Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, race religion or sexual orientation
If they don't want to comply with public accommodation laws then they can close shop

So bake or die?

die? Where did I say Die?

If you refuse to follow the laws then you should not open a business.
Maybe the church will hire them to clean the pews

An exaggeration, of course. Why should a tiny minority decide what a person can, or cannot do for a living? Especially in a non-essential, non-time sensitive, contract work industry?

And don't give me the "law is the law is the law" line, that's a cop out.

the gay guy isn't deciding the bigot is deciding that he cannot do business with sinners lest he become a participant in the sin.
So by Christian "logic" if printing words on paper for a gay wedding is the same as participating in the wedding then printing words on paper for an adulterer is participation in adultery

So if these people really care about their religion they would not do business with any sinner. The fact that they only care about the gay sin is proof that they are bigots and hypocrites

Again, you or the government doesn't get to decide how a person follows their faith, unless their is a compelling government interest, and even then the government has to use the least intrusive means of mitigating the issue.

And the only bigotry I am seeing is coming from you. You don't like religious people, we get it.

I have no problem with religious people just people who use their religion to justify their bigotry

There is absolutely no cogent argument that printing words on paper for a sinner makes the printer a participant in that sin
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die? Where did I say Die?

If you refuse to follow the laws then you should not open a business.
Maybe the church will hire them to clean the pews

An exaggeration, of course. Why should a tiny minority decide what a person can, or cannot do for a living? Especially in a non-essential, non-time sensitive, contract work industry?

And don't give me the "law is the law is the law" line, that's a cop out.

the gay guy isn't deciding the bigot is deciding that he cannot do business with sinners lest he become a participant in the sin.
So by Christian "logic" if printing words on paper for a gay wedding is the same as participating in the wedding then printing words on paper for an adulterer is participation in adultery

So if these people really care about their religion they would not do business with any sinner. The fact that they only care about the gay sin is proof that they are bigots and hypocrites
Is the guy the only printer in the city or artist? This is a free s country. Even liberals thinks it as long as it fits their agenda.
I hate to break it to you but this is not a free country.
I know, not if you are a christian.
not for anyone
So bake or die?

die? Where did I say Die?

If you refuse to follow the laws then you should not open a business.
Maybe the church will hire them to clean the pews

An exaggeration, of course. Why should a tiny minority decide what a person can, or cannot do for a living? Especially in a non-essential, non-time sensitive, contract work industry?

And don't give me the "law is the law is the law" line, that's a cop out.

the gay guy isn't deciding the bigot is deciding that he cannot do business with sinners lest he become a participant in the sin.
So by Christian "logic" if printing words on paper for a gay wedding is the same as participating in the wedding then printing words on paper for an adulterer is participation in adultery

So if these people really care about their religion they would not do business with any sinner. The fact that they only care about the gay sin is proof that they are bigots and hypocrites

Again, you or the government doesn't get to decide how a person follows their faith, unless their is a compelling government interest, and even then the government has to use the least intrusive means of mitigating the issue.

And the only bigotry I am seeing is coming from you. You don't like religious people, we get it.

I have no problem with religious people just people who use their religion to justify their bigotry

There is absolutely no cogent argument that printing words on paper for a sinner makes the printer a participant in that sin

There is even less of an argument for ruining someone over them not wanting to bake a cake, or take a photograph, or make an invitation for an event, especially if the service is easily obtainable elsewhere, is non-essential, and non-time sensitive.
die? Where did I say Die?

If you refuse to follow the laws then you should not open a business.
Maybe the church will hire them to clean the pews

An exaggeration, of course. Why should a tiny minority decide what a person can, or cannot do for a living? Especially in a non-essential, non-time sensitive, contract work industry?

And don't give me the "law is the law is the law" line, that's a cop out.

the gay guy isn't deciding the bigot is deciding that he cannot do business with sinners lest he become a participant in the sin.
So by Christian "logic" if printing words on paper for a gay wedding is the same as participating in the wedding then printing words on paper for an adulterer is participation in adultery

So if these people really care about their religion they would not do business with any sinner. The fact that they only care about the gay sin is proof that they are bigots and hypocrites

Again, you or the government doesn't get to decide how a person follows their faith, unless their is a compelling government interest, and even then the government has to use the least intrusive means of mitigating the issue.

And the only bigotry I am seeing is coming from you. You don't like religious people, we get it.

