Fuel prices are a necessary growing pain; Seriously just ride a bike

The world is moving on from oil, you can join us or go broke trying to live in the past
You're going to pay as well, moron. How much do you think that wonderful organic produce that you love to eat is going to cost you when diesel fuel gets so expensive that the farmer can't run his tractor or the trucker can't deliver it before it spoils? It must be difficult to ride that bike with your head so firmly implanted in your ass.
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.
I'll go buy a bike as soon as "Climate Czar" John "Lurch" Kerry gives up his private jets, yachts, and McMansions.

I know that there are those that fear climate change or weather or whatever is the flavor of the month. I know there are those that do not. All I am asking and no one has ever had an answer for is when is someone going to come up with a plan that replaces fossil fuels? We have people pushing electric vehicle. But our power grid which is 60% fossil fuels can not handle more EVs. Planes cannot run on batteries. Trains can not run on batteries. We have every frighten nut job going we need to stop using fossil fuels.
But we need a plan in place to actually replace them. Or would that be too much thought and planning?
Democrat agenda is idiocy. The technology exists for hydrogen fuel cells that exhaust water. Hydrogen in the most abundant element on the planet, but democrats aren't interested in that.
Ok drive your gas guzzler. Just no whining when its $200 to fill it up. The world is moving on from oil, you can join us or go broke trying to live in the past, your choice
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Your green economy is completely dependent on the continued production of petroleum.
They are only a growing pain if you don't plan, create contingencies and rush through things.

We can move away from fossil fuels on a large scale but it will take time, preparation and a plan. It can be done with little impact and pain. But Biden has no interest in that, he doesn't want to plan or setup a plan, he is like a guy standing there with a brush and paint in hand wanting to paint the walls of a house that hasn't even had it's foundation poured yet.
Again, we warned everyone about white flight into sprawling suburbs. It didnt have to be this way. Smaller more efficient housing in urban centers is far better for everyone.
Including the planet
So you live in an 8 X 8 tent under an overpass, eh? Must have gotten accustomed to it when you populated that cell for vagrancy.
They are only a growing pain if you don't plan, create contingencies and rush through things.

We can move away from fossil fuels on a large scale but it will take time, preparation and a plan. It can be done with little impact and pain. But Biden has no interest in that, he doesn't want to plan or setup a plan, he is like a guy standing there with a brush and paint in hand wanting to paint the walls of a house that hasn't even had it's foundation poured yet.
There simply is no practical alternative to gas/diesel and can't be for at least a decade or more.

The generating and distribution capacity for that much electricity simply doesn't exist.

We'd need at least 20 new nuclear plants to even begin a serious transition over to EV's for city dwellers and decades longer for the rest of the country.

Then you have to find a way to deal with the toxic waste generated when their batteries fail.
The oil industry is a right wing org.

They want to bring the pain to their political enemies the democrats.

The republicans know if they blame Biden the win.

No matter how false it is.
My gawd--the ignorance hurts my eyes.

Ken Lay of ENRON is the father of the Carbon CREDIT SCAM--------you know the dems dream money maker.
"Pain" is the operative word in the political phrase "growing pains". The word "growing" is debatable since windmills seem to be a backwards trend. It's no secret that the term is intended to justify the government's effort to punish citizens in order to force them to comply with an agenda that causes suffering. In this case the agenda is the great new green philosophy that only makes oil producing regimes like Venezuela rich
Windmills haven’t been all that successful but how many
You're going to pay as well, moron. How much do you think that wonderful organic produce that you love to eat is going to cost you when diesel fuel gets so expensive that the farmer can't run his tractor or the trucker can't deliver it before it spoils? It must be difficult to ride that bike with your head so firmly implanted in your ass.
Supply and demand buddy. If far more of us dont drive cars….less fuel is used, so the necessary fuel for food trucks wont go up.
With the exception of nuclear power, almost all the juice to power EV’s comes from fossil fuels. At their respective power generation stations, they emit tons of noxious shit into the air. So, the question is not whether EV’s reduce atmospheric pollution. They don’t.

The question is “where does the pollution get concentrated?”

Next we can talk about the toxic batteries and the toxic ways they are made and the toxic way the crucial components are mined and manufactured. And then consider where the dead old batteries go. Poor Mother Earth.
Windmills haven’t been all that successful but how many

Supply and demand buddy. If far more of us dont drive cars….less fuel is used, so the necessary fuel for food trucks wont go up.
There are literally millions of wind turbines across the country now and if there were 10 million they would still never provide a fraction of the electricity necessary to run the kind of economy you imagine existing.

Number one, wind is not reliable because even on the plains there isn't always enough wind to keep them producing and then we have the fact that after five years of operation anywhere from 20-30% of them are broken down at any given time.

They are also a nightmare leaking oil and when it comes to disposal of broken and worn out blades which of course cannot be produced without petroleum.

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