Free will? or god's will?

Nope, you weren't and were handled appropriately. I was very civil until you called me "swine" and I've been pretty civil since.

You are projecting your bad behavior onto me. You, otoh, have been rude, nasty, snotty and blamed me and others for your words.

Yes, you must to do this to heal. Take responsibility for your own words.

You are not a mod, bub, and when you act swinish, I will call yout. Every time. And Jake, I'll say it again, if you don't like my beliefs and opinions, don't read them. But, don't call me "swine" because my beliefs don't match yours.

Physician, heal thyself. Would you please stop trolling this thread and just get back to the discussion?

Be polite and you will receive the same.
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?

And the bible isn't even original but is is based on other religions.

Its interesting that the belief in a super being is almost universal and has indeed survived for thousands of years before Jesus and since.

Then of course, there's the story of Jesus, written years after he lived and undoubtedly pure fiction, as is the rest of the bible.

The story of Noah is way past merely bizarre and if god is really a god, why would need to rest?

God’s “rest” was not due to His being tired, but to His being completely finished with His creative work.
He did not NEED to rest!

One wonders why the use of the word "rest" but its possible, even likely that the original word was lost through translation.
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?

And the bible isn't even original but is is based on other religions.

Its interesting that the belief in a super being is almost universal and has indeed survived for thousands of years before Jesus and since.

Then of course, there's the story of Jesus, written years after he lived and undoubtedly pure fiction, as is the rest of the bible.

The story of Noah is way past merely bizarre and if god is really a god, why would need to rest?

God’s “rest” was not due to His being tired, but to His being completely finished with His creative work.
He did not NEED to rest!
So how do you know that god needed 6 days to make everything? Are we gonna go to the video tape? :D
And what about my FUCKING MARSUPIALS? Somebody please explain to me how Noah got them from Australia and back again.
Now the atheist trolls reveal their true colors. So unsure in their own anti-Godist beliefs they attack believers. Saying the Bible is not literal does not mean that saying it is a lie. Saying Don Quixote or To Kill a Mockingbird are lies is equally foolish.

Neither of you are agnostic. That's fine. But if you act as anti-Godists you will be dealt with as such.
So you're comparing the bible to 2 books of fiction? Ya, that sounds about right? :D
Nope, you weren't and were handled appropriately. I was very civil until you called me "swine" and I've been pretty civil since.

You are projecting your bad behavior onto me. You, otoh, have been rude, nasty, snotty and blamed me and others for your words.

Yes, you must to do this to heal. Take responsibility for your own words.

You are not a mod, bub, and when you act swinish, I will call yout. Every time. And Jake, I'll say it again, if you don't like my beliefs and opinions, don't read them. But, don't call me "swine" because my beliefs don't match yours.

Physician, heal thyself. Would you please stop trolling this thread and just get back to the discussion?

Be polite and you will receive the same.
So the "turning the other cheek" thing is one of the stories you don't believe, am I right?
Now the atheist trolls reveal their true colors. So unsure in their own anti-Godist beliefs they attack believers. Saying the Bible is not literal does not mean that saying it is a lie. Saying Don Quixote or To Kill a Mockingbird are lies is equally foolish.

Neither of you are agnostic. That's fine. But if you act as anti-Godists you will be dealt with as such.
So you're comparing the bible to 2 books of fiction? Ya, that sounds about right? :D
I am demonstrating your lack of common sense and lack of logic. That is very easy to do.
Act the swine, end up as hot dog in a bun. That's a metaphor, not literal. :lol:
I started coming here looking for answers to why people believe in the bible

Simple - it's survived the test of time, is the all-time best seller.
Unable to be banned or banished... its Words have Life.
If you truly understand the Bible, as revealed by the Holy Spirit combined with knowledge and wisdom you will begin to know God, and the meaning of real Life.
It's survived the test of time? So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again? Who saw god make everything in 6 days and be so pooped that he needed a day off? How about we start with these 2 questions?

And the bible isn't even original but is is based on other religions.

Its interesting that the belief in a super being is almost universal and has indeed survived for thousands of years before Jesus and since.

Then of course, there's the story of Jesus, written years after he lived and undoubtedly pure fiction, as is the rest of the bible.

The story of Noah is way past merely bizarre and if god is really a god, why would need to rest?

God’s “rest” was not due to His being tired, but to His being completely finished with His creative work.
He did not NEED to rest!

One wonders why the use of the word "rest" but its possible, even likely that the original word was lost through translation.