I have no problem with religious people just people who use their religion to justify their bigotry

There is absolutely no cogent argument that printing words on paper for a sinner makes the printer a participant in that sin

There is even less of an argument for ruining someone over them not wanting to bake a cake, or take a photograph, or make an invitation for an event, especially if the service is easily obtainable elsewhere, is non-essential, and non-time sensitive.

if you want to run a business you are subject to market opinion. Apparently people who hate bigots and hypocrites outnumber christians who hate gay people
An exaggeration, of course. Why should a tiny minority decide what a person can, or cannot do for a living? Especially in a non-essential, non-time sensitive, contract work industry?

And don't give me the "law is the law is the law" line, that's a cop out.

the gay guy isn't deciding the bigot is deciding that he cannot do business with sinners lest he become a participant in the sin.
So by Christian "logic" if printing words on paper for a gay wedding is the same as participating in the wedding then printing words on paper for an adulterer is participation in adultery

So if these people really care about their religion they would not do business with any sinner. The fact that they only care about the gay sin is proof that they are bigots and hypocrites

Again, you or the government doesn't get to decide how a person follows their faith, unless their is a compelling government interest, and even then the government has to use the least intrusive means of mitigating the issue.

And the only bigotry I am seeing is coming from you. You don't like religious people, we get it.

I have no problem with religious people just people who use their religion to justify their bigotry

There is absolutely no cogent argument that printing words on paper for a sinner makes the printer a participant in that sin

There is even less of an argument for ruining someone over them not wanting to bake a cake, or take a photograph, or make an invitation for an event, especially if the service is easily obtainable elsewhere, is non-essential, and non-time sensitive.

if you want to run a business you are subject to market opinion. Apparently people who hate bigots and hypocrites outnumber christians who hate gay people
If you really believe that, then let market forces decide. Market forces made a little pizza place an enormous success. It gave Chik Fil A their best day ever in the history of the company.

The gay mafia tells us that business cannot survive unless that business embraces the homosexual lifestyle. Conversely, they also say that the gay ability to find friendly business environments is so limited, they cannot survive without force.

Which is it?

The answer is to allow peopIe the freedom to decide for themselves who they want as associates.
As artists they should be able to say they didn't like the client's shoe size.

Nothing prevents them from saying just that.

The law just says that they can't refuse to sell their invitations to customers because the invitations are for a Jewish wedding- or a same gender wedding.
An exaggeration, of course. Why should a tiny minority decide what a person can, or cannot do for a living? Especially in a non-essential, non-time sensitive, contract work industry?

And don't give me the "law is the law is the law" line, that's a cop out.

the gay guy isn't deciding the bigot is deciding that he cannot do business with sinners lest he become a participant in the sin.
So by Christian "logic" if printing words on paper for a gay wedding is the same as participating in the wedding then printing words on paper for an adulterer is participation in adultery

So if these people really care about their religion they would not do business with any sinner. The fact that they only care about the gay sin is proof that they are bigots and hypocrites

Again, you or the government doesn't get to decide how a person follows their faith, unless their is a compelling government interest, and even then the government has to use the least intrusive means of mitigating the issue.

And the only bigotry I am seeing is coming from you. You don't like religious people, we get it.

I have no problem with religious people just people who use their religion to justify their bigotry

There is absolutely no cogent argument that printing words on paper for a sinner makes the printer a participant in that sin

There is even less of an argument for ruining someone over them not wanting to bake a cake, or take a photograph, or make an invitation for an event, especially if the service is easily obtainable elsewhere, is non-essential, and non-time sensitive.

if you want to run a business you are subject to market opinion. Apparently people who hate bigots and hypocrites outnumber christians who hate gay people

A government agency fining you $135k for not baking a cake is not market opinion. If they go out of business naturally I have no quarrel with it.
I keep hearing the Christofascists making that claim.

But of course that is just a stupid lie. Let us look at Phoenix's law again

Equal Opportunity Public Accommodations Discrimination
All people have the right to receive service, free from discrimination, from any business that obtains or solicits customers from the general public. It is against the law for any such business in Phoenix to discriminate against a person on the basis of:

  • Age (not genetic)
  • Sex (genetic)
  • Race (genetic)
  • Color (usually genetic)
  • Religion (not genetic)
  • Disability (usually not genetic)
  • Marital status (not genetic)
  • National origin (not genetic)
  • Sexual orientation (unproven whether genetic or not)
  • Gender identity or expression (usually not genetic
So no- all discrimination laws are not based upon genetics- which is why Christians can and have sued businesses for discrimination.

