Freedom on display at a Kentucky school today

It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.

Defending all of our constitutional freedoms is not unhealthy.
Except for the occasional school child. But so what?

5,000 die from alcohol.....238 from want to ban guns but not alcohol.....that is the kind of logic you use....
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

by a 'man' with mental problems that killed his mother to get the guns he used.

How do you stop that?

How do you stop someone from murdering a person to get their firearms, so they can go on a rampage?
We don' We just shrug and move on.........until the next one....and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one...#MAGA

No....we have put out our plan......get rid of gun free zones.....lock up felons caught with guns for 30-life, if you use a gun to commit a crime you go to jail for 30-life.....

You guys don't care about actual gun could fucking care less...that is why you keep letting actual criminals, who use guns out of jail over and over just want to disarm law abiding have a phobia...

This is what you do....

The democrat prosecutor let this monster loose.......

But Democrat Stateā€™s Attorney Julia Reitz cut a deal to let Robbie Patton, a sociopathic predator who will never contribute anything but sewage and sadness to our society, avoid serving hard time for attempted murder.

Itā€™s true. Bad guys in prison donā€™t victimize the innocent. Florida had proven success with 10-20-Life sentencing enhancements for the use of a firearmwhile committing a violent crime. A court struck down the law in 2016. Under the law, Floridaā€™s firearmviolent crime rate plummeted to the lowest levels in the Sunshine Stateā€™s recorded history.


John Boch: Lock Them Up! - The Truth About Guns

When you lock up violent criminals, you prevent them from victimizing other innocents. Crime in America dipped almost 50%after America abandoned ā€œsoft on crimeā€ attitudes of the 1970s. Of course, many soft-on-crime politicians like Reitz have once more taken a love to ā€œdiversionā€ programs. And thatā€™s how we get Robbie Patton (above), a local crime celebrity of sorts.

In 2015, he had an altercation at a Champaign Steak ā€˜n Shake restaurant commonly frequented by my friends and me. While none of us were enjoying a milkshake or steakburger at 5:30pm, Robbie was.

Robbie found himself in an altercation inside the restaurant. He felt one of his friends had been ā€œdisrespectedā€, so little Robbie went outside. He waited for the other group to emerge, pulled out of gun and tried to kill those other people.

He missed, and fled the scene with an Illinois State Trooper in hot pursuit. After a short, high-speed chase in a stolen car, Robbie crashed and escaped on foot.

Cops caught up with him. Local prosecutor Julia Reitz then went soft on little Robbie. She let him go to ā€œboot campā€, even though that sentencing option is not supposed to be available for violent offenders. And squeezing off a bunch of shots at other people, trying to kill them, pretty much fits the bill as a violent crime.

After serving eight months on an eight-year sentence, Robbie returned to the streets of Champaign-Urbana. In less than two days, cops arrested him again for drugs and who knows what else. Not even three weeks after that, heā€™s illegally got agun. When someone ā€œdisrespectsā€ another one of Robbieā€™s friends, guess what he does? He pulls out the gun and fires shots at those he believes responsible.

He misses his intended targets, but in the busy University of Illinois campustown district, his errant, not-so-late-night rounds found four innocent people within a block or two. George Korchev, the recent nursing school graduate due to start his career as a registered nurse at a hospital in Libertyville, IL, the following Monday morning, was struck and killed a blockaway from one of Robbieā€™s bullets.


Democrats lower sentences in California...for gun criminals

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman ā€“ Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, theyā€™ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the stateā€™s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustineā€™s words of wisdom to mean, ā€œHate the gun, not the gunman.ā€

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison ā€” on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The billā€™s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasnā€™t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a ā€œnon-violentā€ offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds
'A child age 15 to 19 in the U.S. is 82 times more likely to die from gun violence than such a child in peer nations'

And they die from knife violence at higher rates here too....our ciminals commit more murder than the criminals in Europe, dumb ass...but that is changing, they are shooting and knifing each other at higher rates now.......
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.
How can you say no one cared? Democrats used it for gun control. Now, you get in touch with the parents and their friends and let them know they didn't care.
The Democrats' gun control argument doesn't work BECAUSE no one cares. And I did say that those directly involved DO care.....but they are the only ones.

No....nothing the democrats want to do would have stopped this...not one thing......
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.

Defending all of our constitutional freedoms is not unhealthy.
Except for the occasional school child. But so what?

5,000 die from alcohol.....238 from want to ban guns but not alcohol.....that is the kind of logic you use....
Where did I say I want to ban guns? Show where I've said that......guess you're one of those "people" that have to misrepresent to get some glow...some fake sense of "winning".
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.
How can you say no one cared? Democrats used it for gun control. Now, you get in touch with the parents and their friends and let them know they didn't care.
The Democrats' gun control argument doesn't work BECAUSE no one cares. And I did say that those directly involved DO care.....but they are the only ones.

