Frozen Wind Farms Are Just a Small Piece of Texas’s Power Woes


""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

^^^ Prog Hacks gonna Hack Proggily ^^^
The Dimbo’s never pass on a chance to further their agenda. This issue would not exist if Nuclear Energy was considered a viable solution but the leftists killed that option long ago.

You clearly don't understand the problem in TX. It is not how the energy is generated, it is the fact that they have no back up because they choose to not be part of the national grid.

I beg to differ, all the money spent on alternative energy proved to be a failure, partly due to the fact this was a once in 100 year phenomenon and the power grid was Incapable of meeting demand. Nuclear and carbon based power plants shut down do to sources of required cooling material, namely water, had frozen over, plants have controls in place to shut down when coolant is not available. Batteries lost power, wind turbines iced over, which combined proved insufficient in meeting needs. So address the problem not your delusional narrative. So should be plan for 100 year events and retrofit the grid, at great expense, or accept that the best laid plans of mice and men failed?
people are freezing to death dipshit. plan for disasters
Weatherizing a windmill shuts it what difference would it make to "weatherize" it?.....its still not operational....
Windmills and solar panels are useless in Texas weather right now....
And you solar panel believers had better be happy about global warming and hope it doesn't go the other way....

And you may want to look up the enviro destruction in the making of the panels.....and you can bet China is ignoring all regulations for safety and environmental rules...that's how they beat our price and take our solar panel manufacturing away....on the cheap....

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

What a crock of shit. Tax breaks and the way power is purchased in TX rewards unreliable power such as wind and solar. This has caused suppliers to spend where the tax breaks are, instead of investing in and maintaining reliable sources like nuclear, gas and coal plants. Add to that the failure of reliability commission to physically inspect the plants due to the covid excuse. And Texans are paying the price. BTW wind is rated at 30 gigawatts of power and are currently producing less than 1 gigawatt, solar is near zero.

This is Texas.

The slack jawed hicks who currently run Texas do not do science or even reality.

Global warming is myth like gravity, vaccines and Canadians for Texans.

Everything is bigger in Texas including the mass delusions.
You are partly right. Global warming is a myth like global cooling, the hole in the ozone layer, alar poisoning apples, an imminent nuclear winter, covid as a deadly disease and civilization buried under mountains of horseshit. Yeah a myth like that.

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

Screw Bloomberg.
He's nothing but a Democrap propagandist.
Why listen to reality? Right?

this is why trumpkins are ignorant twits

or you can just keep lying

You don't know what you're talking about bitch, see post 68.

Weatherizing a windmill shuts it what difference would it make to "weatherize" it?.....its still not operational....
How stupid are you? You "weatherize" them once...and sequentially, and they're good to -20 after that. Did you think weatherizing shuts them down permanently? Are you that stupid?
Windmills and solar panels are useless in Texas weather right now....
ALL of the Texas energy plants including nuke and fossil are useless right now...because Texas fucked up royally and didn't make provisions for cold weather

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

What a crock of shit. Tax breaks and the way power is purchased in TX rewards unreliable power such as wind and solar. This has caused suppliers to spend where the tax breaks are, instead of investing in and maintaining reliable sources like nuclear, gas and coal plants. Add to that the failure of reliability commission to physically inspect the plants due to the covid excuse. And Texans are paying the price. BTW wind is rated at 30 gigawatts of power and are currently producing less than 1 gigawatt, solar is near zero.

The crock of shit is selling the complete hokum that because of global warming no plans for cold weather need be made at all. Why bother heating wind turbines (as they do in cold climates) when the temperature is rising so fast the whole planet will be sterile in 9 years. Really. How many years can you get away with selling 12 years

Texas should not feel at all badly about swallowing the global warming swill. In switching to green energy renewables California cannot meet energy needs and also has rolling blackouts in hot weather enough to cause a stroke.