Of course Phoenix has contradictory laws don't they. Like you can't sell alcohol or cigarettes to minors. Mandated Age Discrimination, right? They also allow auto insurance companies to offer discounts to married people, isn't that discrimination based on marital status? Sex, Race, Color, Religion are constitutionally protected. There are all kind of State approve discrimination on disability, like they won't issue a drivers license to some who is blind, or won't hire someone for the fire department that can't physically or mentally perform the job. I could go on, but why?

Thanks for your gracious admission that you were completely wrong about all of the anti-discrimination laws were based upon genetics. I had thought you might try to dance around and try to obscure your 'error' by bringing up tons of other crap.

Sex, race, color and religion are not constitutionally protected. There is nothing in the Constitution that says a business cannot discriminate as much as it wants.

I think you should go to Phoenix and raise your concerns about how unfair they are in not allowing blind drivers to drive.

Yes you could go on and on- buty why?


They are protected in the Constitution, just not related to business. The feds have no authority over intrastate business constitutionally.

Well in this case, the Christofascists want to be able to exempt from local law that every other business is obligated to follow.

No they aren't, name one muslim business charged for not catering to fags.

Well in this case- the Christofascist business hasn't been charged for anything- not for catering to n*ggers, k*kes, or f*gs.
Where in the bible does it say one cannot print words on a piece of paper for gay people? Their business is NOT a religion
The bible states homosexuality is a sin, and the bible states Christians should not partake in, support, or encourage sinning. Obeying the teachings of their faith is exercising the freedom of their religion. Exercising their freedom affects how they do business.

Try passing a law outlawing Muslim women covering their heads or forbidding Muslims from using prayer rugs or Muslim store owners from stooping what they are doing while working to suddenly pray and see how that goes. No such demand would even be thought of no less imposed on Muslims.

The Bible does not say homosexual marriage is a sin.

Yes, it does.

First, Leviticus 18:22. The most obvious and direct condemnation of homosexuality in the Old Testament. That command remains unchanged throughout the entirety of the Bible.

Second, Leviticus 20:13. Homosexuality was originally a sin punishable by death. That was until Christ was crucified and resurrected which fulfilled the death penalty.

NOTE: In the Old Testament, the Mosaic Laws were divided into three categories. Priestly, Civil, and Moral. The Priestly laws dealt with the Aaronic and Levitical priesthoods and represented the coming priesthood of Jesus Christ, who willingly died on the cross. The Civil laws pertained to the theocratic nature of the Jewish nation in the Old Testament. That means those laws are no long applicable today. That dispenses with the argument that a Christian citing Leviticus to condemn homosexuality as a sin must also follow all the other laws in the Old Testament as well.

However, as seen in the two verses below, the Moral laws were never abolished in the New Testament. They represented the very character and nature of God himself. Since God is an unwavering, unflinching, and unchanging deity, his character never changes, and thus, the Moral laws cannot be abolished. The Civil and Priestly laws aren't reestablished in the New Testament, but the Moral laws are--for the reasons mentioned heretofore--except without the penalty of death.

Third, 1 Cor. 6:9-10. It mentions that homosexuals cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

Fourth, Romans 1:26-28. It refers to homosexual acts as unnatural, depraved and improper.

Well lets go through that list- shall we?

Leviticus of course says that sex between men is a sin(and doesn't mention women)- just as cutting your hair or eating shrimp, or women wearing pants. Generally Christians ignore Leviticus except when it comes to gays for some odd reason- oh yes- by the very tortured rational you provided.

Now lets move onto the New Testament.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10New International Version (NIV)
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Note the very specific language above- Paul is only gender specific when it comes to 'men who have sex with men'. Everything else is gender inclusive- clearly Paul is not talking about women who have sex with women. Otherwise he would have said so- like he did for idolators and thieves.

Finally the favorite and oft cited Romans

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Once again- note how Paul is specific about men lusting for other men- but doesn't say anything about women lusting for other women- just a vague reference about 'unnatural ones'. Christians chose to interpret this as a prohibition against women having sex with women- but of course that is both an interpretation- and a rationalization.

Lets go with this interpretation also of yours

Since God is an unwavering, unflinching, and unchanging deity, his character never changes, and thus, the Moral laws cannot be abolished.

If God is unwavering, etc, then why do you assume that God changed his mind about women in the NT? Because God never once condemns sex between women in the OT. Nor does Jesus ever condemn it.