No....nothing the democrats want to do would have stopped this...not one thing......
Correct...even if they wanted to do something. We know the current GOP administration and it's worshippers don't want to do anything.
The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.
How can you say no one cared? Democrats used it for gun control. Now, you get in touch with the parents and their friends and let them know they didn't care.
The Democrats' gun control argument doesn't work BECAUSE no one cares. And I did say that those directly involved DO care.....but they are the only ones.

No....nothing the democrats want to do would have stopped this...not one thing......
Correct...even if they wanted to do something. We know the current GOP administration and it's worshippers don't want to do anything.

How about firearm training for teachers?
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.
How can you say no one cared? Democrats used it for gun control. Now, you get in touch with the parents and their friends and let them know they didn't care.
The Democrats' gun control argument doesn't work BECAUSE no one cares. And I did say that those directly involved DO care.....but they are the only ones.

No....nothing the democrats want to do would have stopped this...not one thing......
Correct...even if they wanted to do something. We know the current GOP administration and it's worshippers don't want to do anything.

How about firearm training for teachers?
Cool. Parent Conferences would be delightful.
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


You conservatives keep pushing this nonsense about teachers carrying guns. Do you realize this may cause more deaths. You'll not only have the shooter shooting, you'll then have teachers shooting back which results in more bullets flying. More bullets means possibly more casualties from stray bullets.

I'm a teacher and I would never carry a gun into a classroom with children. That is a horrible idea.

You're pretty stupid if you think this would happen.

Nobody is going to shoot up a school if they know bullets will be flying in their direction. Nobody is going to walk into a class room and start shooting up kids with armed teachers everywhere. The whole reason school shootings occur is they are SOFT TARGETS.

How many people shoot up a police station? How many times has that happened in the past 10 years? Why would someone choose a school over a police station? You mean to tell me cops who are armed and trained to use the firearms tend to deter a shooter from choosing that target? NO FUCKING WAY. WHY THE FUCK IS THAT?

Arm teachers and protect the kids! How can liberals be so stupid to say that OMG an armed teacher might miss the perp and hit another kid, so lets just let the fucking perp shoot up the school unstopped?

Are liberals that stupid? You can't be that fucking stupid because that's a really special level of stupid reserved for only the truly dumbest liberals on the planet. Which most of them seem to be.

However, that photo of the woman standing behind the kids is most likely NOT a school teacher.

Are Israeli teachers armed?
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My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


You conservatives keep pushing this nonsense about teachers carrying guns. Do you realize this may cause more deaths. You'll not only have the shooter shooting, you'll then have teachers shooting back which results in more bullets flying. More bullets means possibly more casualties from stray bullets.

I'm a teacher and I would never carry a gun into a classroom with children. That is a horrible idea.

You're pretty stupid if you think this would happen.

Nobody is going to shoot up a school if they know bullets will be flying in their direction. Nobody is going to walk into a class room and start shooting up kids with armed teachers everywhere. The whole reason school shootings occur is they are SOFT TARGETS.

How many people shoot up a police station? How many times has that happened in the past 10 years? Why would someone choose a school over a police station? You mean to tell me cops who are armed and trained to use the firearms tend to deter a shooter from choosing that target? NO FUCKING WAY. WHY THE FUCK IS THAT?

Arm teachers and protect the kids! How can liberals be so stupid to say that OMG an armed teacher might miss the perp and hit another kid, so lets just let the fucking perp shoot up the school unstopped?

Are liberals that stupid? You can't be that fucking stupid because that's a really special level of stupid reserved for only the truly dumbest liberals on the planet. Which most of them seem to be.

However, that photo of the woman standing behind the kids is most likely NOT a school teacher.

Are Israeli teachers armed?
These people avoid common sense like the plague.
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..

Ah yes, the 'get more guns out there on the street' meme. We have been doing that now for a couple of decades, how has it worked out? Seems that we have a school shot up about once a week now. And your picture is real fucking smart. So the miscreant takes out the teacher first.

We did not have armed teachers or students when I went to school in the '50's. And we almost never had a shooting at school. We have two problems now. You assholes that preach all that all problems can be solved by guns, and the people that believe you, like this kid. And you make sure that the guns are readily available for the crazies. The NRA and you even fight laws that would prevent people with known mental problems from getting guns.
The kid had to get the gun somewhere. If it was at home, and his parents left the gun loose where he could get at it, then both should be charged with accessory to murder. If he bought it off the street, and they can get the person that sold it to him, that person should be charged with murder. It is time that those with guns accept responsibility for those guns.
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


You conservatives keep pushing this nonsense about teachers carrying guns. Do you realize this may cause more deaths. You'll not only have the shooter shooting, you'll then have teachers shooting back which results in more bullets flying. More bullets means possibly more casualties from stray bullets.

I'm a teacher and I would never carry a gun into a classroom with children. That is a horrible idea.

