French Comedian Faces Trial For ‘Anti Semitism’

Four Million Victims?

At the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal, the Allies charged that the Germans exterminated four million people at Auschwitz. This figure, which was invented by the Soviets, was uncritically accepted for many years. It often appeared in major American newspapers and magazines, for example.

Today no reputable historian, not even those who generally accept the extermination story, believes this figure. Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer said in 1989 that it is time to finally acknowledge the familiar four million figure is a deliberate myth. In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, suddenly announced that altogether perhaps one million people (both Jews and non-Jews) died there. Neither institution would say how many of these people were killed, nor were any estimates given of the numbers of those supposedly gassed. One prominent Holocaust historian, Gerald Reitlinger, has estimated that perhaps 700,000 or so Jews perished at Auschwitz. More recently, Holocaust historian Jean-Claude Pressac has estimated that about 800,000 persons -- of whom 630,000 were Jewish -- perished at Auschwitz. While even such lower figures are incorrect, they show how the Auschwitz story has changed drastically over the years.

Auschwitz - Myths & Facts

So Rabbi the 4 million Jews at Auschwitz has been reduced even by Jewish historians to 1 million.

By my calculations, that cuts the mythical 6 million down to 3 million. :doubt:

Hey dumshit. Auschwitz wasn't the only extermination camp. It wasn't a camp but a series of them.
And originally you said you believed there were only 100-200k Jews killed. So now you're up to 3M. Which is it? And at what point does it become an acceptable number of people murdered for no reason other than coming from the wrong gene pool?
Historians don't "question" the subject (holocaust) because there isn't anything to question.

Ever watch the History Channel?

Everything is examaned and questioned; Romans, Greeks, all wars, famous people, etc.

Go to any book store. Lines of books debating everything in history.

Surely, the official holocaust story has some flaws or misinformation.

To say it's a shut case and is based on perfect evidence is idiotic at best.

And to say it never happened it worse than idiotic.
Hey..........Sucking Idiot........(yes Sunnidiot, now I'm calling you Sucking Idiot), your stupidity has reached the level of a black hole, because any spark of intelligence that comes near you, gets sucked in by the event horizon of your ignorance and stupidity.

You DO know who the Germans are, right? I ask this because thorough the history of that country, they have ALWAYS been known to keep records of what they did and what they used to get their results. METICULOUS record keepers.

Now, one of the things that was kind of a problem was what to do with all the data they had collected from their experiments (freezing, burning, toxins, etc.) in which the subjects were literally lab rats.

You know......the kind of crap that pisses of PETA when scientists conduct animal testing? The Nazis were doing it with the Jews. Oh yeah.......they also had to keep records of how many bodies were killed by how much gas, as they were always looking for efficiency in anything they did, which is why the rail cars hauled them to concentration camps.

Now, one of the things that a HUGE debate ensued over was what to do with some of this data, as they also took pictures as well as taped movies of the results. Many thought that the inhumane ways that people were killed should not be used, but many others wanted it released, as there was quite a bit of valuable information in there that could actually SAVE lives, because then you knew where the point of death would occur. can look this stuff up yourself, or you can get the History Channel's set of DVD's on the Nazi empire, but don't ask me.

I don't do research for trolls.
The number of inmates used for experimates by the nazi's is estimated to be around 1,000

Yes, some were Jews, but many were Russian and other allied prisoners.

Besides, 1,000 is just a drop in the bucket compared to the mythical 6 million.

btw America for forty years between 1932 and 1972 conducted the "Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment" on 400 black men.

This is while we we fighting the Nazis during WWII

Kind of hard to point fingers at others.

"At the start of the study, there was no proven treatment for syphilis. But even after penicillin became a standard cure for the disease in 1947, the medicine was withheld from the men. The Tuskegee scientists wanted to continue to study how the disease spreads and kills. The experiment lasted four decades, until public health workers leaked the story to the media. Many of the men died of the disease".
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And to say it never happened it worse than idiotic.

When did I say that nothing ever happened?

I just said the official story appears to have some holes in it and needs to be researched and re-examined after 60+ years by historians.

What would be wrong with that?

You said there was no systematic extermination. That is false.
You said 6 millions Jews were not killed. That is false.
You said the photos and other documents were faked. That is false.
You've developed quite a reputation as a liar and intellectual fraud.

So was it 200k or 2M Jews?
The number of inmates used for experimates by the nazi's is estimated to be around 1,000

Yes, some were Jews, but many were Russian and other allied prisoners.

Besides, 1,000 is just a drop in the bucket compared to the mythical 6 million.

btw America for forty years between 1932 and 1972 conducted the "Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment" on 400 black men.

This is while we we fighting the Nazis during WWII

Kind of hard to point fingers at others.
estimate by whom? Yassir Arafat?
You ignorant fuck. Try this:
Experiments on twin children in concentration camps were created to show the similarities and differences in the genetics of twins, as well as to see if the human body can be unnaturally manipulated. The central leader of the experiments was Josef Mengele, who performed experiments on over 1,500 sets of imprisoned twins, of which fewer than 200 individuals survived the studies.[4
That's 3k right there, not counting any other experiments on others in other places.
You said there was no systematic extermination. That is false.
You said 6 millions Jews were not killed. That is false.
You said the photos and other documents were faked. That is false.
You've developed quite a reputation as a liar and intellectual fraud.

I haven't lied about anything.

Mainly, I have just stated that the holocaust issue needs to be studied in the light of new evidence in 60+ plus years.

