Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

The homophobes can go to their homophobic church and bash gays all they wish. No one is stopping them. They can post all the GOD HATES FAGS signs on their property they wish. No one is stopping them.

But if they enter the marketplace to sell commercial products for cash, they are on Caesar's territory, not God's.
But can a Christian force a gay graphic designer to print signs that say "GOD HATES FAGS"?

No, because the 1st Amendment also protects the fags' rights to practice their religion of demented butt sex without being forced to be heretics to their faith.

Obergefell is going to be revisited and all this will wash out when the premise that "LGBT"-means-behaviors is finally shone under a spotlight. Hively v Ivy Tech (2016) already broke the ice on that. A sort of softening of the blow to come..
What the PC zealots refuse to acknowledge is that a law such as this matters only if there is a complaint.

The offended parties can just go somewhere else, or they can choose to see to it that the person who "offended" them is punished.

They'd rather see that person punished, and that is the very core of the weaponized PC that energized so many Trump supporters.

Right. Shut up and go to the back of the bus. Those seats aren't that different.
What if this business didn't profess to be religious? What if they just said we don't want to serve gays because we think gays are a menace to society. We think gays promote an unhealthy, immoral lifestyle and we do not want in any way to be associated with it.

What then? Shouldn't they be allowed to discriminate too? Why must old books and supernatural beings be involved?

They should be allowed to decide to not provide the service, as long as it is non-necessary, non time sensitive, non point of sale and easily replaceable.

See? The 'religion' argument here is a canard. A red herring. These people like martybegan want the right to discriminate to extend to everyone,

for any reason.
When you face your God, he is going to going to be very angry with you bigoted assholes over your hypocrisy.
Ordained Ministers that do not charge for their wedding services can refuse to perform weddings to any couple they choose. If they start charging for their services then they fall under public accommodation laws because money is being exchanged.

The same holds true with services or products being supplied to the public.
exactly right

I for one don't know why the state recognizes a marriage performed in a church as legal anyway.
Why are we vesting powers of the state in clergymen at all?

There's no reason a clergyman can't be licensed to perform marriages. However, he then becomes a civil servant and should be subject to all laws pertaining to the exercise of that position.

So when you get a license to drive, you become a civil servant? When you get a business license, you become a civil servant. You get a liquor license and you become a public servant.

That is stretching the issue to force religious compliance and I believe that infringes on religious freedom.

When I get a license to drive, I can't then make up a religion that says speed limit laws are the work of the Devil.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Divorce used to be a scandal. Today, divorce is so common it has become not only socially acceptable, it has become a norm.

So how is it that gays end up as the political scapegoats for the utter ruination of the institution of marriage? What bizarro line of thinking led to the conclusion that homos will ruin an institution which collapsed a long, long time ago?

Why does the mob wave the Bible about when condemning gays, but fails to rail against the mass adultery going on?


When will the mob remember their Bible and start politically campaigning against divorce except in case of adultery? When will the mob remember their Bible and start politically campaigning for not allowing divorcees to re-marry?

Why do they only remember their Bible when ranting about the mote in their neighbor's eye and forget the Bible when it comes to the beam in their own?

Is it because the very people bashing gays over the head with the Bible are adulterers themselves? Hmmmm...

Premarital sex. Porn sites. Masturbation. All these other forms of adultery are also acceptable and a norm. All hugely violating the Bible.

Adultery, as defined by the Bible, has become so widespread and so rampant, it is now politically embedded into the very fabric of our country. No politician would dare go after the tens upon tens upon tens of millions of biblically-defined adulterers.

Evil has already won, kids. A long time ago. Wakey wakey.

The Bible has a lot to say about a people who have gone so far away from God.

Making gays the scapegoat would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Jesus never addresses ANYTHING in the Bible. The New Testament is a collection of eyewitness accounts to his teachings. Read Jude 1 when you get a minute...

