Free will? or god's will?

Like the empy spot in your reasoning that cannot prove God does not exist. You believe God does not live. Thus you have faith, just like a religionist, except your faith is that of an atheist. Explaining the thinking and situation of an atheist is not petty insults, though you love to throw them.
Read my signature at the bottom of my posts, I'm agnostic. What's it like to be wrong so often, you fucking douchebag?
:lol: Take deep breaths. An agnostic simply says I can neither prove God exists or not, and goes on with life. You are an atheist attacking religionists. Your words here are far more important than the silliness you post in your signature.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.
No now I'm like a superhero god? WAY COOL! :cool:
As for proof, there's an empty chair next to me right now, god can sit it in and explain everything to me right now, I'm free today. :D
Like the empy spot in your reasoning that cannot prove God does not exist. You believe God does not live. Thus you have faith, just like a religionist, except your faith is that of an atheist. Explaining the thinking and situation of an atheist is not petty insults, though you love to throw them.
Read my signature at the bottom of my posts, I'm agnostic. What's it like to be wrong so often, you fucking douchebag?
:lol: Take deep breaths. An agnostic simply says I can neither prove God exists or not, and goes on with life. You are an atheist attacking religionists. Your words here are far more important than the silliness you post in your signature.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
Is it possible that god exists? I don't think so BUT I cannot say with certainty that he does not anymore than believers can say he does. That's the definition of "faith" - no proof, no evidence, just blind belief.
Faith is more than that, but I agree with most of what you say.
No it doesn't. Not really.

It does for you because you believe it does. And you believe it does because you want to believe it does.

Maybe you could try to clear your mind of anything preconceived and read the book of John. What could it hurt?
I believe because I have seen. I believe because things have been revealed, things anyone can see and understand if they are genuinely open to hearing and seeing Him.............

1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
Like the empy spot in your reasoning that cannot prove God does not exist. You believe God does not live. Thus you have faith, just like a religionist, except your faith is that of an atheist. Explaining the thinking and situation of an atheist is not petty insults, though you love to throw them.
Read my signature at the bottom of my posts, I'm agnostic. What's it like to be wrong so often, you fucking douchebag?
:lol: Take deep breaths. An agnostic simply says I can neither prove God exists or not, and goes on with life. You are an atheist attacking religionists. Your words here are far more important than the silliness you post in your signature.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.

Is it possible that god exists?

I don't think so BUT I cannot say with certainty that he does not anymore than believers can say he does.

That's the definition of "faith" - no proof, no evidence, just blind belief.

Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped for
The Evidence of Things not Seen! (Hebrews 11:1)

Christian Hope = Anticipation; not "wishfulness"

It's not a blind faith. It's a tangible faith.

You contradict yourself. And, you quote the bible as proof of the bible.

That's the opposite of "tangible".
Read my signature at the bottom of my posts, I'm agnostic. What's it like to be wrong so often, you fucking douchebag?
:lol: Take deep breaths. An agnostic simply says I can neither prove God exists or not, and goes on with life. You are an atheist attacking religionists. Your words here are far more important than the silliness you post in your signature.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.
Not trying to prove anything, I'm looking for answers, and I'm trying to get YOU to prove your position that a god exists. Apparently, you can't. So you attack me with insults and ridicule...again.
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?
Read my signature at the bottom of my posts, I'm agnostic. What's it like to be wrong so often, you fucking douchebag?
:lol: Take deep breaths. An agnostic simply says I can neither prove God exists or not, and goes on with life. You are an atheist attacking religionists. Your words here are far more important than the silliness you post in your signature.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.

Jake, you are so defensive and fearful of the beliefs of others, you are unable to add anything constructive. Your reaction and response to any question is to get nasty and then complain when you get it back in kind..

I don't know why your own faith is so weak and tentative. That's your problem and your business but please, if you don't have anything constructive, just go away.
:lol: Take deep breaths. An agnostic simply says I can neither prove God exists or not, and goes on with life. You are an atheist attacking religionists. Your words here are far more important than the silliness you post in your signature.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.
Not trying to prove anything, I'm looking for answers, and I'm trying to get YOU to prove your position that a god exists. Apparently, you can't. So you attack me with insults and ridicule...again.
You reaped what you sowed. Be nice. Plenty of folks will talk to you about it. Attack and you will receive.
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?
They don't matter. If you say you don't believe in a literal reading of the Bible, guess what. Most Christian don't either.
:lol: Take deep breaths. An agnostic simply says I can neither prove God exists or not, and goes on with life. You are an atheist attacking religionists. Your words here are far more important than the silliness you post in your signature.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.
Jake, you are so defensive and fearful of the beliefs of others, you are unable to add anything constructive. Your reaction and response to any question is to get nasty and then complain when you get it back in kind.. I don't know why your own faith is so weak and tentative. That's your problem and your business but please, if you don't have anything constructive, just go away.
Your words are weak and inefective. Reap what you sow. Be nice. Folks will talk to you. Come in gangbusters and they will kick your teeth in again,
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?
They don't matter. If you say you don't believe in a literal reading of the Bible, guess what. Most Christian don't either.
Ok, so it doesn't matter that most Christians think that the bible stories are all crap? So you follow a book that you think all the stories are made up? Wow, that's some strong sense of faith in the bible.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.
Jake, you are so defensive and fearful of the beliefs of others, you are unable to add anything constructive. Your reaction and response to any question is to get nasty and then complain when you get it back in kind.. I don't know why your own faith is so weak and tentative. That's your problem and your business but please, if you don't have anything constructive, just go away.
Your words are weak and inefective. Reap what you sow. Be nice. Folks will talk to you. Come in gangbusters and they will kick your teeth in again,
Christians will kick our teeth in? Are you fucking serious? :lmao:

