French President Welcomes Refugees Despite Paris Attack


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
I admire the handling of the France terrorist attack, they went after the people who were involved, arrested and life as usual so they can heal.

We actually look so stupid with the politicians using this to their advantage for political gain, scaring our people to get their face in the news.

French President Welcomes Refugees Despite Attack
French President Francois Hollande today promised that “France will remain a country of freedom,” defending his decision to honor a commitment to accept migrants and refugees despite Friday’s deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.
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He's playing to his party, liberal socialists who wanna live in a lilac world made of ice cream and candy.

Meanwhile, in the real world,

Muslim Countries Refuse to Take A Single Syrian Refugee, Cite Risk of Exposure to Terrorism

"Five of the wealthiest Muslim countries have taken no Syrian refugees in at all, arguing that doing so would open them up to the risk of terrorism. Although the oil rich countries have handed over aid money, Britain has donated more than Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar combined."
He's playing to his party, liberal socialists who wanna live in a lilac world made of ice cream and candy.

Meanwhile, in the real world,

Muslim Countries Refuse to Take A Single Syrian Refugee, Cite Risk of Exposure to Terrorism

"Five of the wealthiest Muslim countries have taken no Syrian refugees in at all, arguing that doing so would open them up to the risk of terrorism. Although the oil rich countries have handed over aid money, Britain has donated more than Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar combined."

Countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and even Iraq have taken in refugees in large numbers relative to their populations. Just because it’s not covered by U.S. news sources doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

Just showing you the flip flops nothing else.

Every single candidate ( except for Trump had a different stance last week, and are fucking with you.

Ted Cruzen for a Bruisin , Mike Huckafuck, Carly Phony, all thought it was ok last week

Carly Fiorina is open to legal status for adult illegal immigrants, citizenship for their kids
Carly Fiorina is open to legal status for adult illegal immigrants, citizenship for their kids - Washington Times

Ted Cruz in August

"There’s seven billion people on the face of the planet, and an awful lot of them would like to come here. Now if they want to come here legally and follow the law, great,” he added. “You and I both come from immigrant families who followed the law.”
Ted Cruz: 'When It Comes to Immigration: Legal, Good; Illegal, Bad'

Mike Huckabee:
He said that when he was governor a child who came into the country illegally with his parents at age 5 went through Arkansas schools as required by law and graduated as valedictorian. When asked whether the student should qualify for same scholarships as others, Huckabee said yes.


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Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?

I actually agree with killing the terrorists alongside France and return the Muslims back to a safe haven.
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?

I actually agree with killing the terrorists alongside France and return the Muslims back to a safe haven.
Yes...we need not wait for the next more horrific attack to do the obvious.
That's the most sensible post I've seen in days
I admire the handling of the France terrorist attack, they went after the people who were involved, arrested and life as usual so they can heal.

We actually look so stupid with the politicians using this to their advantage for political gain, scaring our people to get their face in the news.

French President Welcomes Refugees Despite Attack
French President Francois Hollande today promised that “France will remain a country of freedom,” defending his decision to honor a commitment to accept migrants and refugees despite Friday’s deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Any plan which involves "killing all the terrorists" would require a ten year commitment of troops and treasure in Syria.

You going to roger up on that?
Yeah, that's what the MUSLIM countries refusing refugees believe...
Who gives a shit? History and facts would shun your fallacy and propaganda off the island!
Oh, you don't want to start talking about history and religion. You definitely don't want to go there.
Yeah, that's what the MUSLIM countries refusing refugees believe...
Who gives a shit? History and facts would shun your fallacy and propaganda off the island!
Oh, you don't want to start talking about history and religion. You definitely don't want to go there.
If you could actually stay on topic, I would LOVE to!
Would you like to take muslim violence to the bull ring?
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Any plan which involves "killing all the terrorists" would require a ten year commitment of troops and treasure in Syria.

You going to roger up on that?

Don't you think with the help of others Countries Uniting now we would be able to get to the root of the problem faster than we did in Iraq? In reality , I wonder who talks the talk and does nothing to help.

G20 leaders vow to unite in fight against terror
Leaders of the world's biggest economies have vowed to co-operate in the fight against terror, after a two-day summit overshadowed by the Islamic State terror attacks in Paris.
G20 leaders vow to unite in fight against terror
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Any plan which involves "killing all the terrorists" would require a ten year commitment of troops and treasure in Syria.

You going to roger up on that?
Total war.....let's get the U.S. back on a war footing. Everyone pulls their weight.......................yeah, right! :rofl:
Even low information lefties who only hear what is filtered through left wing blog sites must understand that the French president had to make a deal with the liberal faction to declare war on jihad terrorists. You can bet the French will be more careful about refugees than Barry Hussein.
They know Islam is a religion of death and destruction.

Oh, wait...
indeed it is
Yeah, that's what the MUSLIM countries refusing refugees believe...
Who gives a shit? History and facts would shun your fallacy and propaganda off the island!
Oh, you don't want to start talking about history and religion. You definitely don't want to go there.
If you could actually stay on topic, I would LOVE to!
Would you like to take muslim violence to the bull ring?
Slavery; the Inquisitions; the KKK; the IRA; the Crusades; the Conquistadors; the Thirty Years War; the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries; the sack of Magdeburg; the Croatian extermination camps; the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know what's funny about the Crusades? The Crusaders probably killed more Christians than they did Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

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Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Any plan which involves "killing all the terrorists" would require a ten year commitment of troops and treasure in Syria.

You going to roger up on that?
Total war.....let's get the U.S. back on a war footing. Everyone pulls their weight.......................yeah, right! :rofl:
That's what it will take. I hear a lot of tough talk from the cowering herd, but I don't hear anyone actually committing to what would need to be done to actually "wipe out ISIS".

I don't think the tards even thought it through. They had some stupid Hollywood movie war in their heads that lasts two hours and then everybody goes home and the world is safe for democracy.

Doesn't work that way in reality.

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