When you face your God, he is going to going to be very angry with you bigoted assholes over your hypocrisy.
Not from what I've read in Jude 1 of the New Testament of Jesus Christ. In fact, quite the opposite is true. A vigorous opposition must be done or else the soul faces eternal damnation. God didn't destroy Sodom for not parting their hair just right..
When you face your God, he is going to going to be very angry with you bigoted assholes over your hypocrisy.
Not from what I've read in Jude 1 of the New Testament of Jesus Christ. In fact, quite the opposite is true. A vigorous opposition must be done or else the soul faces eternal damnation. God didn't destroy Sodom for not parting their hair just right..
See post 706, hypocrite.
yep, it's not about the cake, its about fucking over the people they don't like.
This is why they keep talking about the law, when the law isn't the issue.

I't amazing I am getting beaten up by both sides of this argument.

You must be doing something right, then.
Notice also how, after passionately promoting the Rule of Law in this case, they'll also passionately scream RACIST at you if you dare to look sideways at sanctuary cities.


Oh, come on man. Everybody KNOWS that is you don't want your city protecting the undocumented criminal who just moved next door to you, you MUST be a racist!

What I can't figure out is what blinds people to the perfectly obvious. If some cities hang out a welcome sign to undocumented criminals and some don't, where do they think the criminals will end up, anyway?

Damn, if I were a mayor, I would stand up and say "I'm here to serve my community here, folks, and not my own zealous political posturing".
Adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

They're so emotionally committed to the "oppressed vs. oppressor" meme that intellectual honesty simply is not a priority.
Your cowardly leaders and propaganda mills know it is safe to pick on a tiny minority. They know it is wildly popular with the hypocritical mob to do so. Let's go after the fags!

You gutless wonders haven't the courage to look in the mirror. Your leaders and propaganda mills haven't the guts to go after the vast majority of you who are in regular violation of the Bible you claim to follow.

It's easier to bash fags than to face the fact you yourselves are piece of shit sinners who better clean up their act. Adulterers on a cosmic scale, pointing your accusing fingers at queers. How dare you!!!

Blaming the fags for the state of morality in our country is like blaming negroes for the economic crash of 2008. It's a cowardly, lying, hypocrite's gambit.

You assholes know NOTHING about taking personal responsibility for the state of affairs you find yourselves in.
This is why they keep talking about the law, when the law isn't the issue.

I't amazing I am getting beaten up by both sides of this argument.

You must be doing something right, then.
Notice also how, after passionately promoting the Rule of Law in this case, they'll also passionately scream RACIST at you if you dare to look sideways at sanctuary cities.


Oh, come on man. Everybody KNOWS that is you don't want your city protecting the undocumented criminal who just moved next door to you, you MUST be a racist!

What I can't figure out is what blinds people to the perfectly obvious. If some cities hang out a welcome sign to undocumented criminals and some don't, where do they think the criminals will end up, anyway?

Damn, if I were a mayor, I would stand up and say "I'm here to serve my community here, folks, and not my own zealous political posturing".
Adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

They're so emotionally committed to the "oppressed vs. oppressor" meme that intellectual honesty simply is not a priority.

Now it's intellectually dishonest to believe in the existence of oppressors and the oppressed.

Your alt right true colors are showing through.
See if you can identify...the people who are destroying the institution of marriage and morality in America.

Ready? It's quiz time!

Is it this couple?

How about this family? Newt Gingrich with his first wife and kids:


Newt cheated on his first wife with this woman, who he then made his second wife:


Well, once you get on an adultery roll, it is hard to stop. Newt cheated on his second wife with this hoot owl, and then made her his third wife:


^^ Which one is the mom?....vital and necessary in marriage to it's implied sharers: Children

There was no representation at Obergefell to the most vital participants and beneficiaries (children) of the marriage contract's gutted revision. Which is illegal.
Newt can have all the wedding invitations he wants! Because he is holier than fags!
Here is The Donald with his first wife:


Maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. But Trump fooled around on her a lot. The 80s were his personal Vietnam, sex-wise.

So he made this mistress his second wife. I think the "Trump Family Values" thing on the cover is a real treat, don't you?


Trump's second wife was an American, but he went back on a big outsourcing kick again, and dumped her so he could marry this woman:


You gotta love immigrants. Doing the hard work Americans won't do.
This is Kim Davis, with her fourth husband. Straight off the set of Hee Haw.

You remember Kim. She wouldn't let gays come between her, her four marriages, and the Bible.


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