Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

I't amazing I am getting beaten up by both sides of this argument.

You must be doing something right, then.
Notice also how, after passionately promoting the Rule of Law in this case, they'll also passionately scream RACIST at you if you dare to look sideways at sanctuary cities.


Oh, come on man. Everybody KNOWS that is you don't want your city protecting the undocumented criminal who just moved next door to you, you MUST be a racist!

What I can't figure out is what blinds people to the perfectly obvious. If some cities hang out a welcome sign to undocumented criminals and some don't, where do they think the criminals will end up, anyway?

Damn, if I were a mayor, I would stand up and say "I'm here to serve my community here, folks, and not my own zealous political posturing".
Adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

They're so emotionally committed to the "oppressed vs. oppressor" meme that intellectual honesty simply is not a priority.

Now it's intellectually dishonest to believe in the existence of oppressors and the oppressed.

Your alt right true colors are showing through.
Oh, don't go all drama queen on me.

I know how effective this tactic has been for you.

But you've jumped the shark, you've over-played your hand.

Not my problem.
Just because a leg is broken on child, doesn't mean you blow the child up. You set the leg in a cast and preserve the whole child as he was...mending him. Trump's (or any other) failed marriages don't set the rule for children needing vitally both a mother and father from marriage. A thing gay marriage not only doesn't provide them...but in fact legally-denies them...for life!
Here's Senator David Vitter with his wife, admitting he frequented hookers and dressed up in diapers. He was also known to call hookers during important floor votes.

Rush Limbaugh with his first wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his second wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his third wife:


Isn't that a charming photo?

Rush Limbaugh with his fourth wife:

Selling a commercial product for money is not a religious rite.


Free exercise is not limited to religious rites.

\thread opened.

A person whose religion tells them to discriminate against gays comes up against the laws where discrimination against gays is illegal.

That person's religion does not give them license to break that law. Their free exercise right, however,

allows them to steer clear of the situation that would have forced them to choose between violating their religious beliefs or breaking the law.

Telling them they have to abandon their pursuit of happiness due to the butt hurt of others is not the function of government, no matter how much you despise religious people.

Why, just because they do not want to bake a cake for one specific ceremony should they have to abandon their dream of being a baker?
The homophobic printers are hypocrites. They aren't following the Bible. They are using it as a shield over their hateful bigotry. They are fake Christians.

Show me a case where they turned away a divorced person from getting wedding invitations for his biblically non-compliant second marriage.

This is about hate, not religion. Pure and simple.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites. He had nothing to say about gays.

Not your call to make, you judgmental pile of shit.
You must be doing something right, then.
Notice also how, after passionately promoting the Rule of Law in this case, they'll also passionately scream RACIST at you if you dare to look sideways at sanctuary cities.


Oh, come on man. Everybody KNOWS that is you don't want your city protecting the undocumented criminal who just moved next door to you, you MUST be a racist!

What I can't figure out is what blinds people to the perfectly obvious. If some cities hang out a welcome sign to undocumented criminals and some don't, where do they think the criminals will end up, anyway?

Damn, if I were a mayor, I would stand up and say "I'm here to serve my community here, folks, and not my own zealous political posturing".
Adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

They're so emotionally committed to the "oppressed vs. oppressor" meme that intellectual honesty simply is not a priority.

Now it's intellectually dishonest to believe in the existence of oppressors and the oppressed.

Your alt right true colors are showing through.
Oh, don't go all drama queen on me.

I know how effective this tactic has been for you.

But you've jumped the shark, you've over-played your hand.

Not my problem.

You've turned into owebo I see. I think one of him was enough, jmho.
The homophobes can go to their homophobic church and bash gays all they wish. No one is stopping them. They can post all the GOD HATES FAGS signs on their property they wish. No one is stopping them.

But if they enter the marketplace to sell commercial products for cash, they are on Caesar's territory, not God's.

There is no part of the constitution that says you give up your rights the second you try to sell something.
The homophobic printers are hypocrites. They aren't following the Bible. They are using it as a shield over their hateful bigotry. They are fake Christians.

Show me a case where they turned away a divorced person from getting wedding invitations for his biblically non-compliant second marriage.