The danger is allowing this insanity to spread and make the entire nation as bad off as Texas. Treat belief in global warming as a communicable disease.
Green energy is not even par of this discussion.

Texas fucked up. Republican legislators fucked up.

NONE of their power generation is working because they didn't plan for winter.
Weatherizing a windmill shuts it what difference would it make to "weatherize" it?.....its still not operational....
How stupid are you? You "weatherize" them once...and sequentially, and they're good to -20 after that. Did you think weatherizing shuts them down permanently? Are you that stupid?
Windmills and solar panels are useless in Texas weather right now....
ALL of the Texas energy plants including nuke and fossil are useless right now...because Texas fucked up royally and didn't make provisions for cold weather
Why would they make provision for cold weather. It hadn't been cold before. With global warming they could feel secure that the cold free areas would never be cold.
This is Texas.

The slack jawed hicks who currently run Texas do not do science or even reality.

Global warming is myth like gravity, vaccines and Canadians for Texans.

Everything is bigger in Texas including the mass delusions.
You are partly right. Global warming is a myth like global cooling, the hole in the ozone layer, alar poisoning apples, an imminent nuclear winter, covid as a deadly disease and civilization buried under mountains of horseshit. Yeah a myth like that.

I think American science education all went down hill the day Thomas Jefferson died.

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

That is a BS lie by global warming nuts....Texas would not be in the news for power outages if not for renewable subsidies that replaced their existing power supply with wind and solar the people of America in part paid for Texas to have an unreliable power grid....CA is right in there with them....

you don't know what you are talking about which, of course, surprises no one

TX is off the national grid. They are off the national grid because of the ass hole right wingers who wanted "independence."

So now they learn the price of "independence."


Everything the wingnuts do comes back to bite them. This is bit one example.

Well child, you've been paying for the failure in TX with all the federal tax breaks given them to build worthless wind and solar. Remember this when xiden tells you more wind and solar is needed in your part of the country.


""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

That is a BS lie by global warming nuts....Texas would not be in the news for power outages if not for renewable subsidies that replaced their existing power supply with wind and solar the people of America in part paid for Texas to have an unreliable power grid....CA is right in there with them....
Why do wind turbines continue to work in much colder states?

They usually get snow, ice is a totally different animal.

None of that matters here

A. In the winter only 10% of Texas power comes from renewables

B. ALL of it...nuke, fossil fuels...all of it failed...because they didn't take proper precautions regarding cold weather..

Republicans have been running Texas for DECADES...and this is what you get
You obviously did not understand my post, including the charts, and Fiero425 is likewise admonished for liking your post.

I agree with you that wind is a small fraction of power production, but you claim my post doesn't matter, simply because you want to argue and can't read and comprehend.

Wind power is so minuscule in terms of actual production for capacity built, expensive, and problematic, that it should not even be built in large capacity.
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How stupid are you? You "weatherize" them once...and sequentially, and they're good to -20 after that. Did you think weatherizing shuts them down permanently? Are you that stupid?
They can not spin around and around and around in weather like this....and that means they can't generate.....say it with me....electricity.....get it stupid?....
Weatherizing a windmill shuts it what difference would it make to "weatherize" it?.....its still not operational....
How stupid are you? You "weatherize" them once...and sequentially, and they're good to -20 after that. Did you think weatherizing shuts them down permanently? Are you that stupid?
Windmills and solar panels are useless in Texas weather right now....
ALL of the Texas energy plants including nuke and fossil are useless right now...because Texas fucked up royally and didn't make provisions for cold weather
Why would they make provision for cold weather. It hadn't been cold before. With global warming they could feel secure that the cold free areas would never be cold.

As I said, this did happen in 2011 and they were told to winterize their equipment after those blackouts! They were too fk'n cheap and shortsighted thinking "the Dems say there's global warming so we don't have to GAF about freezing equipment!" Idiots! What does Cruz have to say now about local politicians of his own state? :p

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