Freedom Flotilla 3 sails to Gaza

Israel is the only country in the world for doing exactly what any other country in the world would do. Go try and break a naval blockade somewhere else and see what happens. Your ship will get sunk.

(toastman's post modified, I assume this what he meant, if not it is what I mean) Israel is the only country in the world being criticized . . .[sic]

And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.
And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.

So? They told the IDF to fuck off when they radioed them to follow them to Ashdod port. Why should they have waited until they broke the blockade when they knew full well they were going to?
Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.

So? They told the IDF to fuck off when they radioed them to follow them to Ashdod port. Why should they have waited until they broke the blockade when they knew full well they were going to?
If the left it to Israel there would have been no flotilla. So you just have to ignore them and let them make fools of themselves.
And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.
What does that have to do with the price of rice in Rangoon, Tinmore? Too busy to read Maritime laws and just make guesses and blather out BS?
Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.
What does that have to do with the price of rice in Rangoon, Tinmore? Too busy to read Maritime laws and just make guesses and blather out BS?
I believe that you cannot block ships that are religious, medical, or philanthropic.
Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.
What does that have to do with the price of rice in Rangoon, Tinmore? Too busy to read Maritime laws and just make guesses and blather out BS?
I believe that you cannot block ships that are religious, medical, or philanthropic.
It depends. See if you can find it in the San Remo Manual.

New Tab
Turkish warships will escort aid vessels to Gaza: Erdogan

"From now on, we will not let these ships to be attacked by Israel, as what happened with the Freedom Flotilla," Erdogan said.
When some Jihadist from Turkey jumps on You not to kill but to be "mortified" using anyway possible,
no matter if You're a soldier or a priest- YOU TAKE THAT GUN AND
KILL THE ONE WHO GOES TO KILL YOU FIRST... don't be naive there people with no hope,
education or support who look for RESPECT.

"Five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back.." So they were jumping on you backwards?
Why were these peaceful humanitarians carrying knives, clubs, and rifles in their boat? Did you ever see the video of what actually happened? It would be comic, if it weren't so tragic.

Oh, those activists were legally repelling boarders as the ship was in international waters at the time of the attack.

The vessel was suspected of carrying illegal weapons to a terrorist group so they were borded legally. As soon as the activists resisted they were in breach of maritime law
Everybody, including Israel, knew that there were no weapons. You are just parroting another one of Israel's loooooong list of lies.

Start @ 5:20

I didn't know that, my family wasn't aware that 700 anti-Israeli FOREIGN citizens
were JUST preparing some aid and publicity stunt. How can an Israeli be sure
that the publicity is not emphasized so no one dare to check the containers?
They've taken the arguing position even before going there..How do we know it's not drugs, slaves,
explosives or other filth? Explain that logically let's see.

Be a man say what You know. Until then You know nothing of reality here.
This gives Israel the perfect opportunity to shoot itself in the foot again.

You mean like the planned propaganda operation by the Mavi Marmara where they purposely refused to follow orders, knowing full well that there is a naval blockade, in order to instigate a response from Israel for obvious propaganda purposes.

They knew they would get boarded and they knew that they would get attacked when they started beating on the Naval Seals.

I know that even Palestinian propagandists like yourself know that it was a well planned propaganda/media attention operation used to vilify Israel.

Indeed, it is a brilliant plan. It placed Israel in a lose/lose position. If they let the boats through they would lose. If they attacked the boats they would lose.


That's Your true face here.
Sad to see how people like You say they're FOR someone.
all You invest in AGAINST ISRAEL-JEWS wholy.

They'd loose only if they acted against the law, going by the book they could
reach balestinians with that "aid"...they chose to give IDF no other alternative,
therefore ignoring the balestinians' need for it in favor of hatred and dead end.

You deceived no one but Yourself- we know who You are, keep on dancing.
Israel is the only country in the world for doing exactly what any other country in the world would do. Go try and break a naval blockade somewhere else and see what happens. Your ship will get sunk.

(toastman's post modified, I assume this what he meant, if not it is what I mean) Israel is the only country in the world being criticized . . .[sic]

And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

Until now You proved nothing substantial on that matter.

And that's a convenient thing to say isn't it?
Last edited:
Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.
What does that have to do with the price of rice in Rangoon, Tinmore? Too busy to read Maritime laws and just make guesses and blather out BS?
I believe that you cannot block ships that are religious, medical, or philanthropic.

So armies should now conduct themselves according to beliefs of deluded citizens?

A dictator You are.
I hope that the Israelis manage to film everything and once again, as in the case of the Gaza war, can show how humane they are, even when provoked.

Can you imagine someone trying this in Russia or China or Iran?

Yes, they "humanely" shot 5 people in the head...

Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range World news The Guardian

Still waiting for that evidence or You accepting You cannot present it.
Admitting Your mistake.

That's what honest men do.

When some Jihadist from Turkey jumps on You not to kill but to be "mortified" using anyway possible,
no matter if You're a soldier or a priest- YOU TAKE THAT GUN AND
KILL THE ONE WHO GOES TO KILL YOU FIRST... don't be naive there people with no hope,
education or support who look for RESPECT.

"Five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back.." So they were jumping on you backwards?
Why were these peaceful humanitarians carrying knives, clubs, and rifles in their boat? Did you ever see the video of what actually happened? It would be comic, if it weren't so tragic.

Oh, those activists were legally repelling boarders as the ship was in international waters at the time of the attack.
What a crock. One cannot "legally repel boarders." The Maritime laws have been posted on these flotilla threads before. Read the laws before you mis-speak.

Protecting crews and ships from piracy by arming merchant vessels for self defense - Lexology

Yeah, right, whatever.
"Five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back.." So they were jumping on you backwards?

A solid proof for such strong allegations?
I'm interested in the "back of the head" part specifically.

Eye witness allegations were made at the time as I recall and the Turkish authorities autopsies confirmed the location of the entry wounds although the Israeli authorities had destroyed most of the forensic evidence.

Can I see those reports or any other official medical or police data?
Or is it those evidences that Israel destroyed?
Ask the Turkish Authorities.

So You lie on basis of a "say so" of an enemy state?
I see one is really challenged to argue logically,

I'm shocked.

Turkey is not an enemy state of the U.K. I've not lied, and you are not shocked.
When some Jihadist from Turkey jumps on You not to kill but to be "mortified" using anyway possible,
no matter if You're a soldier or a priest- YOU TAKE THAT GUN AND
KILL THE ONE WHO GOES TO KILL YOU FIRST... don't be naive there people with no hope,
education or support who look for RESPECT.

"Five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back.." So they were jumping on you backwards?
Why were these peaceful humanitarians carrying knives, clubs, and rifles in their boat? Did you ever see the video of what actually happened? It would be comic, if it weren't so tragic.

Oh, those activists were legally repelling boarders as the ship was in international waters at the time of the attack.
What a crock. One cannot "legally repel boarders." The Maritime laws have been posted on these flotilla threads before. Read the laws before you mis-speak.

Protecting crews and ships from piracy by arming merchant vessels for self defense - Lexology

Yeah, right, whatever.

Righ, but is there a difference between "Piracy" and not fullfilling a state's lawful demands?
Arms for defense are not arms for transportation, maybe Your view of defense is explosives
and AK-47's in container...Well they were obliged to prove their legality and disprove IDF's
suspicion like Peaceful contributers.


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