Fuk Fox News

Rubio has taken all of Jeb Bush's support and he's clearly an establishment candidate.

Establishment candidate means nothing when you have a New York Billionaire Silver Spooned Real Estate Developer as a candidate.
Typical Marxist crapola.

Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Oh, so Trump is in it for the money? He is risking his life and, really, destroying his mental and physical health so he can make additional money this way?

Suggestion: If you know you are being stupid do not share it with us.
Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Oh, so Trump is in it for the money? He is risking his life and, really, destroying his mental and physical health so he can make additional money this way?

Suggestion: If you know you are being stupid do not share it with us.

Whatever he's in it for...It aint for the middle class. Or maybe he's the one Billionaire who really means it. Oh, and is not part of the establishments. Sure he's rubbed elbows with the elites for decades but that doesnt mean anything...in opposite land
Rubio has taken all of Jeb Bush's support and he's clearly an establishment candidate.

Establishment candidate means nothing when you have a New York Billionaire Silver Spooned Real Estate Developer as a candidate.
Typical Marxist crapola.

Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Nothing but false liberal talking-points. The kind of they've been using for decades.

You have your millionaires running against ours, only yours are backed by billionaires that only want to make a buck or are backed by terrorist supporter billionaires. It's clear Hillary has already sold us out to special interests and she lies like nobody's business. Yet remarkably, she feels she's never lied in her life. Every Democrat is a born liar. They can't win unless they are.

I'll take Trump over that lot.
Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Oh, so Trump is in it for the money? He is risking his life and, really, destroying his mental and physical health so he can make additional money this way?

Suggestion: If you know you are being stupid do not share it with us.

Whatever he's in it for...It aint for the middle class. Or maybe he's the one Billionaire who really means it. Oh, and is not part of the establishments. Sure he's rubbed elbows with the elites for decades but that doesnt mean anything...in opposite land
Democrats want only two classes. The haves and the have-nots. There is no in-between for them. They spend their time and effort destroying the Middle-Class. They are supported by the rich and the extremely poor. They have no use for the Middle-Class other than to steal from them. They feel their strongest support comes from the poor who need them to survive, so why not create more of them. They feel the best way to stay in power is by erasing wealth, not creating it. This is what you do not understand.
Rubio has taken all of Jeb Bush's support and he's clearly an establishment candidate.

Establishment candidate means nothing when you have a New York Billionaire Silver Spooned Real Estate Developer as a candidate.
Typical Marxist crapola.

Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Nothing but false liberal talking-points. The kind of they've been using for decades.

See? This is how they work. They simply SAY its false and then move on unable to provide the why or how. Accusing is easier than providing proof of said lie. *wink*

You dont even have a defense...thats why you keep moving past my point
Rubio has taken all of Jeb Bush's support and he's clearly an establishment candidate.

Establishment candidate means nothing when you have a New York Billionaire Silver Spooned Real Estate Developer as a candidate.
Typical Marxist crapola.

Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Nothing but false liberal talking-points. The kind of they've been using for decades.

See? This is how they work. They simply SAY its false and then move on unable to provide the why or how. Accusing is easier than providing proof of said lie. *wink*

You dont even have a defense...thats why you keep moving past my point
My defense is 30+ years of watching Hillary and Bill twist the truth into whatever they want it to be. You'd have to be living in a cave with no access to the outside world not to know it.

I figure anyone who supports Hillary must be a born liar themselves. Their entire lives must be based on a fantasy. Everyone usually supports a candidate they can relate to. You either aren't an American, are Gay, or retarded if you support that fake cankly bitch.
For the record....

Did you cast two votes for smirking war criminal, and monumental pillock, Scrub?

I voted for Bush once and all other recent elections I voted for a 3rd party candidate out of protest. I believe at least twice in the last 20 years I did not even vote. Shall I go to confession on that?

For the record... the left in this nation are such a miserable phony lot I cannot even stand to talk about it. Yes, Bush made a huge error, IMO, in invading Iraq. Yes, it was costly. But is that the only SIN you lefties can keep bringing up about republican presidents? Do you honestly think that makes your criminals and liars like Barack and Hillary and Harry Reid and Eric Holder, et al. better or even equal in integrity and truthfulness? Get real! Your party and administration is filled with stench.

Let's be perfectly honest.....Scrub was the biggest disaster to strike this country since the Black Plague (yeah....I know....but bear with me here). Anyone who voted for him and has failed to repent has no place complaining.

Obama has, by any objective measure, done a commendable job repairing the damage, while being consistently obstructed by a Congress which

a) enabled Scrub's disaster

b) have done everything possible to keep that failure's legacy undisturbed...it's been positively perverse

20 years from now, people will ask themselves what the f... Americans were thinking.....

Question: What does "let's be honest" even mean the way you use it?

If that is what you think of Barack then you and I will agree on nothing. Honestly.

IMO, Barack Obama is an enemy of this nation. He is a Muslim (and a fake Christian) who supports Islamic designs on this world and against this nation. He is a friend of Islamic terrorists and criminals. He lets them go free, he lets them roam free in this nation, he does not care how much risk he puts our citizens under. And the media allows him to get away with his shit. Obama is a traitor, a liar and a phony. And you do not care or are too blind to see. Hillary is a useless creep who has an ego and could not care less about the common good and security of the American people.

