Friday Morning Trump On Twitter: It was my great honor to fire James Comey!

So, there is no impeachable offense. Trump is right. Nothing but a witch hunt. Total abuse of government. Typical democrats .
Like eight or nine Benghazi investigations?
American citizens were killed and Hillary and Obama lied about it. Are you really going to deny that Obama knew it was a terrorist attack and went on national TV ten days after the attack and blamed a guy that made a movie. Are you really going to force me to show you the video?
Are you really going to deny that the investigations found nothing. Gowdy is further to the right than you probably are.
You're really uninformed, Jake. You better go back and study up before you take me on.
Benghazi report points out Obama, Clinton lies
So, there is no impeachable offense. Trump is right. Nothing but a witch hunt. Total abuse of government. Typical democrats .
Like eight or nine Benghazi investigations?
American citizens were killed and Hillary and Obama lied about it. Are you really going to deny that Obama knew it was a terrorist attack and went on national TV ten days after the attack and blamed a guy that made a movie. Are you really going to force me to show you the video?
Are you really going to deny that the investigations found nothing. Gowdy is further to the right than you probably are.
You're really uninformed, Jake. You better go back and study up before you take me on.
Benghazi report points out Obama, Clinton lies
The investigations found nothing, BS Filter: that is never going to change.
So, there is no impeachable offense. Trump is right. Nothing but a witch hunt. Total abuse of government. Typical democrats .
Like eight or nine Benghazi investigations?
American citizens were killed and Hillary and Obama lied about it. Are you really going to deny that Obama knew it was a terrorist attack and went on national TV ten days after the attack and blamed a guy that made a movie. Are you really going to force me to show you the video?
Are you really going to deny that the investigations found nothing. Gowdy is further to the right than you probably are.
You're really uninformed, Jake. You better go back and study up before you take me on.
Benghazi report points out Obama, Clinton lies
You are who? The investigations found nothing, BS Filter: that is never going to change.
You're a liar, Jake. YOU, Obama and Hillary. Liars.
obama lies on david letterman - Bing video
Like eight or nine Benghazi investigations?
American citizens were killed and Hillary and Obama lied about it. Are you really going to deny that Obama knew it was a terrorist attack and went on national TV ten days after the attack and blamed a guy that made a movie. Are you really going to force me to show you the video?
Are you really going to deny that the investigations found nothing. Gowdy is further to the right than you probably are.
You're really uninformed, Jake. You better go back and study up before you take me on.
Benghazi report points out Obama, Clinton lies
You are who? The investigations found nothing, BS Filter: that is never going to change.
You're a liar, Jake. YOU, Obama and Hillary. Liars.
obama lies on david letterman - Bing video
You can ad hom all you want, sir, but Gowdy etc found nothing with which to charge Clinton.
Comey will have the great honor in helping to remove Trump from office.
Um, you have to have a reason to remove a President. There is none. Just because you lost the election and don't like him isn't a good enough reason. Grow up.
I voted for McMullin, while I suspect you voted for the demolite. Reasons plenty exist to remove Trump. That will depend, however, to a great extent how the (1) fall elections go, and (2) and Mueller's future report.
Okay, give me one impeachable offense.

Impeachment is a political mechanism. It gets the ball rolling. To remove that piece of garbage from the Peoples House you need to convict him in the Senate with 2/3rds majority, or 67 votes. Ain't gonna happen. Why he could shoot somebody dead in front of......................

Neuter him at the polls in 2018. Then in 2020 the media can print :"America to Donnie:. "YOU'RE FIRED!".
I agree. Beat him in an election, fair and square. He hasn't done anything impeachable.

Oh for me personally he has. All we need is an up/down vote in the House to impeach him.

I oppose it politically speaking, not only does the GOP control the Senate but also because he might garner some sympathy among the fringes of his base who have already left him.
Nothing more uplifting than starting your Friday morning reading the leader of your country having a 4th grade pissing contest over twitter!

I guess on the bright side it keeps him from fucking up the country even more

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better than if it were Hitlery.
So, there is no impeachable offense. Trump is right. Nothing but a witch hunt. Total abuse of government. Typical democrats .
Like eight or nine Benghazi investigations?
American citizens were killed and Hillary and Obama lied about it. Are you really going to deny that Obama knew it was a terrorist attack and went on national TV ten days after the attack and blamed a guy that made a movie. Are you really going to force me to show you the video?
Are you really going to deny that the investigations found nothing. Gowdy is further to the right than you probably are.
Being right or left has nothing to do with it. Obama and Hillary lied to the American people.
mother of benghazi victim hits clinton - Bing video
So, there is no impeachable offense. Trump is right. Nothing but a witch hunt. Total abuse of government. Typical democrats .

When is the President going to testify under oath?
Testify to what?

To Mueller's investigation. Interview. Deposition,whatever,the key of course is under oath. When?

I guessing second Tuesday of Next week myself. All of the Orange one's associate's are afraid for him to face an honest and thorough investigator like Mueller.
It was Trump's great honor to fire Comey from his safe space under his desk by remote control.
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
Yep.....I hate record low unemployment and a stronger economy along with defending our Southern border.
Boy Trump sure is fucking this country up.

Think about what you are saying. Low unemployment, a strong economy and rule of law are horrendous blows for liberals. In their minds these things DO fuck things up for them.
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
It hasn't been done because the democrats don't want to open that skeleton closet. Criminals don't investigate themselves.
Being right or left has nothing to do with it. Obama and Hillary lied to the American people.
mother of benghazi victim hits clinton - Bing video
Your comments do not mitigate that Gowdy and the committee found nothing to refer to the DOJ. Trump lies every day in every way in almost every say.
You're lying again, Jake. The committee did find that Hillary and Obama lied. Did you read the link I provided to the Washington Times? Here:
Benghazi report points out Obama, Clinton lies
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
It hasn't been done because the democrats don't want to open that skeleton closet. Criminals don't investigate themselves.

I guess, sorta like Rump wanting to shut down the investigation into his campaign you mean like that?
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
It hasn't been done because the democrats don't want to open that skeleton closet. Criminals don't investigate themselves.

I guess, sorta like Rump wanting to shut down the investigation into his campaign you mean like that?
Yep. This isn't an investigation. It's harassment. It's what democrats do when they lose. Ya'll did the same thing to Sarah Palin when she was governor. Your agenda is to tie up your opponents in frivolous lawsuits and keep them from doing their job. You're an enemy of the people.
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
Somebody wrote that shit for the loudmouth, lying, fat bastard. He can't tweet with that much clarity. It's obviously a Russian/GOP collaboration to minimize the damage of the upcoming Mueller Report. They sure know how to push their bases button to get them all frothy for the weekend.
Um, when are the democrats going to conduct an investigation into the rigging of the Democrat primaries?

That is a great question, and why has it not already been done?
It hasn't been done because the democrats don't want to open that skeleton closet. Criminals don't investigate themselves.

How do you think you know about it? I mean someone had to open the closet door and let that skeleton out, didn't they?

Was the Democratic primary rigged?

You guys make me laugh.


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