Fuk Fox News

You asshats think you can control the language. You redefine words like racist to fits strict criteria which you control. You ignore blatant racism from your side and apply the label to non-racist statements made by our side. Then you make up words like White Privilege out of thin air.

Um, dude, no one makes up "White Privilege", it pretty clearly exists.

Look at how Law Enforcement treated James Holmes, Dylan Roof, Amon Bundy's followers.


How it treated Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Laquan McDonald...

A black guy gets elected President, and you guys make up racist cartoons like the one you have as an AVI and wonder why people think your racist. It's like the lady who wondered why Facebook cancelled her account after she called Obama the N-word.

No one cares anymore, racism has no meaning, racist idiots like you will no longer get away with this bull shit. Donald Trump is the face of a growing disgust of your lies and deceit.

Up against the wall mother fucker.

No, Donald Trump shows how sad and pathetic a lot of you are. You know, the kind of stupid person who fights against the union getting her better pay for cleaning bedpans...
If you are too stupid to understand it, explaining it to you won't fix the problem.
Uh...guy..when you cannot bring up a valid argument you start name calling? That explains a lot.

You are too stupid to understand a valid argument, and you keep claiming I'm Jewish after I've ripped Israel dozens of times. You probably need to stay in your basement, the real world is too scary for you.
You are too stupid to understand a valid argument, and you keep claiming I'm Jewish after I've ripped Israel dozens of times. You probably need to stay in your basement, the real world is too scary for you.
Uh..guy, you are slinging shit again. Nice comeback.... I know you are not a total moron or an imbecile but you sure act that way.
There is no unbiased news source, never has been. The good thing about FOX was that they were the only ones who presented the right fairly. They still do. Yes, they prefer the establishment candidate, but where else are you going to get our side?
Fux News is losing viewers with their biased reporting. They have decided that Rubio is their guy. If he flames out, which he will, so will Fux News with him.

Fux News lost alot of credibility with the 2012 election results and people are beginning to search for alternatives. Megyn Kelly is being plastered all over their broadcasts, and many people can't stand to look at her anymore. Ever since she started the debates with her War On Women statements, not questions, but statements, she has become hated by much of the viewership. I turn it off the moment she comes on. And Fux held a townhall a couple of days before the debate using her as a host knowing that Trump wouldn't show. So it became an infomercial for his opponents. Totally underhanded.
You asshats think you can control the language. You redefine words like racist to fits strict criteria which you control. You ignore blatant racism from your side and apply the label to non-racist statements made by our side. Then you make up words like White Privilege out of thin air.

Um, dude, no one makes up "White Privilege", it pretty clearly exists.

Look at how Law Enforcement treated James Holmes, Dylan Roof, Amon Bundy's followers.


How it treated Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Laquan McDonald...

A black guy gets elected President, and you guys make up racist cartoons like the one you have as an AVI and wonder why people think your racist. It's like the lady who wondered why Facebook cancelled her account after she called Obama the N-word.

No one cares anymore, racism has no meaning, racist idiots like you will no longer get away with this bull shit. Donald Trump is the face of a growing disgust of your lies and deceit.

Up against the wall mother fucker.

No, Donald Trump shows how sad and pathetic a lot of you are. You know, the kind of stupid person who fights against the union getting her better pay for cleaning bedpans...
Dude, I wish I could experience some of this White Privilege. I've never had the pleasure.
BTW, Fux News says Rubio cleaned up on the debate. Drudge followers gave him 17%. That's really bad. Trump got 58%. Rubio's act isn't going over well.
Uh..guy, you are slinging shit again. Nice comeback.... I know you are not a total moron or an imbecile but you sure act that way.

In your case, it isn't an act. You really are a stupid person. Probably mentally ill as well... and soon to be on ignore if you don't contribute something to a thread.
BTW, Fux News says Rubio cleaned up on the debate. Drudge followers gave him 17%. That's really bad. Trump got 58%. Rubio's act isn't going over well.

Trump is doing very well in the Angry 10% who show up for Republican Primaries.

He's going to be in real trouble when the majority who don't participate in primaries show up and realize, "Holy Shit, how did THIS nut get the GOP Nomination?"
BTW, Fux News says Rubio cleaned up on the debate. Drudge followers gave him 17%. That's really bad. Trump got 58%. Rubio's act isn't going over well.

Trump is doing very well in the Angry 10% who show up for Republican Primaries.

