Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

You were responsible for 2000 as well.

Well, yes and no. Yes, I voted for him. No, because I live in IL, and IL was never in dispute.

The gun nuts did flip TN, which cost Gore the presidency.

The homophobes flipped Ohio, which cost Kerry the preisdency. We could have avoided 2008 if that hadn't happened.

If you want to waste time rehashing old elections, feel free.
Eh, he is entertaining. Watching him squirm, dance and lie to try and salvage his point is hilarious.

Right. The fact is, you live in mortal fear that someone might take your guns.

Mortal fear? Nah. I am not worried about a handful of impotent fools trying to rewrite the US Constitution. You have tried numerous times and have failed in spectacular fashion.
And you are part of the violent culture that creates the number of murders we have. So of us don't want anyone murdered.

Uh, no,not really. The scabs don't cross picket lines, they don't get beaten up.

The Nazis didn't shoot at Federal agents, they don't get wasted. It's really not complicated.

Yes really. You are fine with violence when it suits you, and cry like a baby when it doesn't.

And if someone doesn't want the job, someone else can work it.
And you know as well as I do that the feds murdered two people who were no threat to them at all. But you think thats all ok. We call that hypocrisy.
Mortal fear? Nah. I am not worried about a handful of impotent fools trying to rewrite the US Constitution. You have tried numerous times and have failed in spectacular fashion.

Nah, you are terririfed the next Clown will roust this country from its slumber and the NRA can't frighten politicians into inaction.

Not at all. The emotional, knee-jerk reactions don't actually get much done. And most of my firearms are not the sort that people are afraid of based on appearance.
Yes really. You are fine with violence when it suits you, and cry like a baby when it doesn't.

And if someone doesn't want the job, someone else can work it.
And you know as well as I do that the feds murdered two people who were no threat to them at all. But you think thats all ok. We call that hypocrisy

Uh, no. They shot a family full of heavily armed Nazis who had ALREADY MURDERED A FEDERAL AGENT.

They were given a chance to surrender peacefully and they didn't take it.

YOu shoot cops or federal agents, you face the consequences.
Yes really. You are fine with violence when it suits you, and cry like a baby when it doesn't.

And if someone doesn't want the job, someone else can work it.
And you know as well as I do that the feds murdered two people who were no threat to them at all. But you think thats all ok. We call that hypocrisy

Uh, no. They shot a family full of heavily armed Nazis who had ALREADY MURDERED A FEDERAL AGENT.

They were given a chance to surrender peacefully and they didn't take it.

YOu shoot cops or federal agents, you face the consequences.

We have already been over this. You cheer a sniper murdering a mother while she held a baby, and a teenage boy being shot in the back. So you are part of the culture of violence. Whatever window dressing you want to put on it or excuses you want to offer don't change that.
Eh, he is entertaining. Watching him squirm, dance and lie to try and salvage his point is hilarious.

Right. The fact is, you live in mortal fear that someone might take your guns.

There have been people trying to ban private ownership of firearms for decades. What have you managed to get done? The Brady Bill? It accomplished nothing and then died. What else??? The background checks? Sure, that sounded good. But now you have to defend the incompetence and dereliction of duty of the mental health professionals when the system doesn't work.

I am not afraid of losing my guns. The efforts of you gun-banning idiots has been positively laughable.
We have already been over this. You cheer a sniper murdering a mother while she held a baby, and a teenage boy being shot in the back. So you are part of the culture of violence. Whatever window dressing you want to put on it or excuses you want to offer don't change that.

Yes, wh en you have Nazis stockpiling guns, I really, really expect the government to crack down on that sort of shit.

If only the Weimar republic did that in 1926.
There have been people trying to ban private ownership of firearms for decades. What have you managed to get done? The Brady Bill? It accomplished nothing and then died. What else??? The background checks? Sure, that sounded good. But now you have to defend the incompetence and dereliction of duty of the mental health professionals when the system doesn't work.