This is about hate, not religion. Pure and simple.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites. He had nothing to say about gays.

Not your call to make, you judgmental pile of shit.

What's more judgmental than deciding that gays are not worthy of associating with you as equals?
The homophobic printers are hypocrites. They aren't following the Bible. They are using it as a shield over their hateful bigotry. They are fake Christians.

Show me a case where they turned away a divorced person from getting wedding invitations for his biblically non-compliant second marriage.

This is about hate, not religion. Pure and simple.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites. He had nothing to say about gays.

Not your call to make, you judgmental pile of shit.
Oh, the irony!

"Judgmental pile of shit". I'm thieving that.
Selling a commercial product for money is not a religious rite, period.

Therefore, this issue has NOTHING to do with the First Amendment. No one's exercising of their religion is being interfered with.


Again, the 1st amendment protects free exercise, not just rites, or churches, or clergy

Get the fucking stuffing out of your brain.
Obergefell is in big trouble...and they know it....Obergefell brings to a head the issue of jailing Christians for refusing to play along with or promote BEHAVIORS...not a race of people.

The 5 jackass idiots on the Court should've seen this coming. But they didn't. They didn't even discuss how marriage was created for its main beneficiaries: provide them with the vital and irreplaceable components of mother and father. Stupid stupid stupid Justices. And now we will have to revisit that decision thanks to a new one this year: Hively v Ivy Tech...which essentially found that sex behaviors do not have any real or implied Constitutional protections..

The homophobic printers are hypocrites. They aren't following the Bible. They are using it as a shield over their hateful bigotry. They are fake Christians.

Show me a case where they turned away a divorced person from getting wedding invitations for his biblically non-compliant second marriage.

This is about hate, not religion. Pure and simple.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites. He had nothing to say about gays.

Not your call to make, you judgmental pile of shit.

What's more judgmental than deciding that gays are not worthy of associating with you as equals?

Just as judgmental as a bunch of whiny anti-trumpers not wanting to associate with anyone who even considers Trump not the anti-christ.

The difference is you want to ruin people who just think differently than you.
'Two Arizona Christian artists face the possibility of being jailed, in addition to being fined, after they recently refused to make invitations for a same-sex wedding.'
What a couple of judgmental pieces of shit!
Which brand of Christianity is it where you bake cakes for divorcees but not fags?

Which brand of Christianity is it where you print wedding invitations for divorcees but not fags?

Which brand of Christianity is it where you sign marriage certificates for divorcees but not fags?

"Welcome to the Church of Judgmental Pieces of Shit!"
What if this business didn't profess to be religious? What if they just said we don't want to serve gays because we think gays are a menace to society. We think gays promote an unhealthy, immoral lifestyle and we do not want in any way to be associated with it.

What then? Shouldn't they be allowed to discriminate too? Why must old books and supernatural beings be involved?

They should be allowed to decide to not provide the service, as long as it is non-necessary, non time sensitive, non point of sale and easily replaceable.

See? The 'religion' argument here is a canard. A red herring. These people like martybegan want the right to discriminate to extend to everyone,

for any reason.

Wrong again.

I have told you repeatedly my criteria for the application of PA law. You choose to ignore it because you are incapable of handling an argument on the nuances of the situation, and prefer just to scream bigot and racist.
Your cowardly leaders and propaganda mills know it is safe to pick on a tiny minority. They know it is wildly popular with the hypocritical mob to do so. Let's go after the fags!

You gutless wonders haven't the courage to look in the mirror. Your leaders and propaganda mills haven't the guts to go after the vast majority of you who are in regular violation of the Bible you claim to follow.

It's easier to bash fags than to face the fact you yourselves are piece of shit sinners who better clean up their act. Adulterers on a cosmic scale, pointing your accusing fingers at queers. How dare you!!!

Blaming the fags for the state of morality in our country is like blaming negroes for the economic crash of 2008. It's a cowardly, lying, hypocrite's gambit.

You assholes know NOTHING about taking personal responsibility for the state of affairs you find yourselves in.

Want some nails for that cross you are putting yourself on?

Right now christian bashing is in vogue with lefty twats, and you deny it due to your own blinders.

Another reason why Trump won, deal with it bitch tits.

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