Freedom of speech is gone


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Democrats now control social media. Joe Biden has personally deputized social media to quell misinformation that he feels might lead to people dying.

However, consider this,
It was not that long ago when some social media platforms actively suppressed claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory and spread after an accidental leak. It was not that long ago when government officials encouraged people not to buy masks to protect themselves from COVID-19. It was not that long ago experts said COVID-19 spread through physical surfaces or that we had to be a full 6 feet away from each other to socially distance.

In each of these cases, the Biden White House would have preferred to quash any debate about the truth of the virus. They want only one voice of expert opinion reaching people, and they want to ban anyone voicing a dissenting opinion from all platforms.

From a conservative point of view, God forbid, if a republican ever wins the White House again, should they be able to do the same? Should they say that any information on social media about abortion should be banned? Should they quell any attempt to defund the police on social media since after doing so crime has spiked and the death rates have dramatically increased?

All I can say is, America has been taken over by the fascism of the Left, and there are no checks and balances to stop them. In fact, without a free press anymore democracy is dead.
From a conservative point of view, God forbid, if a republican ever wins the White House again, should they be able to do the same? Should they say that any information on social media about abortion should be banned? Should they quell any attempt to defund the police on social media since after doing so crime has spiked and the death rates have dramatically increased?

All I can say is, America has been taken over by the fascism of the Left, and there are no checks and balances to stop them. In fact, without a free press anymore democracy is dead.

Your argument would be chilling if Biden had actually been able to stomp out the rampant misinformation on the right about Covid.

We should have broken the back of this thing by now. We haven't because so many dillweeds on the right are refusing to get vaccinated and spreading vaccine misinformation.

Even after unfriending most of my right wing associates in Facebook, (or being unfriended), I'm still seeing more right wing crap on my Facebook feed than I really want to.
Your argument would be chilling if Biden had actually been able to stomp out the rampant misinformation on the right about Covid.

We should have broken the back of this thing by now. We haven't because so many dillweeds on the right are refusing to get vaccinated and spreading vaccine misinformation.

Even after unfriending most of my right wing associates in Facebook, (or being unfriended), I'm still seeing more right wing crap on my Facebook feed than I really want to.

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden said Wednesday that while he trusts what scientists say about a potential coronavirus vaccine, he doesn’t trust President Donald Trump.

Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

Like it or not Trump was president and Biden is saying he did not trust the government. Why should Republicans be any different?

Democrats now control social media. Joe Biden has personally deputized social media to quell misinformation that he feels might lead to people dying.

However, consider this,
It was not that long ago when some social media platforms actively suppressed claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory and spread after an accidental leak. It was not that long ago when government officials encouraged people not to buy masks to protect themselves from COVID-19. It was not that long ago experts said COVID-19 spread through physical surfaces or that we had to be a full 6 feet away from each other to socially distance.

In each of these cases, the Biden White House would have preferred to quash any debate about the truth of the virus. They want only one voice of expert opinion reaching people, and they want to ban anyone voicing a dissenting opinion from all platforms.

From a conservative point of view, God forbid, if a republican ever wins the White House again, should they be able to do the same? Should they say that any information on social media about abortion should be banned? Should they quell any attempt to defund the police on social media since after doing so crime has spiked and the death rates have dramatically increased?

All I can say is, America has been taken over by the fascism of the Left, and there are no checks and balances to stop them. In fact, without a free press anymore democracy is dead.

All I can say is, America has been taken over by the fascism of the Left, and there are no checks and balances to stop them. In fact, without a free press anymore democracy is dead.

Well in fact, we have not been taken over by fascism but being an ignorant Republican , you would say that.
Checks and balances are performing right now with audits.

The government has not stopped any freedom. If your referring to teump, Facebook did that themselves because he is an idiot and bombarded it with massive lies everyday.
Biden has no input whatsoever but agreed with it. If Biden did the same he should be banned also, but he didn't and has learnt from your idiots mistakes.

So settle down with your mealy mouthed fabricated bullshit. You're scare mongering as usually driven by bitterness about being cleverly and resoundingly defeated.
Your argument would be chilling if Biden had actually been able to stomp out the rampant misinformation on the right about Covid.

We should have broken the back of this thing by now. We haven't because so many dillweeds on the right are refusing to get vaccinated and spreading vaccine misinformation.

Even after unfriending most of my right wing associates in Facebook, (or being unfriended), I'm still seeing more right wing crap on my Facebook feed than I really want to.
He IS stomping it out your moron.