He's going to be in real trouble when the majority who don't participate in primaries show up and realize, "Holy Shit, how did THIS nut get the GOP Nomination?"
That's a false image that came from the Jeb Bush campaign. Trump isn't a nut. He showed great restraint during last night's debate. The nasty attacks that were thrown at him were over the line.....and the desperate attempts to cause him to meltdown aren't working. A nut would have told Rubio and Cruz to STFU. Instead, he was professional and simply said politely, "Excuse Me". The only meltdown I saw was Rubio who made a total jackass out of himself. He reminded me of a schoolyard bully who felt he had carte blanch to say anything that popped into his head.
Fux News is losing viewers with their biased reporting. They have decided that Rubio is their guy. If he flames out, which he will, so will Fux News with him.

Fux News lost alot of credibility with the 2012 election results and people are beginning to search for alternatives. Megyn Kelly is being plastered all over their broadcasts, and many people can't stand to look at her anymore. Ever since she started the debates with her War On Women statements, not questions, but statements, she has become hated by much of the viewership. I turn it off the moment she comes on. And Fux held a townhall a couple of days before the debate using her as a host knowing that Trump wouldn't show. So it became an infomercial for his opponents. Totally underhanded.

Even worse and embarrassing is their "focus groups." 40 people hand picked to represent Fox's wishes and they present this group as some cross section of republican leaning folks. It is such a joke, it is so nauseating the way the host, Frank somebody, (and megyn kelly too last night) try to act as though this is America speaking. And every single time they have had this focus group (often after debates) Trump is made out to be the big loser and the one everyone is turned off by.

Can it get any more of an obvious bullshit ploy by Fox?
If I were trump, I would be a little concerned over the scalia thing.

Still no autopsy. Still changed the original diagnosis from heart attack to "natural causes."

When all else fails......eliminate the threat to the establishment the old fashioned way.

Can anyone say....disgruntled Mexican?

Hope everyone is ready.
If I were trump, I would be a little concerned over the scalia thing.

Still no autopsy. Still changed the original diagnosis from heart attack to "natural causes."

When all else fails......eliminate the threat to the establishment the old fashioned way.

Can anyone say....disgruntled Mexican?

Hope everyone is ready.

And everyone on the Left laughs at you or this. They are as naive as three year olds. They cannot believe there is major fraud, schemes and crimes being perpetrated by their heroes. At least, they are forever defending them against such charges. Scandals to them are like mosquito bites.

I hate using the word hate, but I guess I do hate the media and I hate witnessing fools on the left defending devils.

This cannot end well.
You asshats think you can control the language. You redefine words like racist to fits strict criteria which you control. You ignore blatant racism from your side and apply the label to non-racist statements made by our side. Then you make up words like White Privilege out of thin air.

Um, dude, no one makes up "White Privilege", it pretty clearly exists.

Look at how Law Enforcement treated James Holmes, Dylan Roof, Amon Bundy's followers.


How it treated Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Laquan McDonald...

A black guy gets elected President, and you guys make up racist cartoons like the one you have as an AVI and wonder why people think your racist. It's like the lady who wondered why Facebook cancelled her account after she called Obama the N-word.

No one cares anymore, racism has no meaning, racist idiots like you will no longer get away with this bull shit. Donald Trump is the face of a growing disgust of your lies and deceit.

Up against the wall mother fucker.

No, Donald Trump shows how sad and pathetic a lot of you are. You know, the kind of stupid person who fights against the union getting her better pay for cleaning bedpans...

No moron, the bull shit is made up completely. No one believes a word of it except you simple minded idiots. You don't get to control the language and you don't get to make shit up. Trumps popularity is clearly showing that a larger and larger portion of America has had enough of your parties lies and stupidity.
There is no unbiased news source, never has been. The good thing about FOX was that they were the only ones who presented the right fairly. They still do. Yes, they prefer the establishment candidate, but where else are you going to get our side?
Fux News is losing viewers with their biased reporting. They have decided that Rubio is their guy. If he flames out, which he will, so will Fux News with him.

Fux News lost alot of credibility with the 2012 election results and people are beginning to search for alternatives. Megyn Kelly is being plastered all over their broadcasts, and many people can't stand to look at her anymore. Ever since she started the debates with her War On Women statements, not questions, but statements, she has become hated by much of the viewership. I turn it off the moment she comes on. And Fux held a townhall a couple of days before the debate using her as a host knowing that Trump wouldn't show. So it became an infomercial for his opponents. Totally underhanded.

