Fuel prices are a necessary growing pain; Seriously just ride a bike

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Try commuting to and from a construction site each day, that can be up to eighty miles away, carrying well over a hundred pounds of tools, on a bicycle..

A bicycle might be a valid means of transportation for a parasite such as yourself, but not for a real man who does real work.
Climate change is a hoax.
Please use care in determining whether it's a simple plot or deliberate act of terrorism. Humans, OK, except for "progressives", can develop ways to live comfortably as climate follows its natural cycles. The progressives? Think "dinosaur".
Please use care in determining whether it's a simple plot or deliberate act of terrorism. Humans, OK, except for "progressives", can develop ways to live comfortably as climate follows its natural cycles. The progressives? Think "dinosaur".
Please use care in determining whether it's a simple plot or deliberate act of terrorism. Humans, OK, except for "progressives", can develop ways to live comfortably as climate follows its natural cycles. The progressives? Think "dinosaur".
Man caused climate change is what is a hoax. The climate is changing. The Sahara is greening. It does this every 23,000 years or so.

Stop destroying civilization to stop it.
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.
I do, frequently. Even though I'm an old curmudgeon. I never imagined it would take over twenty bucks to fill the tank though.


How do you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support crushing low and middle-income workers?
I do, frequently. Even though I'm an old curmudgeon. I never imagined it would take over twenty bucks to fill the tank though.


How do you face yourself in the mirror knowing you support crushing low and middle-income workers?
Nice scooter there bud.
You know, airplanes and space craft weren’t immediately perfect either. If we give up we’ll never get there. With your logic, the first time a plane didnt fly or a space craft crashed, we would quit and never have commercial airliners or a space station
And nobody was mandating society change to those imperfect means of transportation. By the way, spacecraft are a long ways from being practical, let alone perfect.

A lot of people quit when planes were unable to fly. It took WWI to push aircraft from experimental oddities to somewhat workable aircraft. There were still lots of failures like the Fokker Triplanes where the wings blinded the pilot on his landing approach Or the rotary powered fighters where engine torque could twist the fighter right out of the air if the pilot got heavy handed. How about the DeHavilland Comets that crashed because the windows blew out due to metal fatigue caused by repeated pressurization cycles.
Ever been to Japan? France? Netherlands? Germany? Switzerland? I have. LOTS of bike riding for daily commute. Hardly 3rd world countries.

I know MAGA doesnt go many places that doesnt have Waffle House (delicious btw) but bike usage is quite normal
You just sound goofy.

All those countries were developed hundreds of years before America was even discovered. All those centuries, the mode of transportation was, at best, a horse. They had to be close together and the countries were about the size of one of our states.

It wasn't long after our nation was created in 1776 that along came the industrial revolution We have a massive country and people are free to live where they wish.

We have hundreds of fossil fuel remaining and even longer if we started building nuclear power stations. Why punish our citizens and turn this into a third world begging for China to walk on in?

Again, why do you hate low and middle income workers so much?
Biden created this problem with his failed policies and actions.
I respectfully disagree.

The Biden agenda is not made up of failed policies and actions. They are working exactly according to plan. If they were failed policies, they would change them.

You know, airplanes and space craft weren’t immediately perfect either. If we give up we’ll never get there. With your logic, the first time a plane didnt fly or a space craft crashed, we would quit and never have commercial airliners or a space station
Who said give up?

The far-left frequently employs the prison of two ideas when they are floundering. It only goes to prove their desperation and fear.

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