Or have you failed to see the full-court press going on right now from our government -- The leading purveyor of misinformation -- to silence the opinions and thoughts of those who rationally question the government's "science"?
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden said Wednesday that while he trusts what scientists say about a potential coronavirus vaccine, he doesn’t trust President Donald Trump.

Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

Like it or not Trump was president and Biden is saying he did not trust the government. Why should Republicans be any different?

Because Trump told 10,000 documented lies, that's why you shouldn't trust him.

But we can trust Commie Bernie and his five mansions, not a one of which he has opened as a barracks for the homeless.
Because Trump told 10,000 documented lies, that's why you shouldn't trust him.

But we can trust Commie Bernie and his five mansions, not a one of which he has opened as a barracks for the homeless.

Stomp your feet all you want. The government lies to us all the time regardless of which party is in charge.

Benghazi was not about a video.
He IS stomping it out your moron.

Or have you failed to see the full-court press going on right now from our government -- The leading purveyor of misinformation -- to silence the opinions and thoughts of those who rationally question the government's "science"?

Yes, the people who believe in talking snakes are the ones I would go to for an opinion on "Science".

Here's the problem. We are running well short of our vaccination goals because so many people are out there spreading vaccine misinformation. It would be funny except for the part where people are STILL dying from a disease we should have gotten under control by now.

But no, no, Facebook is bad because they ban anti-Vax nuts from posting. They're the bad guys.
So what's your point?

The last politician who told people the truth was Walter Mondale and he lost 49 states. It's not like we reward these guys for telling the truth.

Republicans are saying they do not trust the government here. You are saying "yeah, they all lie", so why should anyone trust any of it?
How is freedom of speech "gone"? You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

People forget two things:

1) there are those who are deliberately spreading false information about a deadly disease and the vaccine designed to stop its spread for whatever reason.

2) right-wing "conservatives" invented censorship. They have been the ones responsible for using the power of big government to institute rules forbidding speech about birth control, abortion, and the LGBTQ+ community and other subjects from the days of Comstock up to the present day. They are the ones who pass gag rules forbidding open discussion of these issues. In greg abbott's third-world nation, he wants anyone who even offers a woman a ride to a free state to be sued by perfect strangers. Now they are also trying to forbid open discussion of issues regarding race. What happened to free speech?
Yes, the people who believe in talking snakes are the ones I would go to for an opinion on "Science".

Here's the problem. We are running well short of our vaccination goals because so many people are out there spreading vaccine misinformation. It would be funny except for the part where people are STILL dying from a disease we should have gotten under control by now.

But no, no, Facebook is bad because they ban anti-Vax nuts from posting. They're the bad guys.
The ONLY misinformation being spread is that people who have formed opinions that the vaccine has serious health issues are somehow brainwashed by FoxNews all the while misinformation concerning the vaccines are being applied liberally by the other news media outlets.

In concert with that, there is a significant effort on the way to silence those who ask legitimate questions by banning them from the public square, shaming them for not following the Nazi doctrine of this administration, and at best, a confused and disjointed policy on what to do.

The head of the Covid response has been so inconsistent in messaging that the only real conclusion is that none of this is a public health concern and it is all power politics by one party that is attempting to destroy free thought and speech in this country.
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden said Wednesday that while he trusts what scientists say about a potential coronavirus vaccine, he doesn’t trust President Donald Trump.

Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

Like it or not Trump was president and Biden is saying he did not trust the government. Why should Republicans be any different?

Trump said the virus would be gone in the summer of 2020 and suggested using bleach and bright light..

Why are we even have a discussing about Trump versus science?

Trump wasn't "government".
Trump said the virus would be gone in the summer of 2020 and suggested using bleach and bright light..

Why are we even have a discussing about Trump versus science?

Trump wasn't "government".

He did say that but yes he was elected as president.
The ONLY misinformation being spread is that people who have formed opinions that the vaccine has serious health issues are somehow brainwashed by FoxNews all the while misinformation concerning the vaccines are being applied liberally by the other news media outlets.

In concert with that, there is a significant effort on the way to silence those who ask legitimate questions by banning them from the public square, shaming them for not following the Nazi doctrine of this administration, and at best, a confused and disjointed policy on what to do.

The head of the Covid response has been so inconsistent in messaging that the only real conclusion is that none of this is a public health concern and it is all power politics by one party that is attempting to destroy free thought and speech in this country.

Translation.... Biden is solving the problem Trump failed to deal with, so we are going to drag this out as much as possible by spreading bullshit information.

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