Fuck. I missed it. Lesbian Visability Week.

Lesbian Visiblity Week?

Are they fucking kidding?

Check this out:

After that week ended, they didn’t become invisible.

And the commentary in that Instagram video is spot the fuck on.

What you think lesbians look like...


What lesbians actually look like....

That is friggin sad. I'm almost 69 and don't know any lesbians that I know of, but they definitely look more like the ones in the top picture on the porn sites.
That is friggin sad. I'm almost 69 and don't know any lesbians that I know of, but they definitely look more like the ones in the top picture on the porn sites.
I've bartended for years and have known numerous lezzies....A few have been friends that I've hung out with.

They're far better represented in the lower pic, without question.
Since we had a VCR in our college apartment, one of my room mates decided to rent an adult movie. They had a lesbian scene where two attractive actresses in the adult business were paid to act like lesbians. So four naive college kids thought lesbians were attractive.

Years later I learned "butch" meant something in the lesbian world.
I suppose it is "wrong" to criticise them for overall being such ugly women .
But why oh why is it so hard to find a lesbian with any sense of humour , let alone good humour ?
Lesbianism is a totally different phenomenon from homosexuality. Many - if not most - lesbians are simply women who are utterly repulsive to boys/men, but desiring some sort of intimacy they turn to other women. Sexual intimacy is rare in such couples, because it is truly not about sex; it's about wanting to be loved.

It's only when an attractive woman "comes out" (Jenna Jamison) that any male gives a shit.
Many years back, one of my colleagues was a terrific woman. Very smart. Very insightful into the needs of victims and their families. She had some “boyish” look about her but was disarmingly “feminine” in voice and mannerisms. Just a great woman.

She eventually started dating a woman who most of us thought was very pretty. Until then we didn’t even know that second woman was a lesbian. They later got married. They adopted a foreign child. She grew up to also be a nice young woman.

They don’t have to be lipstick lesbians to be good people any more than heteros need to all be model-esqe to be good folks.
Fun fact: I identify as a lesbian.

But you don't have to worry about any of that pronoun nonsense. ;)
Personally, I do not regret missing lesbian visibility day.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
If a lesbian wants or needs to be seen, do something significant with your days, ladies. Otherwise, not being “seen” is the norm for most people most days. And it’s no big deal.

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