Again, why does this scare people so much that they need to pass laws to forbid any critical examination?
The number of inmates used for experimates by the nazi's is estimated to be around 1,000

Yes, some were Jews, but many were Russian and other allied prisoners.

Besides, 1,000 is just a drop in the bucket compared to the mythical 6 million.

btw America for forty years between 1932 and 1972 conducted the "Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment" on 400 black men.

This is while we we fighting the Nazis during WWII

Kind of hard to point fingers at others.

"At the start of the study, there was no proven treatment for syphilis. But even after penicillin became a standard cure for the disease in 1947, the medicine was withheld from the men. The Tuskegee scientists wanted to continue to study how the disease spreads and kills. The experiment lasted four decades, until public health workers leaked the story to the media. Many of the men died of the disease".

NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR

How can the "estimate" be 1,000, when in just ONE experiment, there were 1,500 sets of TWINS?

Additionally, did you miss that part where they kept records of how much gas killed how many people? When the Nazis first started this little horror fest, they were taking the gold jewelry off of them, and pulling the gold fillings out of their teeth!

Towards the end, they were killing so many people that they didn't have time to pull their teeth.

Do some research Sucking Idiot.
You know what my fondest hope is for you?

When you go to sleep tonight, I hope that God in His infinite wisdom puts you in a dream where you survive a year in a concentration camp, and you remember it like you just lived it when you wake up.

THAT would be a great thing.
Please don't misunderstand me ABikerSailor.

The people in the camps were brutalized and many died.

I am NOT defending the Nazis or their methods.

No one, even Jews, should be treated like the Nazis treated them.

I am NOT anti-semitic and will never support those who are.
Please don't misunderstand me ABikerSailor.

The people in the camps were brutalized and many died.

I am NOT defending the Nazis or their methods.

No one, even Jews, should be treated like the Nazis treated them.

I am NOT anti-semitic and will never support those who are.

No you just repeat anti semitic lies and canards.
Please don't misunderstand me ABikerSailor.

The people in the camps were brutalized and many died.

I am NOT defending the Nazis or their methods.

No one, even Jews, should be treated like the Nazis treated them.

I am NOT anti-semitic and will never support those who are.

No.......really............I wish for that to happen to you in a dream, and remember, God does talk to people through their dreams, it's been recorded in MANY different places.

I'm saying that I hope you actually have to go through it so that you would see exactly how many people died, how they died, and what they died FROM.

Maybe then you wouldn't be such a hateful asshole.
Please don't misunderstand me ABikerSailor.

The people in the camps were brutalized and many died.

I am NOT defending the Nazis or their methods.

No one, even Jews, should be treated like the Nazis treated them.

I am NOT anti-semitic and will never support those who are.

No you just repeat anti semitic lies and canards.
I don't repeat any anti-semitic lies

I just ask hard questions that zionists are afraid to address or answer.

btw what is your hangup with repeatedly using the word "canard".

It it like your favorite word or something??? :lol:
Yet again Sucking claim to be a doctor of psychology, and you claim your significant other is a surgeon, yet you know nothing of vocabulary? and your spouse are doctors...............RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHHHT!
Please don't misunderstand me ABikerSailor.

The people in the camps were brutalized and many died.

I am NOT defending the Nazis or their methods.

No one, even Jews, should be treated like the Nazis treated them.

I am NOT anti-semitic and will never support those who are.

No you just repeat anti semitic lies and canards.
I don't repeat any anti-semitic lies

I just ask hard questions that zionists are afraid to address or answer.

btw what is your hangup with repeatedly using the word "canard".

It it like your favorite word or something??? :lol:
Of course you repeat them. You have here and on other threads. WHat hard questions have you asked? You havent asked any questions. You have made assertions that are not backed by any factual evidence. You havent answered whether you think 100k or 4M Jews died i the Holocaust. You have posted both as your belief.
No you just repeat anti semitic lies and canards.
I don't repeat any anti-semitic lies

I just ask hard questions that zionists are afraid to address or answer.

btw what is your hangup with repeatedly using the word "canard".

It it like your favorite word or something??? :lol:
You havent answered whether you think 100k or 4M Jews died i the Holocaust. You have posted both as your belief.
I don't believe I ever said that 4 million Jews died in the so called holocaust.

In my opinion, the figure is somewhere between 100 thousand and 200 thousand.
I don't repeat any anti-semitic lies

I just ask hard questions that zionists are afraid to address or answer.

btw what is your hangup with repeatedly using the word "canard".

It it like your favorite word or something??? :lol:
You havent answered whether you think 100k or 4M Jews died i the Holocaust. You have posted both as your belief.
I don't believe I ever said that 4 million Jews died in the so called holocaust.

In my opinion, the figure is somewhere between 100 thousand and 200 thousand.

Post 55:
So Rabbi the 4 million Jews at Auschwitz has been reduced even by Jewish historians to 1 million.

By my calculations, that cuts the mythical 6 million down to 3 million.
And I already pointed out the prewar Jewish population of Germany was in excess of 500,000. So I dont know where you arrive at 100-200k.

See, you lie like hell and expect to get away with it. You are not honest, like every other holocaust denier and anti semite.
Interesting........Whenever Sucking Idiot gets his ass handed back to him in pieces without any glue, the first thing he does is deflect to bullshit, which will result in his ass being handed back to him in powder form.

Sucking Idiot..........don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

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