French Comedian Faces Trial For ‘Anti Semitism’

Just a bunch of propoganda pictures and so called surviver people talking.

Like I said; there is no film of anyone being gassed or burned in ovens.

Just alot of false claims with no real evidence.

The so called holocaust is one big fraud
Just a bunch of propoganda pictures and so called surviver people talking.

Like I said; there is no film of anyone being gassed or burned in ovens.

Just alot of false claims with no real evidence.

The so called holocaust is one big fraud
LMAO. I sincerely doubt you were able to watch a full length documentary between the time I posted it and your dismissal of it just a few minutes later.

Let's face it. You hate Jews. If someone in France were getting sued for anti-Muslim rhetoric, you would have no issue with it. Your sincerity about free speech is a joke. You champion terrorists who would take that free speech from you in a New York minute. Of all the states in the Middle East, Israel has the most freedom of speech yet you hate that nation and her people.

I find the thread interesting from the point of view of protection of free speech, especially the vile speech which is most in need of protection, however I have little doubt in my mind that your interest in this topic is not with speech at all. ;)
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So all those mass graves were filled with fake bodies?

But how did the people die?

Allied bombs? stravation? over work? disease?

Just who were the people?

German soldiers? German civilians? Russian prisoners? Jews? allied soldiers?

They were Jews and you damn well know it.
Are the thousands of people liberated from the camps all making it up?
Did the Germans produce fake documents saying they were killing them even though they really weren't?
So all those mass graves were filled with fake bodies?

But how did the people die?

Allied bombs? stravation? over work? disease?

Just who were the people?

German soldiers? German civilians? Russian prisoners? Jews? allied soldiers?

They were Jews and you damn well know it.
Are the thousands of people liberated from the camps all making it up?
Did the Germans produce fake documents saying they were killing them even though they really weren't?
Piles of naked bodies.

They could be anyone.

Allies solders, german civilians, russian soldiers, german soldiers, who knows???

Jews? maybe, maybe not.
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But how did the people die?

Allied bombs? stravation? over work? disease?

Just who were the people?

German soldiers? German civilians? Russian prisoners? Jews? allied soldiers?

They were Jews and you damn well know it.
Are the thousands of people liberated from the camps all making it up?
Did the Germans produce fake documents saying they were killing them even though they really weren't?
Piles of naked bodies.

Did you see any Star of David on them?

They could be anyone.

Allies solders, german civilians, russian soldiers, german soldiers, who knows???

Jews? maybe, maybe not.
And because you don't have a video of those in Pompeii who died from an eruption, it must not have happened. You don't have a video of Julius Caesar with identifying papers on him. He must not have been a Roman. You don't have a video of our, rather my, Founders signing the Constitution, so it probably didn't happen.

Your reasoning is inane, Sunni.
I see where you are comming from.

Anyway, I don't believe in the official story of 6 million.

I believe the true number is around 100 thousand.

Maybe 200 thousand total jews died at most.

There were over 500,000 Jews in pre-war Germany alone. At the war's end there were like 2000.
So you are a Holocaust denier. You repeat anti-semitic canards about Jews causing their own misfortunes. You sympathize with the Germans. You blame the Isrealis for the plight of the Palestinians, and all other issues in the Middle East.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it's a duck.
And you're a anti-semite Jew-hater from the new Muslim school.
So you are saying that to question the official story of the holocaust makes a person anti-semitic?

All historical events should be open to questions and examination.

Why should the holocaust be exempt from historical reveiw?
So you are saying that to question the official story of the holocaust makes a person anti-semitic?

All historical events should be open to questions and examination.

Why should the holocaust be exempt from historical reveiw?

No. I am saying that a person who ignores evidence, who distorts facts to make a case is not engaging in honest debate and inquiry but in carrying out an agenda.
The Holocaust is probably the best attested event in the 20th century. We know more about it from more sources than any other event. To deny the record is to engage in falsifying history. You are against falsehood, right?
So you are saying that to question the official story of the holocaust makes a person anti-semitic?

All historical events should be open to questions and examination.

Why should the holocaust be exempt from historical reveiw?

No. I am saying that a person who ignores evidence, who distorts facts to make a case is not engaging in honest debate and inquiry but in carrying out an agenda.
The Holocaust is probably the best attested event in the 20th century. We know more about it from more sources than any other event. To deny the record is to engage in falsifying history. You are against falsehood, right?
The victors of any war write the history books. Same with WWII

The official holocaust story was set in stone immediately following the war.

