Frogger! Black lives matter edition!

All the non black women in that second video are bulldykes.

You can tell the drivers must be scared in the first video because they dont hold back.
If the police allow the protesters to block traffic then it's
left up to the citizen to make the choice....
Run some over and take the chance you get away with it or
just sit there and let the dumb asses stop you from getting to your destination
like maybe a job.....Something that's unknown to most of the BLM folks....
EARTH TO TRAFFIC BLOCKERS: Why are you video recording the cars who don't stop for your illegal, idiotic blockade ? When they keep going, they aren't breaking the law, YOU ARE. So when they push you out of the way with their front grill/bumper, they're just driving down the street, as they have a right to do. You are the one who has no right to do what you're doing.

Every driver in one of these cars being blocked, should video-record the traffic blockers and turn the videos over to the police. For that matter, where the hell ARE the police ? These loons should all be arrested, and hopefully they'll resist, so they can absorb a good ass-kicking as well.

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