you have no evidence that removing guns will lower the suicide rates, it is a ridiculous argument. The gun restrictions in Australia didn't have any effect on suicide rates. Japan has very strict gun laws and suicides rates far greater than ours.

From:Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

"According to the FBI, almost four in ten homicides are classified as "unknown" while arguments are, predictably, the top cause of known homicides. It is unclear what percentage of gun deaths are gang-related nationally and even from one city to the next. So while Detroit logs some 350 homicides annually, there is no hard statistic to grasp the exact percentage that is gang-related or involving gang-members. In New Orleans, between 35-55% of homicides are classified as gang-related. In Chicago, an estimated 80% of homicides are gang-related. And in Baltimore, the police commissioner states that 80% of homicides are drug-related. (But again, most of this depends on methods of keeping records, and, often, personal opinions.)"

So depending on where you live, violent crime from the streets can be a serious issue.

Aus. still have guns. Ignore the morons.

Aus is a mirror image of the USA. Only the USA is Capitalists and the Aus. is Socialist. BOTH Political Leaders are controlled by Monopolies and BOTH have bad governments because of that.

Aus government is ran by the Corporations, just like America.
That's the downside to supporting the ever increasing government control over our lives. Be careful what you vote for.

We don't have time to care. We are broke so we are always working or spending time with family.

Few have the opporitunity to educate themselves on how much of a wage they should actually earn.......

Corporate profits are at an all time high and workers wages are at an all time low. It's up to the people to demand more. The Rich aren't going to hand it over. And we have all seen the sad uneducated drones fighting for lower wages in the forums. Watching people fight for their own destruction isn't new to America, it happened in the Great Depression. History repeats itself.
I see few actually researched the story as usual. First off she was not penalized for using solar. Her setup was deemed a grid. And she was illegally tapping into the sewer system without paying. They actually left her alone until she went on the local news and bragged about it. Once they capped her hub all she had to do is put in a well and septic like a normal person living in a municipality. Still self sufficient and off grid. Is that what she did? Of course not. She started bagging her shit for the garbage man and dumped her piss in the yard. Since then she has continued to rack up a $150 a day fine for months plus another $13k in legal fees. She's an idiot.
Uh, no theirs have declined.

And I don't care about the "Criminals". Most gun deaths are suicides and domestic arguments.

Australians have always had a low crime rate. And they had fewer guns as well.

As for the Australian suicide rates, they are: "Suicide rates in Australia peaked in 1963 (17.5 per 100,000), declining to 11.3 per 100,000 in 1984, and climbing back to 14.6 in 1997. Rates have been lower than this since that year. The age-standardised suicide rate for persons in 2012 was 11.2 per 100,000"

So they were 11.3 per 100k in 1984, and they were 11.2 per 100k in 2012. The year after the gun restrictions hit was the highest they had been, at 14.6 per 100k. So apparently gun restrictions have little or no positive effect on suicides.

2/3 of the gun deaths from the numbers you want to use are suicides. And since you have no evidence that removing guns will lower the suicide rates, it is a ridiculous argument. The gun restrictions in Australia didn't have any effect on suicide rates. Japan has very strict gun laws and suicides rates far greater than ours.

From:Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

"According to the FBI, almost four in ten homicides are classified as "unknown" while arguments are, predictably, the top cause of known homicides. It is unclear what percentage of gun deaths are gang-related nationally and even from one city to the next. So while Detroit logs some 350 homicides annually, there is no hard statistic to grasp the exact percentage that is gang-related or involving gang-members. In New Orleans, between 35-55% of homicides are classified as gang-related. In Chicago, an estimated 80% of homicides are gang-related. And in Baltimore, the police commissioner states that 80% of homicides are drug-related. (But again, most of this depends on methods of keeping records, and, often, personal opinions.)"

So depending on where you live, violent crime from the streets can be a serious issue.

Aus. still have guns. Ignore the morons.

Aus is a mirror image of the USA. Only the USA is Capitalists and the Aus. is Socialist. BOTH Political Leaders are controlled by Monopolies and BOTH have bad governments because of that.