The best you come up with is a vague inference- an inference you want to see. Yet you ignore how Paul and the OT specifically over and over refer to men lusting after each other, having sex with each other- and not women.

And finally to my point- the Bible never once says that same gender marriage is a sin- you have yet to disprove my point.

But the Bible does say that remarriage after divorce is a sin- unless of course the wife(and only the wife) is unfaithful.

So by the clear language of the Bible- Donald Trump's current marriage is prohibited by the Bible- by Jesus himself- but never are gay marriages explicitly prohibited.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Where did the artist say he serves queer weddings?

Kaz is kazzing again- he doesn't even know who the artist is- hasn't followed the argument.

The business is a wedding invitation business. Which means that they sell wedding invitations- and according to Phoenix law they cannot refuse to sell invitations to a black couple because the couple is black, or to a Jewish couple because they don't approve of Jewish weddings, or to a gay couple because they don't approve of gay weddings.
the gay guy isn't deciding the bigot is deciding that he cannot do business with sinners lest he become a participant in the sin.
So by Christian "logic" if printing words on paper for a gay wedding is the same as participating in the wedding then printing words on paper for an adulterer is participation in adultery

So if these people really care about their religion they would not do business with any sinner. The fact that they only care about the gay sin is proof that they are bigots and hypocrites

Again, you or the government doesn't get to decide how a person follows their faith, unless their is a compelling government interest, and even then the government has to use the least intrusive means of mitigating the issue.

And the only bigotry I am seeing is coming from you. You don't like religious people, we get it.

I have no problem with religious people just people who use their religion to justify their bigotry

There is absolutely no cogent argument that printing words on paper for a sinner makes the printer a participant in that sin

There is even less of an argument for ruining someone over them not wanting to bake a cake, or take a photograph, or make an invitation for an event, especially if the service is easily obtainable elsewhere, is non-essential, and non-time sensitive.

if you want to run a business you are subject to market opinion. Apparently people who hate bigots and hypocrites outnumber christians who hate gay people
If you really believe that, then let market forces decide. Market forces made a little pizza place an enormous success. It gave Chik Fil A their best day ever in the history of the company.

The gay mafia tells us that business cannot survive unless that business embraces the homosexual lifestyle. Conversely, they also say that the gay ability to find friendly business environments is so limited, they cannot survive without force.

Which is it?

The answer is to allow peopIe the freedom to decide for themselves who they want as associates.

Then change the law.

Right now the law in Phoenix says you can't refuse to sell to a customer just because he is black, or just because he is Jewish, or just because he is gay.

You don't like it- change the law.
You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?

I doubt if ham was on his menu.

Eggs? I admit I know squat about Muslims. Do they have a thing against eggs too?

So yeah it's different.

Show were any of the artists or bakers said they served fags and dykes. Go ahead

The restaurateur cannot discriminate against a gay couple either. If you own and run a business open to the public in a jurisdiction where the PA law include protection for LGBT it is implied that you must follow the law.
You don't get to decide what is or isn't moral and the government be damned. That's reality.
No I don't, but I san point out that the United States Constitution protects 'freedom of religion and the exercise thereof' from liberals who seek to control and enforce their will on Christians.
Religion seeks to impose it's will on others, why is that okay?

Because, it seems okay for someone to force their same sex way of life on the religious, whether through direct or indirect means.

Turnabout is fair play.

Christians are supposed to follow the law and obey authorities.

Submission to Governing Authorities
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

So why do Christians keep ignoring what the Bible says?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Are faghadist invitations on the artist menu?

Try wedding invitations.

And where did they say wedding invitations between anyone and anything?

There are reasons we have judges to interpret the law. One big one is so people like you can't.

Wrong, judges are there to apply law not decide what it means, legislatures say what they mean and how they should be applied. If a law is questionable the courts should set it aside and ask the legislature that wrote it to fix it. Courts have no legislative authority.

Well then according to your interpretation, these women are screwed.

Because they have gone to court to challenge the law. Which is very clear and was passed by the 'legislative body' of Phoenix.
It isn't enough that we accept that they have a right to do whatever they want to do.

What they don't have a right to do is DEMAND that we participate.

And of course no one is demanding that this business participate in anything.

The business is suing the City of Phoenix so that if any gay couple ever dares ask them to sell to them, they will be able to ignore the law.
The Presbyterian Church now accepts same sex unions and gays in the clergy. Does that mean they are no longer Christian?

For me, yes.

Deuteronomy 4:2

"Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you."

