Fuel prices are a necessary growing pain; Seriously just ride a bike

Nuclear powered planes, trains, and automobiles . . . it's the only way to be sure. Will give "two drivers had a meltdown on the highway" a whole new and dare I say, more radioactive meaning.

With nuclear power, we can crack water into hydrogen that can power planes, trains, and automobiles.
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.
Ok drive your gas guzzler. Just no whining when its $200 to fill it up. The world is moving on from oil, you can join us or go broke trying to live in the past, your choice

Moving on from oil to what?
EVs are oil or coal powered.
Um I ride a bike to work and (wild concept) CHANGE into my work clothes. My gym is walking distance to work, I keep work clothes in locker. Ride to work. Change. Work. Simple

Sure we can move closer to our jobs, but that is not relevant.
The MAIN need for gas and oil is for trucks to bring good and other good near to our cities.
With nuclear power, we can crack water into hydrogen that can power planes, trains, and automobiles.
Storage of hydrogen makes that impossible.

We have yet to discover a way to store hydrogen without it bleeding off quickly due to leakage because the hydrogen atom is so small.
Um I ride a bike to work and (wild concept) CHANGE into my work clothes. My gym is walking distance to work, I keep work clothes in locker. Ride to work. Change. Work. Simple
Yippee for you, that's not possible for most people especially during the heat of the summer and cold of the winter.
Man caused climate change is what is a hoax. The climate is changing. The Sahara is greening. It does this every 23,000 years or so.

Stop destroying civilization to stop it.

First of all, you did not read the article.
It said that global warming was real, but that the increased heat is evaporating more ocean water into the air, which is making ONLY the western sub-Sahara have more rain fall.

And no, there is no 23,000 year long cycle mentioned.
The global warming cycle is more like 110,000 years long.
The southern-Sahara is rapidly growing and desertification is greatly increasing.
Storage of hydrogen makes that impossible.

We have yet to discover a way to store hydrogen without it bleeding off quickly due to leakage because the hydrogen atom is so small.

Switzerland and Iceland have been doing hydrogen buses and other vehicles for decades.
Hydrogen needs high pressure and special material, while still bleeding somewhat, but it still works, and there are alternatives like Ammonia, powdered hydrogen peroxide, etc. that are being considered as well.

which is making ONLY the western sub-Sahara have more rain fall.
That isn't at all true. Average rainfall is up in many parts of the world.

The warmer it gets the more moisture is in the atmosphere globally thus, when you do get storms they tend to be more productive than when the climate is cooler and you get more precipitation.
Switzerland and Iceland have been doing hydrogen buses and other vehicles for decades.
Hydrogen needs high pressure and special material, while still bleeding somewhat, but it still works, and there are alternatives like Ammonia, powdered hydrogen peroxide, etc. that are being considered as well.

It can't be done on an industrial scale because of the leakage losses.

H2O3 + Ammonia is explosive as hell and not even close to practical for that very reason.
Storage of hydrogen makes that impossible.

We have yet to discover a way to store hydrogen without it bleeding off quickly due to leakage because the hydrogen atom is so small.
Hydrogen worked well for the Hindenburg.
Switzerland and Iceland have been doing hydrogen buses and other vehicles for decades.
Hydrogen needs high pressure and special material, while still bleeding somewhat, but it still works, and there are alternatives like Ammonia, powdered hydrogen peroxide, etc. that are being considered as well.

That isn't at all true. Average rainfall is up in many parts of the world.

The warmer it gets the more moisture is in the atmosphere globally thus, when you do get storms they tend to be more productive than when the climate is cooler and you get more precipitation.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, since precipitation is the point.
And the Sahara is rapidly growing, NOT shrinking.
Global warming can put more water vapor into the air, but that does not mean it is going to rain more in the Sahara.
It take cold air colliding with warm moist air to cause rain.
And if the fresh water melt off from Greenland causes the Gulf Stream to subduct, then Europe will drop by 10 degrees.
So who can predict what will happen then?
It can't be done on an industrial scale because of the leakage losses.

H2O3 + Ammonia is explosive as hell and not even close to practical for that very reason.

Pressurized H2 is practical and being used.
Hydrogen peroxide is practical and being used.
But we can also just use nuclear power to make something like methane.
Not all that difficult.
Hydrogen worked well for the Hindenburg.

The fire on the Hindenburg likely was actually from the aluminum paint on canvas they used to seal it.
And the Hindenburg did NOT explode.
The only reason it was such as disaster is that people had no means of escape because they were high in the air.
Yep, right up until the first spark.

Gasoline, propane, natural gas, etc., are 10 times more dangerous because a small leak collects until you have explosive concentrations.
Hydrogen will NOT collect, but dissipate instead.
It is NOT a danger compared to all other fuels.
Im sorry but Im tired of hearing people demand Biden “fix” fuel prices. This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks. Climate change is real (despite what MAGA says) and ridding ourselves of fossil fuels is simply gonna have to happen. And yes, Biden is actually doing a great job moving us towards that.

And in the process how about RIDE A FREAKIN BIKE. I do and most sane people who see the reality we face do also. Probably will help some people who need to lose weight anyway lose some.

Some will say “but I live 45 miles from work” well we used to warn about “white flight” to the suburbs, and the cost of NOT building high speed rail. Well here ya go. We told ya so.

This is a necessary growing pain for proper progress folks.

Look, cupcake, if that is so then Biddum should have run on that and told people that if you voted for him, you were voting for $10.00 gas and hyperinflation that will murder millions of people because guess what Jackass? Oil and petrol products are a vital and central base product ESSENTIAL to both half of the technology which makes our lives possible as well as THOUSANDS of essential products we depend on!

Not only won't what Joe is doing matter a hill of beans to the Earth, it likely could cripple the USA devastatingly, even to the point of re-shifting global power. While the intentions might have been good, there needs to be a gradual transition that allows everything time to adjust over decades with careful thought and planning--- what that fool has done is the equivalent of throwing a car into reverse while still flying 60 mph down the highway!

AND ONE MORE THING PETUNIA-- -- gasoline isn't just for cars to go joyriding--- fossil fuels are essential to global shipping, air travel, trucking and so much more which everything from the goods you buy on the shelf to the FOOD in your refrigerator depend on to survive!
You ride a bike, Ike. I'll drive my Chevy truck guzzling gas and spewing pollution, her engine growling and while riding a bike you will eat my exhaust. Whilst you're undergoing chemotherapy for years of giving tailpipe blowjobs I'll still be driving my truck. Hi-Ho Silverado . . .

Is this the normal way how US-Americans speak with each other about real problems? What about "make the USA great again - learn manners"?

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