Well, like I said, I'm not a Biblical scholar or theologian.
Going there would require an expert in hermeneutics (which is definitely NOT me!)
So how do you know that god needed 6 days to make everything? Are we gonna go to the video tape? :D
And what about my FUCKING MARSUPIALS? Somebody please explain to me how Noah got them from Australia and back again.

When you stand before God in judgment, you can ask Him.
However, I really don't think these things will be on your mind at that time..............
So how do you know that god needed 6 days to make everything? Are we gonna go to the video tape? :D
And what about my FUCKING MARSUPIALS? Somebody please explain to me how Noah got them from Australia and back again.

When you stand before God in judgment, you can ask Him.
However, I really don't think these things will be on your mind at that time..............
So you follow a book and you don't ask yourself: "hmmm, I wonder how Noah got polar bears from the arctic and back?" That's odd.

As for JakeSnarkey, I'm done with you, you're just an unfunny troll pretending to be a Christian. YYAAAWWWNNNN!
So you follow a book and you don't ask yourself: "hmmm, I wonder how Noah got polar bears from the arctic and back?" That's odd.

How God achieved this through Noah is not a real high priority for me. There are many things I don't understand because either (1) I have not bothered to research and study the topic(s); or (2) they are things that I am not intelligent enough to understand because I have limited capabilities. I do believe God can reveal things to me if he so chooses.
So you follow a book and you don't ask yourself: "hmmm, I wonder how Noah got polar bears from the arctic and back?" That's odd.

How God achieved this through Noah is not a real high priority for me. There are many things I don't understand because either (1) I have not bothered to research and study the topic(s); or (2) they are things that I am not intelligent enough to understand because I have limited capabilities. I do believe God can reveal things to me if he so chooses.
"How God achieved this through Noah is not a real high priority for me." So figuring if a book you're following is true or not isn't a high priority? You prefer the fantasy life to the real thing. I can't bring myself to do that.
"How God achieved this through Noah is not a real high priority for me." So figuring if a book you're following is true or not isn't a high priority? You prefer the fantasy life to the real thing. I can't bring myself to do that.

I just think there are other more pressing things about my faith and God that require my attention.
Namely, loving Him and loving others. I struggle with both! :)
You have free will to choose god or not, but if you don't choose god, you burn for all eternity.
Yeah, Some choice! :eek:

ISIL burns people to death ONCE and its over quickly and we hate them for it.

God burns people forever and we worship him for it.

Blatant blackmail of the worse kind - You bow down to me or I'll fry you for all of eternity.

Your perception is all messed up. Its okay though because most who claim to know and understand the Bible won't hear either and theirs is messed up too.

God does not burn humans. It is the spiritual hosts within that burn eternally when their own evil is chosen.

The Lord does not force anyone. Again this is a false precept among many. You are given choices, "choose that which is good". If you do not and choose evil rather than good you put yourself into subjection. No blackmail to it. Pretty basic, if you have chosen to be a druggy or a theif or whatever you decide, you choose your own path. If you choose to deny truth when it finds you then you remain asleep 'dead' to the spirit of that portion in yourself (the soul in you) which is created to grow, learn and become an eternal being. If you deny, don't believe or mistreat that portion within yourself it is through your own choice. If you can't find a portion of it to believe in you simply remain as a dead spiritual soul being.


"choosing good or evil"

The concept as well as the reality of "sin" is another area I'm very curious about and honestly do not understand.

I believe that most people do not "sin". For the most part, people live within the law though I guess that's not necessarily what is meant by sinning.

Believers say 'we all sin" but I just don't see it. Day to day, I don't sin. I don't harm others and in fact go out of my way not to harm others. How do I sin? How do YOU sin?

For that matter, what is "sin" as opposed to breaking the law?

I started this thread for we can discuss the sinful nature and sin.
*WARNING* eat of the tree of good and evil and you shall....die | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You don't ask yourself: "hmmm, I wonder how Noah got polar bears from the arctic and back?" That's odd.

Perhaps God used wormholes or teleportation... combined with the ability to compel animals.​
"How God achieved this through Noah is not a real high priority for me." So figuring if a book you're following is true or not isn't a high priority? You prefer the fantasy life to the real thing. I can't bring myself to do that.

I just think there are other more pressing things about my faith and God that require my attention.
Namely, loving Him and loving others. I struggle with both! :)
You have trouble loving an invisible superbeing who lives in another dimension? Ya, no kidding. :D

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