Someone should go to Jake's house an collect his bible, because it's obviously not being used.:D
Ok, so it doesn't matter that most Christians think that the bible stories are all crap? So you follow a book that you think all the stories are made up? Wow, that's some strong sense of faith in the bible.
Back to using hurtful language, I see. No one said any such thing. Most think much of the Bible is not literal but rather spiritual and allegorical. Yes, there is an incredible strength of faith in belief of what the Bible says.

See, you don't get words. Teeth being kicked in was metaphorical not lieral. That is and has been done to you and Luddly when you act nasty. You reap what you sow.
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?

And the bible isn't even original but is is based on other religions.

Its interesting that the belief in a super being is almost universal and has indeed survived for thousands of years before Jesus and since.

Then of course, there's the story of Jesus, written years after he lived and undoubtedly pure fiction, as is the rest of the bible.

The story of Noah is way past merely bizarre and if god is really a god, why would need to rest?
Ok, so it doesn't matter that most Christians think that the bible stories are all crap? So you follow a book that you think all the stories are made up? Wow, that's some strong sense of faith in the bible.
Back to using hurtful language, I see. No one said any such thing. Most think much of the Bible is not literal but rather spiritual and allegorical. Yes, there is an incredible strength of faith in belief of what the Bible says.

See, you don't get words. Teeth being kicked in was metaphorical not lieral. That is and has been done to you and Luddly when you act nasty. You reap what you sow.
"there is an incredible strength of faith in belief of what the Bible says." You just said that you don't believe the stories. So what is it, you believe what the bible says or don't you? Did god make the world... in 6 days? I thought a Christian would have to answer "yes" to that question.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.
Jake, you are so defensive and fearful of the beliefs of others, you are unable to add anything constructive. Your reaction and response to any question is to get nasty and then complain when you get it back in kind.. I don't know why your own faith is so weak and tentative. That's your problem and your business but please, if you don't have anything constructive, just go away.
Your words are weak and inefective. Reap what you sow. Be nice. Folks will talk to you. Come in gangbusters and they will kick your teeth in again,
Christians will kick our teeth in? Are you fucking serious? :lmao:

Someone should go to Jake's house an collect his bible, because it's obviously not being used.:D

Why do so many "christians" say they follow the teachings of Jesus while behaving in a way he never would.

Jake, stop blaming others for what you say.
I'm not attacking anyone. In fact, I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible. If there were any actual atheists claiming that god is not possible, I'd be curious to ask them why they believe that. Hopefully, they wouldn't be as juvenile and dimwitted as you lot: you, PostModernPoop, Cranky Jewish Bitch, Avatar... who all simply call you names if you call them on their myths.
asking questions = calling "them on their myths" Yea, you are an atheist. You reap what you sow.
I'd call atheists on their myths as well, I'm kinda in the middle, trying to understand what would make a probably intelligent person lean one way or the other. What is it you don't get? Should I type a little slower? :D
I see, you attack either way, but can prove nothing. :lol: OK.
Jake, you are so defensive and fearful of the beliefs of others, you are unable to add anything constructive. Your reaction and response to any question is to get nasty and then complain when you get it back in kind.. I don't know why your own faith is so weak and tentative. That's your problem and your business but please, if you don't have anything constructive, just go away.
Your words are weak and inefective. Reap what you sow. Be nice. Folks will talk to you. Come in gangbusters and they will kick your teeth in again,

You should trying living by your own words.

I was very civil until you called me "swine" and I've been pretty civil since.

You, otoh, have been rude, nasty, snotty and blamed me and others for your words.

Take responsibility for your own words.

And Jake, I'll say it again, if you don't like my beliefs and opinions, don't read them. But, don't call me "swine" because my beliefs don't match yours.

Would you please stop trolling this thread and just get back to the discussion?
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?

And the bible isn't even original but is is based on other religions.

Its interesting that the belief in a super being is almost universal and has indeed survived for thousands of years before Jesus and since.

Then of course, there's the story of Jesus, written years after he lived and undoubtedly pure fiction, as is the rest of the bible.

The story of Noah is way past merely bizarre and if god is really a god, why would need to rest?

God’s “rest” was not due to His being tired, but to His being completely finished with His creative work.
He did not NEED to rest!
Now the atheist trolls reveal their true colors. So unsure in their own anti-Godist beliefs they attack believers. Saying the Bible is not literal does not mean that saying it is a lie. Saying Don Quixote or To Kill a Mockingbird are lies is equally foolish.

Neither of you are agnostic. That's fine. But if you act as anti-Godists you will be dealt with as such.

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