Aus government is ran by the Corporations, just like America.

The best governments money can buy.

Yes, the aussies still have guns. They are severely restricted. But they never had a huge amount of gun crime anyway.
The best governments money can buy.

Yes, the aussies still have guns. They are severely restricted. But they never had a huge amount of gun crime anyway.

Yes, when you restrict gun ownership, you don't have a lot of gun crime.

Fucking Amazing, isn't it. except to gun nuts.
without getting into another tiresome discussion with Whinerborn about his altered reality, all society can be considered a balance between individual freedoms vs. collective good.

So this city has a regulation that everyone has to be hooked into the electrical and water grids. Are these good laws? Maybe. Should we respect the right of eccentrics to live off the grid? Maybe. Maybe not.

Were her methods to create her own electric and water annoying to her neighbors? Maybe. was she burying her poop in the backyard?

Me, I kind of like living in a city where we have purified water, consistent electric delivery, and effective sewage.
OK so now tell me how forcing someone to pay for electricity they neither need nor want benefits the public.
The best governments money can buy.

Yes, the aussies still have guns. They are severely restricted. But they never had a huge amount of gun crime anyway.

Yes, when you restrict gun ownership, you don't have a lot of gun crime.

Fucking Amazing, isn't it. except to gun nuts. a minimum......would say you're a k00k s0n!!!

Spambot FTMFW!!!!

Correction, we do not intentionally throw people in jail without them having broken a law. That we convict people by mistake is completely different than what you are suggesting, and you know it.

what, are you naive? Do you really think our whole system isn't based on keeping "those people" in their place by randomly throwing them in jail for petty or non-existence offenses? Of course not.

When we administer justice without any respect of class or wealth, then you have a fair system.

Until the, I have no problem making a very public example out of assholes who are contributing to the public misery.

Give me one example of someone intentionally being sent to prison without breaking a law and without claiming they broke a law?

Yes, there are inequities in our legal system. I will not argue that. But the solution is certainly not demanding that law abiding citizens be jailed to try and make a point. That is absolute lunacy. is PSYCHOPATHY!
I obviously know more about the mechanics of firearms than you do.

And no, if he had used black-powder revolvers he could have done the same thing. He could have loaded 3 or 4 of them, hid them under his coat, and used them to eliminate the teachers. So your "common sense gun laws" could have had absolutely no effect on that event.

He could have done it with a single-shot rifle or a break-open shotgun.
the whole "War on drugs" is based on exactly that kind of "Psychopathy". and drug users usually aren't hurting anyone but themselves. But we throw women in prison and take away their children because their boyfriends had drugs in the house.
And, as I said on this thread and the other, other countries don't have our crime rates that do not involve firearms. They do not have nearly as many stabbings, beatings, rapes (not involving guns) and other acts of violence. For whatever reason, the US is a violent place. Blaming it all on guns is simply ignorant.

No, it is not ignorant. It is DISHONEST!
The best governments money can buy.

Yes, the aussies still have guns. They are severely restricted. But they never had a huge amount of gun crime anyway.

Yes, when you restrict gun ownership, you don't have a lot of gun crime.

Fucking Amazing, isn't it. except to gun nuts.

When you start with a low gun crime rate to begin with, it isn't a miracle. But there is still gun crime in Australia.

And the suicide rates went up after the restrictions, and then leveled out in roughly the same place they were before the restrictions.
the whole "War on drugs" is based on exactly that kind of "Psychopathy". and drug users usually aren't hurting anyone but themselves. But we throw women in prison and take away their children because their boyfriends had drugs in the house.

Another attempt at diverting the topic? Start a new thread.
the whole "War on drugs" is based on exactly that kind of "Psychopathy". and drug users usually aren't hurting anyone but themselves. But we throw women in prison and take away their children because their boyfriends had drugs in the house.

If you can show ONE POST where I am in favor of the war on drugs, I will give you one hundred million dollars. Aaaaaaaaaaand, go to it!

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