I don't disagree with your point but my point still stands.
For the record....

Did you cast two votes for smirking war criminal, and monumental pillock, Scrub?

I voted for Bush once and all other recent elections I voted for a 3rd party candidate out of protest. I believe at least twice in the last 20 years I did not even vote. Shall I go to confession on that?

For the record... the left in this nation are such a miserable phony lot I cannot even stand to talk about it. Yes, Bush made a huge error, IMO, in invading Iraq. Yes, it was costly. But is that the only SIN you lefties can keep bringing up about republican presidents? Do you honestly think that makes your criminals and liars like Barack and Hillary and Harry Reid and Eric Holder, et al. better or even equal in integrity and truthfulness? Get real! Your party and administration is filled with stench.

Let's be perfectly honest.....Scrub was the biggest disaster to strike this country since the Black Plague (yeah....I know....but bear with me here). Anyone who voted for him and has failed to repent has no place complaining.

Obama has, by any objective measure, done a commendable job repairing the damage, while being consistently obstructed by a Congress which

a) enabled Scrub's disaster

b) have done everything possible to keep that failure's legacy undisturbed...it's been positively perverse

20 years from now, people will ask themselves what the f... Americans were thinking.....

Question: What does "let's be honest" even mean the way you use it?

If that is what you think of Barack then you and I will agree on nothing. Honestly.

IMO, Barack Obama is an enemy of this nation. He is a Muslim (and a fake Christian) who supports Islamic designs on this world and against this nation. He is a friend of Islamic terrorists and criminals. He lets them go free, he lets them roam free in this nation, he does not care how much risk he puts our citizens under. And the media allows him to get away with his shit. Obama is a traitor, a liar and a phony. And you do not care or are too blind to see. Hillary is a useless creep who has an ego and could not care less about the common good and security of the American people.
"A friend of Islamic terrorists"? Tell that to Osama Bin Laden. The guy that Bush ignored.
If I were trump, I would be a little concerned over the scalia thing.

Still no autopsy. Still changed the original diagnosis from heart attack to "natural causes."

When all else fails......eliminate the threat to the establishment the old fashioned way.

Can anyone say....disgruntled Mexican?

Hope everyone is ready.
So you think the establishment will send the pillowman to whack Trump?
No moron, the bull shit is made up completely. No one believes a word of it except you simple minded idiots. You don't get to control the language and you don't get to make shit up. Trumps popularity is clearly showing that a larger and larger portion of America has had enough of your parties lies and stupidity.

Trump can't win in November. the fact that he appeals to the mouth-breathers who show up for GOP Primaries (much to the horror of the GOP Establishment) isn't saying much.
There is no unbiased news source, never has been. The good thing about FOX was that they were the only ones who presented the right fairly. They still do. Yes, they prefer the establishment candidate, but where else are you going to get our side?
Fux News is losing viewers with their biased reporting. They have decided that Rubio is their guy. If he flames out, which he will, so will Fux News with him.

Fux News lost alot of credibility with the 2012 election results and people are beginning to search for alternatives. Megyn Kelly is being plastered all over their broadcasts, and many people can't stand to look at her anymore. Ever since she started the debates with her War On Women statements, not questions, but statements, she has become hated by much of the viewership. I turn it off the moment she comes on. And Fux held a townhall a couple of days before the debate using her as a host knowing that Trump wouldn't show. So it became an infomercial for his opponents. Totally underhanded.

I don't disagree with your point but my point still stands.
My point is....I can't stand more than a few minutes of their BS, then I have to change the channel.

Not to mention, as they show their obvious bias for Rubio, it is next to impossible to defend them from attacks from the left. They have proved to be just as bad as MSNBC when it comes to Trump. I really have a sick feeling over that. To think there is no place to go to get the 100% unvarnished truth anymore.
My point is....I can't stand more than a few minutes of their BS, then I have to change the channel.

Not to mention, as they show their obvious bias for Rubio, it is next to impossible to defend them from attacks from the left. They have proved to be just as bad as MSNBC when it comes to Trump. I really have a sick feeling over that. To think there is no place to go to get the 100% unvarnished truth anymore.

Here's the real problem. Fox has spent the last 20 years creating the toxic environment that a malignant narcissist like trump could flourish in. Now they have him, and they can't stop him.

100 versions of Frankenstein put to film, and people still don't get the point.

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