Does that mean Trump is not a Christian? He professes to be Presbyterian.
Does he agree with the Church's stances on gay marriage?

Trump is on his third marriage- how can he be a Christian?

10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”
Of course Phoenix has contradictory laws don't they. Like you can't sell alcohol or cigarettes to minors. Mandated Age Discrimination, right? They also allow auto insurance companies to offer discounts to married people, isn't that discrimination based on marital status? Sex, Race, Color, Religion are constitutionally protected. There are all kind of State approve discrimination on disability, like they won't issue a drivers license to some who is blind, or won't hire someone for the fire department that can't physically or mentally perform the job. I could go on, but why?

Thanks for your gracious admission that you were completely wrong about all of the anti-discrimination laws were based upon genetics. I had thought you might try to dance around and try to obscure your 'error' by bringing up tons of other crap.

Sex, race, color and religion are not constitutionally protected. There is nothing in the Constitution that says a business cannot discriminate as much as it wants.

I think you should go to Phoenix and raise your concerns about how unfair they are in not allowing blind drivers to drive.

Yes you could go on and on- buty why?


They are protected in the Constitution, just not related to business. The feds have no authority over intrastate business constitutionally.

Well in this case, the Christofascists want to be able to exempt from local law that every other business is obligated to follow.

No they aren't, name one muslim business charged for not catering to fags.

Well in this case- the Christofascist business hasn't been charged for anything- not for catering to n*ggers, k*kes, or f*gs.

All that time to come up with a deflection, you're just not too smart, are ya?

Now you want to actually answer the question?
You don't get to decide what is or isn't moral and the government be damned. That's reality.
No I don't, but I san point out that the United States Constitution protects 'freedom of religion and the exercise thereof' from liberals who seek to control and enforce their will on Christians.
Religion seeks to impose it's will on others, why is that okay?

Because, it seems okay for someone to force their same sex way of life on the religious, whether through direct or indirect means.

Turnabout is fair play.

Christians are supposed to follow the law and obey authorities.

Submission to Governing Authorities
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

So why do Christians keep ignoring what the Bible says?

How is suing a city in court "rebelling?"
Public accommodation laws clearly state that a person cannot be discriminated against because of race religion or sexual orientation.
If you want to run a business you have to obey the law.

they are illegal laws

Tenants want Trumps name removed from buildings, Lebron says he won't stay at a Trump hotel, the designer won't provide a Melania a gown, but you Christians dang sure better print the wedding invitations for the gay couple.

Classic liberal projection....staple of their flawed belief system.
FYI I am not a democrat

and by definition the law is legal.

But there is no way that doing business with gay people prevents anyone from practicing their religion

it is not a sin to interact with sinners. and these people have no problem printing things for other sinners. I guess you could be a kiddie porn dealer, murderer, adulterer, etc and they have no problem printing things but it's that one gay sin that is the straw that beaks the camel's back right?

These so called christians are bigots and hypocrites.
Wrong on so many fronts. First off, we shouldn't need religious protections to decide what we do or don't do for money. If you want to pay the bills then it's a different story.

But forcing someone who's religion calls same sex unions a sin to participate in any way is a violation of their rights. with the new court you WILL see this local and state PA insult to freedom go away. There is no Constitutional basis for it, which is why those laws have popped up here and there.

If you only want to serve people that still believe that somehow gender is important that should and was always your right. It wasn't until authoritarian leftist power freaks gained control over areas that it even became an issue.

printing words on paper is not participating. baking a cake is not participating

tell me if a christian baker bakes a cake for an adulterer is the baker participating in that adultery? no.
That's not your call, that's the point. Power freaks want to decide everyone else's morality. Making a Jew adorn a cake with a verse from the Koran is an inhuman disrespect to that person, what he believes and stands for. Tell him that isn't participating!

Then you need to change the law- actually laws- going all the way to the Civil Rights Act.
You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?

I doubt if ham was on his menu.

Eggs? I admit I know squat about Muslims. Do they have a thing against eggs too?

So yeah it's different.

Show were any of the artists or bakers said they served fags and dykes. Go ahead

The restaurateur cannot discriminate against a gay couple either. If you own and run a business open to the public in a jurisdiction where the PA law include protection for LGBT it is implied that you must follow the law.

Thanks for pointing out the butt obvious. I know what the law says. The law is an abomination to liberty. Government forcing citizens to do business with each other is sick and it's wrong. Government is just being a tool of oppression for totalitarians

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