Guy, you are pissing yourself because even other gun owners think you are a nutty fringe.
There have been people trying to ban private ownership of firearms for decades. What have you managed to get done? The Brady Bill? It accomplished nothing and then died. What else??? The background checks? Sure, that sounded good. But now you have to defend the incompetence and dereliction of duty of the mental health professionals when the system doesn't work.

Guy, you are pissing yourself because even other gun owners think you are a nutty fringe.

I don't think so. Most think YOU are the nutty fringe . . . because you are. I mean really, how stupid is it to want to revoke one of your own rights? Lol. Obviously you need a babysitter.
We have already been over this. You cheer a sniper murdering a mother while she held a baby, and a teenage boy being shot in the back. So you are part of the culture of violence. Whatever window dressing you want to put on it or excuses you want to offer don't change that.

Yes, wh en you have Nazis stockpiling guns, I really, really expect the government to crack down on that sort of shit.

If only the Weimar republic did that in 1926.

Fine. But when the feds entrap those people, who were not violent until attacked, the feds take responsibility. And murdering an unarmed mother holding her child, is never acceptable. If it was as right as you say, someone would have been prosecuted. Not only was no one prosecuted, the feds paid damages.
There have been people trying to ban private ownership of firearms for decades. What have you managed to get done? The Brady Bill? It accomplished nothing and then died. What else??? The background checks? Sure, that sounded good. But now you have to defend the incompetence and dereliction of duty of the mental health professionals when the system doesn't work.

Guy, you are pissing yourself because even other gun owners think you are a nutty fringe.

There have been people trying to ban private ownership of firearms for decades. What have you managed to get done? The Brady Bill? It accomplished nothing and then died. What else??? The background checks? Sure, that sounded good. But now you have to defend the incompetence and dereliction of duty of the mental health professionals when the system doesn't work.

Guy, you are pissing yourself because even other gun owners think you are a nutty fringe.

Dude, you are grasping at straws now. I am not a nutty fringe of anything to do with guns. I target shoot and hunt. Yes, we have guns for self defense, but they are revolvers or a semi-auto that was designed over 100 years ago (with a magazine capacity of 8 rounds).

But the anti-gun nuts DO think you are either crazy or a troll. The whole "send the gun dealer to prison" thing is laughable.
Yet the sheer undeniable mathematical proof will not convince those indoctrinated to waive thinking in favor of big government infallibility.

Political Spice, every other developed country either bans private gun ownership or severely limits it.

They have a tiny fraction of our crime rate.

Yes...and every day they have citizens who are required to quietly submit to violent criminals.....and in the future...when their governments turn on them again...they will quietly march into the train cars again....because they will have no other choice..........

You know...we have seen what happens to people who have no guns in the face of government murder....we would like to try it the other way in the future.....
I don't think so. Most think YOU are the nutty fringe . . . because you are. I mean really, how stupid is it to want to revoke one of your own rights? Lol. Obviously you need a babysitter.

It's not a "right" I need, and the cost of it outweighs the value.

Fine. But when the feds entrap those people, who were not violent until attacked, the feds take responsibility. And murdering an unarmed mother holding her child, is never acceptable. If it was as right as you say, someone would have been prosecuted. Not only was no one prosecuted, the feds paid damages.

Meaningless... Point was, she was a Nazi and the world is better off she's taking a dirt nap.

Dude, you are grasping at straws now. I am not a nutty fringe of anything to do with guns. I target shoot and hunt. Yes, we have guns for self defense, but they are revolvers or a semi-auto that was designed over 100 years ago (with a magazine capacity of 8 rounds).

What is it about the gun nut that he needs to talk about his guns like they are his children?

Yes...and every day they have citizens who are required to quietly submit to violent criminals.....and in the future...when their governments turn on them again...they will quietly march into the train cars again....because they will have no other choice...

They have a lower crime rate than we do. For instance, it's safe for a Japanese woman to go out at night. An American woman, not so much.

You know...we have seen what happens to people who have no guns in the face of government murder....we would like to try it the other way in the future.....

NO, you really haven't seen it. What you've seen is the end part of civil wars where everyone had too many guns, and they were looking for payback on their neighbors.

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