Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

"I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a Christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

Our government is secular. There are many, many food banks sponsored by Christian organizations. There are several that I know of in Western KY. Just because the government hasn't yet seized all the food in those banks, labeled it a tax, and called it theirs to give (yet) does not mean that Christians are not providing food to people who need it.
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I know several people who is being affected. They are hard working people, that do not spend their money on crap.

So how is the Republicans fault that the Democrat's temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring??? :dunno:

Does anyone know why the Democrats didn't make the increase permanent when they put it in the 2009 stimulus bill?

Aaaaaand you're making this partisan - because?

:lol: Really it is partisan when democrats extend food stamps in 2009 but didn't make it permanent when they had the votes to do it in 2009. It was and always has been about votes with democrats.
So how is the Republicans fault that the Democrat's temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring??? :dunno:

Does anyone know why the Democrats didn't make the increase permanent when they put it in the 2009 stimulus bill?

Aaaaaand you're making this partisan - because?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe it was because I saw this in the OP.


It seems to me that the thread was partisan in the first place. Or were you wrong putting that in as a slam against the Republicans? :dunno:
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Another case of conservative charity.

In the womb? They are "human beings" deserving to "Live" no matter what the cost.

Outside the womb? They are lazy bums who shall not eat no matter what their physical condition or if there are even jobs to be had or whether or not the jobs they DO have actually pay them enough to eat.

Gotta love it.

Right to life, indeed.
Congress beats up on the hungry - Chicago Sun-Times

Starting Friday, food stamp benefits will be trimmed back because a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring. More than 47 million Americans — one in seven — will see less food on their plates. A family of four, for example, will get $36 less a month. That might not seem like much until you consider the average household monthly benefit is only $287. The Congressional Budget Office expects spending on food stamps in fiscal 2014 to fall by $5 billion.

As a result, the Illinois Hunger Coalition says, more than 2 million Illinois residents — including about 349,000 seniors and 886,000 children — will have to tighten their belts just as home heating bills are about to soar.

And it could just be a step on the way to more cuts. Both houses of Congress have passed bills that would further trim food stamps, technically known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The House would cut food stamps by $4 billion a year and would tighten eligibility. The Senate bill would cut just $400 million. Talks on a compromise bill began Wednesday afternoon.

SNAP critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back. But that’s not taking into account how many people are struggling financially. Although about 20 percent of the increase is due to the stimulus, which is ending, much of the rest is due to the struggling economy, as more people’s incomes drop to levels at which they qualify for aid.

I guess all I can say is I am glad my grandparents are dead, and nobody in my extended family is in need. I cannot think about those who will be affected. My government refuses to - so I can't.

I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a Christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut |

About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.

"The coming benefit cut will reduce SNAP benefits, which are already modest, for all households by 7 percent on average, or about $10 per person per month," according to an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

"Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011," according to an analysis of census data, the Center's report said.

Anybody else wondering why corporate welfare is good, but helping our fellow Americans is bad?

You're glad your grandparents are dead?

If I had family members that were struggling, they wouldn't need the government for assistance.

But I see that you would leave it up to the almighty government to help those in your family that may be in need.

You've indeed shown your true character.
Another case of conservative charity.

In the womb? They are "human beings" deserving to "Live" no matter what the cost.

Outside the womb? They are lazy bums who shall not eat no matter what their physical condition or if there are even jobs to be had or whether or not the jobs they DO have actually pay them enough to eat.

Gotta love it.

Right to life, indeed.

obama's policy caused this. If democrats really want to help the poor why didn't they make change permanent in 2009 when they had the votes?
Congress beats up on the hungry - Chicago Sun-Times

Starting Friday, food stamp benefits will be trimmed back because a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring. More than 47 million Americans — one in seven — will see less food on their plates. A family of four, for example, will get $36 less a month. That might not seem like much until you consider the average household monthly benefit is only $287. The Congressional Budget Office expects spending on food stamps in fiscal 2014 to fall by $5 billion.

As a result, the Illinois Hunger Coalition says, more than 2 million Illinois residents — including about 349,000 seniors and 886,000 children — will have to tighten their belts just as home heating bills are about to soar.

And it could just be a step on the way to more cuts. Both houses of Congress have passed bills that would further trim food stamps, technically known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The House would cut food stamps by $4 billion a year and would tighten eligibility. The Senate bill would cut just $400 million. Talks on a compromise bill began Wednesday afternoon.

SNAP critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back. But that’s not taking into account how many people are struggling financially. Although about 20 percent of the increase is due to the stimulus, which is ending, much of the rest is due to the struggling economy, as more people’s incomes drop to levels at which they qualify for aid.

I guess all I can say is I am glad my grandparents are dead, and nobody in my extended family is in need. I cannot think about those who will be affected. My government refuses to - so I can't.

I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a Christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut |

About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.

"The coming benefit cut will reduce SNAP benefits, which are already modest, for all households by 7 percent on average, or about $10 per person per month," according to an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

"Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011," according to an analysis of census data, the Center's report said.

Anybody else wondering why corporate welfare is good, but helping our fellow Americans is bad?

You're glad your grandparents are dead?

If I had family members that were struggling, they wouldn't need the government for assistance.

But I see that you would leave it up to the almighty government to help those in your family that may be in need.

You've indeed shown your true character.

We don't live in a tribal society.

And you've indeed shown your true character.
Another case of conservative charity.

In the womb? They are "human beings" deserving to "Live" no matter what the cost.

Outside the womb? They are lazy bums who shall not eat no matter what their physical condition or if there are even jobs to be had or whether or not the jobs they DO have actually pay them enough to eat.

Gotta love it.

Right to life, indeed.

obama's policy caused this. If democrats really want to help the poor why didn't they make change permanent in 2009 when they had the votes?


Like there wasn't anything else going on at the time? :lol:

And isn't the favorite tactic of the Senate Republicans the Filibuster?

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