Fuel prices are a necessary growing pain; Seriously just ride a bike

You still believe in your government. Many of us do not anymore.
Well its either government, criminal gangs or religious fanaticism. Every human every born has been ruled by 1 of the 3. I’ll choose the one I get to vote for.
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.
This is city dwelling, left winger nonsense. I actually do live 45 miles from work. I ride a bicycle for fun/exercise. Trying to ride one to work is more a death sentence than a possibility. I'm very rural. There is a giant mountain range between me and 'civilization'. I just bought a brand new hybrid. 40+ mpg. But guess what? Diesel power and four-wheel-drive vehicles aren't simply a possibility. They are a necessity electric can't even come close to matching.

Some people's lives are nothing like yours, petunia. Yet we can agree to have concerns about climate change.
This is city dwelling, left winger nonsense. I actually do live 45 miles from work. I ride a bicycle for fun/exercise. Trying to ride one to work is more a death sentence than a possibility. I'm very rural. There is a giant mountain range between me and 'civilization'. I just bought a brand new hybrid. 40+ mpg. But guess what? Diesel power and four-wheel-drive vehicles aren't simply a possibility. They are a necessity electric can't even come close to matching.

Some people's lives are nothing like yours, petunia. Yet we can agree to have concerns about climate change.
Again, we warned everyone about white flight into sprawling suburbs. It didnt have to be this way. Smaller more efficient housing in urban centers is far better for everyone.
Including the planet
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.
Democrats should run on that.
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.

Take a hike whack job.
Again, we warned everyone about white flight into sprawling suburbs. It didnt have to be this way. Smaller more efficient housing in urban centers is far better for everyone.
Including the planet
I wholeheartedly believe the planet doesn't need 'saving'. Earth is a whole lot hardier than the human race. It will shake humans off like flies when it sees fit.
Um I ride a bike to work and (wild concept) CHANGE into my work clothes. My gym is walking distance to work, I keep work clothes in locker. Ride to work. Change. Work. Simple
Yeah go through a bunch of clothe changing and showering so you can go to work and return from it,

You are a true third worlder who enjoys the bottom rung but us thinkers, achievers and producers worked hard to move up and don’t have any interest in some bike riding to work baloney
You have embraced third world ism as a desirable objective for You but leave the rest of us out of your virtue signaling.
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Yeah go through a bunch of clothe changing and showering so you can go to work and return from it,

You are a true third worlder who enjoys the bottom rung but us thinkers, achievers and producers worked hard to move up and don’t have any interest in some bine riding to work baloney
You have embraced third world ism as a desirable objective for You but leave the rest of us out of your virtue signaling.
Ever been to Japan? France? Netherlands? Germany? Switzerland? I have. LOTS of bike riding for daily commute. Hardly 3rd world countries.

I know MAGA doesnt go many places that doesnt have Waffle House (delicious btw) but bike usage is quite normal
Yeah go through a bunch of clothe changing and showering so you can go to work and return from it,

You are a true third worlder who enjoys the bottom rung but us thinkers, achievers and producers worked hard to move up and don’t have any interest in some bine riding to work baloney
You have embraced third world ism as a desirable objective for You but leave the rest of us out of your virtue signaling.
This person's argument works for city folk, and not much else.
Ever heard of a BASKET??? Yeah, bikes have them. I have a detachable one for exactly that purpose. Gallon of milk + weeks worth of food fits just fine
Are you old enough to imbibe alcohol in the US?
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.
I kept looking for the punch line and then I figured out you're just nuts.

Most people don't ride bikes and for the vast majority of us living in rural America or having long commutes to/from work riding a bike or walking isn't even a possibility.

Reasonable fuel prices drive every industrial economy in the world and will until a practical, competitive alternative or alternatives are found.

EV's are certainly no answer because we don't have the generation or distribution capacity to handle millions of EV's and again there are serious issues there for those who have long commutes or live in rural parts of the country.
I kept looking for the punch line and then I figured out you're just nuts.

Most people don't ride bikes and for the vast majority of us living in rural America or having long commutes to/from work riding a bike or walking isn't even a possibility.

Reasonable fuel prices drive every industrial economy in the world and will until a practical, competitive alternative or alternatives are found.

EV's are certainly no answer because we don't have the generation or distribution capacity to handle millions of EV's and again there are serious issues there for those who have long commutes or live in rural parts of the country.
EVs just don't have realistic payload capacity yet. Today's trucks already have ridiculously tiny beds. I require at least an 8-foot bed. I travel 1000 miles a week. Diesel is the best I got for towing. Period.
EVs just don't have realistic payload capacity yet. Today's trucks already have ridiculously tiny beds. I require at least an 8-foot bed. I travel 1000 miles a week. Diesel is the best I got for towing. Period.
I'll get rid of my F-350 as soon as they invent an economy car with equal ground clearance and the ability to two 20,000 pounds.

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