Freedom cannot be promoted by education


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Whenever freedom won out in the world, Fremen tried to give slaves full rights and teach them to be free. In the end, this always leads to the revival of slavery and corporatism.

This is because the evolution of chthonic slave cultures has shaped a specific slave brain: the "rain man" type. The slave has a poor intellect, his memory and algorithmic abilities are hypertrophied.

He is not capable of critical thinking, creativity and self-learning. When solving any problem, he will look for a ready-made recipe, because of this he will again form a corporation, and the corporation will destroy free people. Training slaves who are descended from slaves is useless. They cannot act freely and they will always be a threat to the free world. Corporatism is a natural environment for them and they automatically form this environment.
Slavery begins with the Democrat's policy of leaving millions of unknown, unchecked illegal aliens invade our country and drive labor costs down. On the other hand, Trump is the working man's friend. MAGA
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Slavery begins with the Democrat's policy of leaving millions of unknown, unchecked illegal aliens invade our country and drive labor costs down. On the other hand, Trump is the working man's friend. MAGA
I think you are a rain man. You're mindlessly repeating Trumpist mantras.
Slavery begins with the Democrat's policy of leaving millions of unknown, unchecked illegal aliens invade our country and drive labor costs down. On the other hand, Trump is the working man's friend. MAGA
Sure, that's why your friend trump, used illegal labor, at his resorts.... :rolleyes:
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As in everything else, Trump here went against American conservatism. American conservatives have always promoted the integration of the American continent in the context of the Monroe Doctrine against Eurocentrism.
Slavery begins with the Democrat's policy of leaving millions of unknown, unchecked illegal aliens invade our country and drive labor costs down. On the other hand, Trump is the working man's friend. MAGA
and teaching school kids their country sucks
Actually yes. If you're not an idiot, you can educate yourself and then just pass the test. The difference is, you don't have to learn the feds' lies.
can you educate yourself after going thru public ed indoctrination????
Slavery begins with the Democrat's policy of leaving millions of unknown, unchecked illegal aliens invade our country and drive labor costs down. On the other hand, Trump is the working man's friend.

Donald Trump is the never working man's friend. His name is Donald Trump.

¿Make the USA stupid again as she always had been? But this time also senseless aggressivly again?

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As in everything else, Trump here went against American conservatism. American conservatives have always promoted the integration of the American continent in the context of the Monroe Doctrine against Eurocentrism.

You had more than 200 years time now to make the New World to your paradise on planet Earth - and what had happened? You have more guns than inhabitants in the USA and you degraded South-America to be your drug producer.
can you educate yourself after going thru public ed indoctrination????
Indoctrination is part of the federal education. In fact, this is not education, but training and zombification. Raising slaves for corporations.
You had more than 200 years time now to make the New World to your paradise on planet Earth - and what had happened?
Yes, before the German pimps and traitors came along, it was almost heaven.

In Germany now there is nothing but walking pigs, pederasts and smelly whores in brothels. Germany is now the most disgraceful country after America started to withdraw.

During these 200 years, America not only built Paradise, but also destroyed all European empires. 200 years to free the world is not that long, right?
ou have more guns than inhabitants in the USA and you degraded South-America to be your drug producer.
Germany is making the whole world drunk with its slave alcohol, this is the most terrible drug. It is the drug of slaves and pederasts.
Colombian cocaine did not make anyone a slave. It never harmed anyone at all, all these are the tales of shameful German alcoholics. In Germany, even women are alcoholics without exception.
Alcohol helps to climb on ugly women. If an alcoholic is not drunk, he will not climb on an ugly woman. That's how bastards are born. Nature forbids this swine sex, and alcohol removes barriers. Germany has always needed a lot of children for slave labor and slave troops, so leftist bastards always stimulate the birth rate. Alcohol helps them.
I've seen alcoholics fuck during the day, on the playground. They were covered in vomit and barely moved, but they fucked anyway.
This is for a lofty purpose: the expansion of the "great" German nation.
Has anyone seen a vomit-covered cocaine addict fucking on a playground?
Yes, before the German pimps and traitors came along, it was almost heaven.

The reality was in another way. The German migrants brought joy to the USA. If you don't know what this is: try to mine joy and if you will find some then you will know gold is only dirt compared with joy.

In Germany now there is nothing but walking pigs, pederasts and smelly whores in brothels.

It's by the way nice that you don't try to hide your self-educated hate on all Germans. - It's much more fun to squash a "hard-headed" (=stubborn) idiot like you who never met a German in his life.

Germany is now the most disgraceful country after America started to withdraw.

What's indeed true. The USA was and is the worst enemy of Germany. Specially on reason Germany never had done anything bad to the USA. But who cares: Germany is not a country made from the grace of the USA. Indeed Germany is not even a country at all. We have not a lot to do with your categories to see the world.

During these 200 years, America not only built Paradise,


but also destroyed all European empires.

The Holy Roman empire (which was a realm and not an empire) was dissolved because of the French empire. And the British empire supported the Prussians. You was on the side of the he nationalistic Russian, British and French empires and fought against the pluralistic country Germany and the multi-national empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire and you created in this way Nazis, Soviets and the root for Islamism. Later you fought together with the the Soviet empires Russia and China and also again with the rest of the British and French empires against Germany and Japan who never had been in history real empires but extremely stable and peaceful nations - seen in international standards.

Very short: I fear you do not know what you really try to speak about, supporter of imperialism.

200 years to free the world is not that long, right?

What a bullshit. You made a disaster in America in the last 200 years - and not only in America - and you know this very well. The problem which you have is to change first yourselve - and not the world. You fight continuously against the probelms which you create on your own while you try to make others responsible for.

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That's why we made the beeramids - ah sorry -: the pyramids. Gigantic beer cellars.
Yes, you manage to build Babylonian ziggurats and live in the Neolithic in the 7th century AD. This is the "great" German people who fuck in a drunken stupor and vomit.

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