Freedom on display at a Kentucky school today

It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.
So which guns should be banned?

The one on the left or the one on the right?

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Both. There's no reason to need a gun of that size.
Let me see you stab a deer to death and i will go turn my guns into the local sheriff dept. Deal?

I don't think all guns should be banned. But weapons that can cause mass shootings like in Orlando and Vegas should be banned. And if it involves confiscating these weapons, then so be it.

But I like I said it will never happen because of the perverted gun culture in America.

Folks in this country care more about guns than healthcare.
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.
How can you say no one cared? Democrats used it for gun control. Now, you get in touch with the parents and their friends and let them know they didn't care.
I don't think all guns should be banned. But weapons that can cause mass shootings like in Orlando and Vegas should be banned. And if it involves confiscating these weapons, then so be it.

But I like I said it will never happen because of the perverted gun culture in America.

Folks in this country care more about guns than healthcare.
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.
How can you say no one cared? Democrats used it for gun control. Now, you get in touch with the parents and their friends and let them know they didn't care.
The Democrats' gun control argument doesn't work BECAUSE no one cares. And I did say that those directly involved DO care.....but they are the only ones.
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.
So which guns should be banned?

The one on the left or the one on the right?

View attachment 173107 View attachment 173108

Both. There's no reason to need a gun of that size.
Let me see you stab a deer to death and i will go turn my guns into the local sheriff dept. Deal?
We had a guy in SERE school in Maine once try to take down a moose with a survival knife.
- 14 Shot
- 19 Injured Total
- 5 Remain Critical
- 2 Deceased Victims Identified"

He was 15....he can't legally buy, own or carry a gun. He went to a gun free zone, with an illegal gun. He murdered 2 people, which is also illegal...

Which gun control law stopped him again?

On the other side of the abiding Americans, who can legally buy, own and carry a gun, use those guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent attackers like this kid.

The problem......this school knew this kid was a problem.....we will find this out.....and they didn't stop him.....
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.

Hey.....genius...which gun control law would have stopped this? Please, enlighten us.

It is against the law for a 15 year old to buy, own or carry a pistol. He could not carry that gun to the school, by law. The School is a gun free zone, by law. It is against the law for the 15 year old to commit murder.....

Which law would have stopped this again?
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.


I don't think all guns should be banned. But weapons that can cause mass shootings like in Orlando and Vegas should be banned. And if it involves confiscating these weapons, then so be it.

But I like I said it will never happen because of the perverted gun culture in America.

Folks in this country care more about guns than healthcare.

Orlando....49 murdered with a rifle, shotgun and pistols....a gun free zone.

Vegas...58 murdered after firing over 1,000 rounds into a crowd of over 22,000 people.

Nice, France, a muslim terrorist, with a rental truck murdered 86 people in 5 minutes...

Did you want to ban rental trucks too....

And on the other side of the ledger......Americans use their guns that they own and sometimes carry to stop 1,500,000 violent criminal attacks, including mass public shootings...
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.

this kid didn't use either one of those weapons....

But the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian rifles saved 26 lives in the Texas church shooting....
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..

So sweet...what about if i tell you that 200 countries, thousands of schools, billions of people have never seen a gun and don' get shot because there are no guns? Beleive me it's real.
I lived with 30 million people, never heard of someone saw a gun or known someone who saw one. Result? 0 mass shootings, 0 people killed from guns.
I know it's hard for those who are stuck In 1800's. That there is a civil world out there and people dont die by the thousands from guun violence.

And Europe....their gun crime rates are going up....and in the 1940s, they took people without guns, and put them into gas chambers....12 million of them....averaged out over the same period of time, our gun murder rate doesn't come close to that murder rate...
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


You conservatives keep pushing this nonsense about teachers carrying guns. Do you realize this may cause more deaths. You'll not only have the shooter shooting, you'll then have teachers shooting back which results in more bullets flying. More bullets means possibly more casualties from stray bullets.

I'm a teacher and I would never carry a gun into a classroom with children. That is a horrible idea.

There are already teachers carrying guns in schools around the country........and everytime we have had armed citizens in shootouts, they don't shoot or get shot by police........that is a nice lie you guys tell....

He was 15....he can't legally buy, own or carry a gun. He went to a gun free zone, with an illegal gun. He murdered 2 people, which is also illegal...

Which gun control law stopped him again?

On the other side of the abiding Americans, who can legally buy, own and carry a gun, use those guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent attackers like this kid.

The problem......this school knew this kid was a problem.....we will find this out.....and they didn't stop him.....
He was all kind of illegal and shot a lot of people. What`s your point? If there are 4,000 violent attacks a day prevented by gun slingers why are there no police reports to corroborate your bullshit? Because it`s bullshit that only an idiot could believe.
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.
So which guns should be banned?

The one on the left or the one on the right?

View attachment 173107 View attachment 173108

Both. There's no reason to need a gun of that size.

Guns kill far fewer children than cars, alcohol or other liquids...yet you only care about gun deaths......since more children drown, die from alcohol related accidents, or die in cars.....should we ban alcohol, pools and cars?

Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).

Gun murder and kids....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC
Murder with, 238 want to ban guns because 238 kids are murdered with them....vs, the 5,000 that died from alcohol.....and the 3,694 who died in car accidents.......

Death by car and gun by age, 2015...

<1.... Car 64, .....Gun 1

1-4.... Car 332, ...Gun 25

5-9.... Car 351, .....Gun 7

10-14.... Car 412, .....Gun 15

15-19.... Car 2,535, .....Gun 52

Total Car.... 3,694

He was 15....he can't legally buy, own or carry a gun. He went to a gun free zone, with an illegal gun. He murdered 2 people, which is also illegal...

Which gun control law stopped him again?

On the other side of the abiding Americans, who can legally buy, own and carry a gun, use those guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent attackers like this kid.

The problem......this school knew this kid was a problem.....we will find this out.....and they didn't stop him.....
He was all kind of illegal and shot a lot of people. What`s your point? If there are 4,000 violent attacks a day prevented by gun slingers why are there no police reports to corroborate your bullshit? Because it`s bullshit that only an idiot could believe.

No...there is actual research...41 years of research which Trumps your emotion....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.


I don't think all guns should be banned. But weapons that can cause mass shootings like in Orlando and Vegas should be banned. And if it involves confiscating these weapons, then so be it.

But I like I said it will never happen because of the perverted gun culture in America.

Folks in this country care more about guns than healthcare.
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA! guys only care about gun deaths that let you push gun control......gun murder in cities democrats control doesn't matter to you....

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