You're pretty stupid if you think this would happen.

Nobody is going to shoot up a school if they know bullets will be flying in their direction. Nobody is going to walk into a class room and start shooting up kids with armed teachers everywhere. The whole reason school shootings occur is they are SOFT TARGETS.

How many people shoot up a police station? How many times has that happened in the past 10 years? Why would someone choose a school over a police station? You mean to tell me cops who are armed and trained to use the firearms tend to deter a shooter from choosing that target? NO FUCKING WAY. WHY THE FUCK IS THAT?

Arm teachers and protect the kids! How can liberals be so stupid to say that OMG an armed teacher might miss the perp and hit another kid, so lets just let the fucking perp shoot up the school unstopped?

Are liberals that stupid? You can't be that fucking stupid because that's a really special level of stupid reserved for only the truly dumbest liberals on the planet. Which most of them seem to be.

However, that photo of the woman standing behind the kids is most likely NOT a school teacher.

Are Israeli teachers armed?

You think the people who shoot up schools are thinking clearly and will be dissuaded by teacher's being armed? These shooters are already on a suicide mission anyway. Most of them know they're going to be taken out by the cops. But they still do it anyway.

Bringing a gun into the classroom is a perfect recipe for disaster. As teacher I would never bring a dangerous weapon around my students. If u wanted to carry a gun to work I would have joined law enforcement.

And if I had kids I wouldn't want my kid going to a school where teachers walk around packing.

I know in the conservative world guns are like water and food. But in the real and rational world that isn't acceptable.
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


You conservatives keep pushing this nonsense about teachers carrying guns. Do you realize this may cause more deaths. You'll not only have the shooter shooting, you'll then have teachers shooting back which results in more bullets flying. More bullets means possibly more casualties from stray bullets.

I'm a teacher and I would never carry a gun into a classroom with children. That is a horrible idea.

You're pretty stupid if you think this would happen.

Nobody is going to shoot up a school if they know bullets will be flying in their direction. Nobody is going to walk into a class room and start shooting up kids with armed teachers everywhere. The whole reason school shootings occur is they are SOFT TARGETS.

How many people shoot up a police station? How many times has that happened in the past 10 years? Why would someone choose a school over a police station? You mean to tell me cops who are armed and trained to use the firearms tend to deter a shooter from choosing that target? NO FUCKING WAY. WHY THE FUCK IS THAT?

Arm teachers and protect the kids! How can liberals be so stupid to say that OMG an armed teacher might miss the perp and hit another kid, so lets just let the fucking perp shoot up the school unstopped?

Are liberals that stupid? You can't be that fucking stupid because that's a really special level of stupid reserved for only the truly dumbest liberals on the planet. Which most of them seem to be.

However, that photo of the woman standing behind the kids is most likely NOT a school teacher.

Are Israeli teachers armed?

You think the people who shoot up schools are thinking clearly and will be dissuaded by teacher's being armed? These shooters are already on a suicide mission anyway. Most of them know they're going to be taken out by the cops. But they still do it anyway.

Bringing a gun into the classroom is a perfect recipe for disaster. As teacher I would never bring a dangerous weapon around my students. If u wanted to carry a gun to work I would have joined law enforcement.

And if I had kids I wouldn't want my kid going to a school where teachers walk around packing.

I know in the conservative world guns are like water and food. But in the real and rational world that isn't acceptable.
Why is it that James Eagan Holmes
Most movie theaters allow permit holders carrying guns. But the Cinemark movie theater was the only one with a sign posted at the theaterā€™s entrance.
By the way, every time I am out in public (open and concealed carry law applies) not once have I ever had to draw my weapon in self defense. Not too many stupid liberals that want to find out who is and who isn't carrying..

My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..

There isn`t a teacher or police officer that can`t be disarmed. For a kid who doesn`t come from a home that provides the gun an armed teacher is a godsend. Are Israel and the U.S. the only countries with school shootings? What about the other 200 countries? Their teachers must be more heavily armed than the Israeli teachers. I hear that the teachers in Scotland drive army tanks to school and bring rocket launchers into class to keep the kids in line.
I don't think I could be disarmed before I shot the person trying to disarm me. I have up to 7 yards to put the shithead down, and for sure, my military training, I wont allow that liberal to get closer than that...Don't fucking doubt me..
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Confiscation of legal weapons. Not illegal ones, as the liberal politicians need their Brown Shirts to enact the "night of long knives". Cant happen as long as (Hey liberals watch this) LAW ABIDING CITIZENS are allowed to carry. Shame they closed insane asylums because Jimmy Carter thought it was inhumane to keep crazy fucks, like a liberal kept in a rubber room. Back in 1977 when more of those crazies were allowed to be free, soon children were having to change Halloween because those fucks put razors in apples and needles in candy bars. And the rest if history..Liberal compassion ends up killing people.


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