'Friends' star Matthew Perry found dead at 54

I will acknowledge that a vey small % of the population suffered from effects of the vaccine.
Unfortunate yes.
Some people die from General anesthesia.

Do you think some people died from COVID strictly because they refused the Vaccine?

Do you think some people died from COVID strictly because they refused the Vaccine?
It is not small for a vaccine pushed down the people's throat. Not small at all.
But also, the lockdowns were a tragedy and were man made evil. They wrecked the economy and caused people to kill themselves. The lockdowns have a long lasting affect they gave us the inflation we’re at today.
And I will contend forever, the FACT that these Lockdowns started and remained under the trump administration. This is a FACT.

You will undoubtedly BLAME the lockdowns on Governors, (D) Governors, even though Governorship was 50/50......it has to be because of those evil (D) governors that shut down their States, ALL in a effort to "Get trump"

trump was POTUS, his job is to lead, not defer, in a Pandemic.
trump demonstrated Weakness.....100% true.

If you want to blame (D) Governors, fine, then you must also blame (R) Governors, who ALSO shut down to the SAME extent as (D) Governors.

Let's use Restaurants as an example:
Not a single Restaurant in MY town shut down immediately because the WA Governor told them to shut down. They had to make changes. Outdoor dining, spacing, masks, etc. None of this caused the businesses to SHUT DOWN.

Of Course, some failed and closed because they couldn't compete as well as others.
I will acknowledge that a vey small % of the population suffered from effects of the vaccine.
Unfortunate yes.
Some people die from General anesthesia.

Do you think some people died from COVID strictly because they refused the Vaccine?

Do you think some people died from COVID strictly because they refused the Vaccine?
Not likely, they died of their preexisting conditions.

Ai is awesome

Just sayin... get wasted to the point of losing consciousness in a hot tub?

Yeah... this is what happens.
Not trying to be an ass, but he practically committed suicide. Or maybe he did.

I like how they said "there were no drugs found on the scene"
That doesn't say he wasn't on drugs, it just says there were no drugs near the hot tub.
It was probably alcohol.

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