Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

The homophobic printers are hypocrites. They aren't following the Bible. They are using it as a shield over their hateful bigotry. They are fake Christians.

Show me a case where they turned away a divorced person from getting wedding invitations for his biblically non-compliant second marriage.

This is about hate, not religion. Pure and simple.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites. He had nothing to say about gays.

Not your call to make, you judgmental pile of shit.
Oh, the irony!

"Judgmental pile of shit". I'm thieving that.

No irony, Unlike you I can see the need to protect people I disagree with.
Your cowardly leaders and propaganda mills know it is safe to pick on a tiny minority. They know it is wildly popular with the hypocritical mob to do so. Let's go after the fags!

You gutless wonders haven't the courage to look in the mirror. Your leaders and propaganda mills haven't the guts to go after the vast majority of you who are in regular violation of the Bible you claim to follow.

It's easier to bash fags than to face the fact you yourselves are piece of shit sinners who better clean up their act. Adulterers on a cosmic scale, pointing your accusing fingers at queers. How dare you!!!

Blaming the fags for the state of morality in our country is like blaming negroes for the economic crash of 2008. It's a cowardly, lying, hypocrite's gambit.

You assholes know NOTHING about taking personal responsibility for the state of affairs you find yourselves in.

Want some nails for that cross you are putting yourself on?

Right now christian bashing is in vogue with lefty twats, and you deny it due to your own blinders.

Another reason why Trump won, deal with it bitch tits.
Trump the serial adulterer who made his fortune off gambling dens and contests of the flesh won.

I can see how Christians would brag on that!
Your cowardly leaders and propaganda mills know it is safe to pick on a tiny minority. They know it is wildly popular with the hypocritical mob to do so. Let's go after the fags!

You gutless wonders haven't the courage to look in the mirror. Your leaders and propaganda mills haven't the guts to go after the vast majority of you who are in regular violation of the Bible you claim to follow.

It's easier to bash fags than to face the fact you yourselves are piece of shit sinners who better clean up their act. Adulterers on a cosmic scale, pointing your accusing fingers at queers. How dare you!!!

Blaming the fags for the state of morality in our country is like blaming negroes for the economic crash of 2008. It's a cowardly, lying, hypocrite's gambit.

You assholes know NOTHING about taking personal responsibility for the state of affairs you find yourselves in.

Want some nails for that cross you are putting yourself on?

Right now christian bashing is in vogue with lefty twats, and you deny it due to your own blinders.

Another reason why Trump won, deal with it bitch tits.
Trump the serial adulterer who made his fortune off gambling dens won.

I can see how Christians would be proud.

People like you are political paradoxes, you don't realize that it's your views and positions that lead to the things you can't stand happening.
Under Constitutional equality, I should be able to marry my sister. We're consenting adults and stay out of our bedroom fuckers.

Under Constitutional equality, men should be allowed to marry children. My constitutional rights are violated because I can't marry my aunt.

Under Constitutional equality, young children must be allowed drive cars, never mind vote.

Under Constitutional equality, my rights are violated when my California vote doesn't equal your Alaskan vote. Oh look, our founding fathers fucked up with the 12th amendment.

Love liberal interpretations. I can pull all kinds of shit out of my ass EQUAL to men were intended to marry, have kids, and use the women's bathroom.
Here is one of Trump's temples to his god, built with the generous donations of the devoted flock who religiously attend these cathedrals:


Trump's Nuns:


Here we see a high mass in one of Trump's temples. This one makes the hayseeds feel closer to to Trump's god:

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

This is why the deceived are led to bleev by their propaganda mills they are the persecuted and not the deceived. They have to bleev they are living a godly life as they divorce and remarry, watch porn, worship at the feet of a great deceiver, and bash fags.

The homophobic printers are hypocrites. They aren't following the Bible. They are using it as a shield over their hateful bigotry. They are fake Christians.

Show me a case where they turned away a divorced person from getting wedding invitations for his biblically non-compliant second marriage.

This is about hate, not religion. Pure and simple.

Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites. He had nothing to say about gays.

Not your call to make, you judgmental pile of shit.

What's more judgmental than deciding that gays are not worthy of associating with you as equals?

Just as judgmental as a bunch of whiny anti-trumpers not wanting to associate with anyone who even considers Trump not the anti-christ.

The difference is you want to ruin people who just think differently than you.

Where are Trump supporters being denied goods and services?
Just because a leg is broken on child, doesn't mean you blow the child up. You set the leg in a cast and preserve the whole child as he was...mending him. Trump's (or any other) failed marriages don't set the rule for children needing vitally both a mother and father from marriage. A thing gay marriage not only doesn't provide them...but in fact legally-denies them...for life!

Nope- no more than a divorce does.

Many children with legal gay parents have the biological father in their lives. As much as many kids who are divorced.

By a vast majority the main reason a child is raised without either a mother or father in his or her lives is because one or both of his biological parents walked out on him.

Yet all you care about is trying to prevent children from having married gay parents.

Preventing a gay couple from marrying doesn't help a single child.

But preventing a gay couple with children from marrying, harms their children.

And that is what you want- to harm the children of homosexuals.

Because you hate homosexuals that much.
Saint Trump. :lol:

I have actually heard evangelicals claim Trump is a prophet of God. I kid you not.
Selling a commercial product for money is not a religious rite, period.

Therefore, this issue has NOTHING to do with the First Amendment. No one's exercising of their religion is being interfered with.


Again, the 1st amendment protects free exercise, not just rites, or churches, or clergy

Get the fucking stuffing out of your brain.

Then tell us why Warren Jeffs is in prison.
Boy, I tells ya. Dem fags is the ones dragging our morality troo da mud. :lol:


But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."
Under Constitutional equality, I should be able to marry my sister. We're consenting adults and stay out of our bedroom fuckers..

And you have the right to go to court- or the legislature- to pursue your dream of marrying your sister.

Go for it.

It has nothing to do with gay couples being able to marry, but like gay couples- you can pursue your passion to marry the love of your life.
The homophobes can go to their homophobic church and bash gays all they wish. No one is stopping them. They can post all the GOD HATES FAGS signs on their property they wish. No one is stopping them.

But if they enter the marketplace to sell commercial products for cash, they are on Caesar's territory, not God's.
But can a Christian force a gay graphic designer to print signs that say "GOD HATES FAGS"?

It would be an interesting case- you should pursue your legal rights to pursue your dream of anti-gay signs.
Is jihad protected by the first Amendment?

For sake of argument, use this definition of jihad:

(among Muslims) a war or struggle against unbelievers.

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