Then laws were introduced in many countries making it criminal to question any aspect of the so called holocaust.

So now historians are afraid to examine, question, or write papers dealing with the subject.

Those who do are labeled anti-semitic and their careers ruined.

Why can't this subject be reexamined?

It's been over 60 years.

What is being hidden from the public?
Dont listen do you?
What is being hidden? Nothing. There are millions of papers, photos, archives, and recorded testimonies all over Europe and the US, as well as Russia. No one has been denied access to anything. And amazingly all of the evidence supports the same thing: a systematic destruction of European Jewry by the Nazis and their allies.

I'll ask: what would persuade you this was the case?
Dont listen do you?
What is being hidden? Nothing. There are millions of papers, photos, archives, and recorded testimonies all over Europe and the US, as well as Russia. No one has been denied access to anything. And amazingly all of the evidence supports the same thing: a systematic destruction of European Jewry by the Nazis and their allies.

Yes, the Nazis rounded up ten's of thousands of Jews and put them in work camps.

Yes, some were murdered, and many died of starvation, disease, and over work.

But there was NO mass killing of Jews in gas chambers and burnt in ovens.

The evidence doesn't support this myth.
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Four Million Victims?

At the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal, the Allies charged that the Germans exterminated four million people at Auschwitz. This figure, which was invented by the Soviets, was uncritically accepted for many years. It often appeared in major American newspapers and magazines, for example.

Today no reputable historian, not even those who generally accept the extermination story, believes this figure. Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer said in 1989 that it is time to finally acknowledge the familiar four million figure is a deliberate myth. In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, suddenly announced that altogether perhaps one million people (both Jews and non-Jews) died there. Neither institution would say how many of these people were killed, nor were any estimates given of the numbers of those supposedly gassed. One prominent Holocaust historian, Gerald Reitlinger, has estimated that perhaps 700,000 or so Jews perished at Auschwitz. More recently, Holocaust historian Jean-Claude Pressac has estimated that about 800,000 persons -- of whom 630,000 were Jewish -- perished at Auschwitz. While even such lower figures are incorrect, they show how the Auschwitz story has changed drastically over the years.

Auschwitz - Myths & Facts

So Rabbi the 4 million Jews at Auschwitz has been reduced even by Jewish historians to 1 million.

By my calculations, that cuts the mythical 6 million down to 3 million. :doubt:
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Poland reduced Auschwitz death toll estimate to 1 million

LONDON - Poland has cut its estimate of the number of people
killed by the Nazis in the Auschwitz death camp from 4 million
to just over 1 million.

The vast majority of the dead are now accepted to have been
Jews, despite claims by the former Polish communist government
***t as many Poles perished in Hitler's largest concentration

The revised Polish figures support claims by Israeli
researchers ***t Poland's former communist government
exaggerated the number of victims by inflating the estimate of
non-Jews who died.

The new study could rekindle the controversy over the scale of
Hitler's "Final Solution."

Shevach Weiss, a death camp survivor and Labor Party member of
the Israeli Parliament, expressed disbelief at the revised
estimates, saying: "It sounds shocking and strange."

But other Israeli experts said evidence to support the lower
estimate has been mounting for some time.

Shofar FTP Archives: ca
So you are saying that to question the official story of the holocaust makes a person anti-semitic?

All historical events should be open to questions and examination.

Why should the holocaust be exempt from historical reveiw?

No. I am saying that a person who ignores evidence, who distorts facts to make a case is not engaging in honest debate and inquiry but in carrying out an agenda.
The Holocaust is probably the best attested event in the 20th century. We know more about it from more sources than any other event. To deny the record is to engage in falsifying history. You are against falsehood, right?
The victors of any war write the history books. Same with WWII

The official holocaust story was set in stone immediately following the war.

Then laws were introduced in many countries making it criminal to question any aspect of the so called holocaust.

So now historians are afraid to examine, question, or write papers dealing with the subject.

Those who do are labeled anti-semitic and their careers ruined.

Why can't this subject be reexamined?

It's been over 60 years.

What is being hidden from the public?

Historians don't "question" the subject because there isn't anything to question. The event occurred.
Sunni's right, they don't exist...


Historians don't "question" the subject (holocaust) because there isn't anything to question.

Ever watch the History Channel?

Everything is examaned and questioned; Romans, Greeks, all wars, famous people, etc.

Go to any book store. Lines of books debating everything in history.

Surely, the official holocaust story has some flaws or misinformation.

To say it's a shut case and is based on perfect evidence is idiotic at best.

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