The difference being that I can support my argument with evidence, while the best you can hope for is validation from the likes of Geaux, Def and Pete - all of whom cast 2 Unrepentant votes for Scrub.
For the record....

Did you cast two votes for smirking war criminal, and monumental pillock, Scrub?

I voted for Bush once and all other recent elections I voted for a 3rd party candidate out of protest. I believe at least twice in the last 20 years I did not even vote. Shall I go to confession on that?

For the record... the left in this nation are such a miserable phony lot I cannot even stand to talk about it. Yes, Bush made a huge error, IMO, in invading Iraq. Yes, it was costly. But is that the only SIN you lefties can keep bringing up about republican presidents? Do you honestly think that makes your criminals and liars like Barack and Hillary and Harry Reid and Eric Holder, et al. better or even equal in integrity and truthfulness? Get real! Your party and administration is filled with stench.

Let's be perfectly honest.....Scrub was the biggest disaster to strike this country since the Black Plague (yeah....I know....but bear with me here). Anyone who voted for him and has failed to repent has no place complaining.

Obama has, by any objective measure, done a commendable job repairing the damage, while being consistently obstructed by a Congress which

a) enabled Scrub's disaster

b) have done everything possible to keep that failure's legacy undisturbed...it's been positively perverse

20 years from now, people will ask themselves what the f... Americans were thinking.....

Question: What does "let's be honest" even mean the way you use it?

If that is what you think of Barack then you and I will agree on nothing. Honestly.

IMO, Barack Obama is an enemy of this nation. He is a Muslim (and a fake Christian) who supports Islamic designs on this world and against this nation. He is a friend of Islamic terrorists and criminals. He lets them go free, he lets them roam free in this nation, he does not care how much risk he puts our citizens under. And the media allows him to get away with his shit. Obama is a traitor, a liar and a phony. And you do not care or are too blind to see. Hillary is a useless creep who has an ego and could not care less about the common good and security of the American people.
That's why the media elected him instead of Clinton. He was the "better" instrument in the destruction of America....

Show me evidence of this "destruction of America".....
My defense is 30+ years of watching Hillary and Bill twist the truth into whatever they want it to be. You'd have to be living in a cave with no access to the outside world not to know it.

Thats not a defense of Trump's 30+ years of being a Real Estate Developer and Hollywood Insider.

I figure anyone who supports Hillary must be a born liar themselves.

You mean, Like Trump? Or is it different when Trump supports the...how did you put it....Oh yes, Liar?
For the record....

Did you cast two votes for smirking war criminal, and monumental pillock, Scrub?

I voted for Bush once and all other recent elections I voted for a 3rd party candidate out of protest. I believe at least twice in the last 20 years I did not even vote. Shall I go to confession on that?

For the record... the left in this nation are such a miserable phony lot I cannot even stand to talk about it. Yes, Bush made a huge error, IMO, in invading Iraq. Yes, it was costly. But is that the only SIN you lefties can keep bringing up about republican presidents? Do you honestly think that makes your criminals and liars like Barack and Hillary and Harry Reid and Eric Holder, et al. better or even equal in integrity and truthfulness? Get real! Your party and administration is filled with stench.

Let's be perfectly honest.....Scrub was the biggest disaster to strike this country since the Black Plague (yeah....I know....but bear with me here). Anyone who voted for him and has failed to repent has no place complaining.

Obama has, by any objective measure, done a commendable job repairing the damage, while being consistently obstructed by a Congress which

a) enabled Scrub's disaster

b) have done everything possible to keep that failure's legacy undisturbed...it's been positively perverse

20 years from now, people will ask themselves what the f... Americans were thinking.....
Yet GWB makes Obama look like a chump.

At least Bush showed some leadership skills, whereas Obama shows nothing but thuggery and classlessness.

Since Osama took over the Oval Orifice, the military has been leaderless. Those of us who have served under numerous other presidents spotted the lack of leadership immediately.

Bush may have been flawed, but he looks like George Washington compared to the prick currently holding the office. And he sure as shit made a better president than Hillary ever will.

The usual series of Bold Assertions...... I favor evidence of a more objective kind.
Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Oh, so Trump is in it for the money? He is risking his life and, really, destroying his mental and physical health so he can make additional money this way?

Suggestion: If you know you are being stupid do not share it with us.

T-rump is exclusively about T-rump.....the minute this Reality Show version of a political campaign demands anything of him, he will bail...
My defense is 30+ years of watching Hillary and Bill twist the truth into whatever they want it to be. You'd have to be living in a cave with no access to the outside world not to know it.

Thats not a defense of Trump's 30+ years of being a Real Estate Developer and Hollywood Insider.

I figure anyone who supports Hillary must be a born liar themselves.

You mean, Like Trump? Or is it different when Trump supports the...how did you put it....Oh yes, Liar?
Point out specifics. Anything other than the usual Marxist BS.

What has Trump done to rip off the public. Point out any laws he has broken. I can get specific about Hillary's criminal acts. You point out Trumps criminal activity.

I'm waiting.
My defense is 30+ years of watching Hillary and Bill twist the truth into whatever they want it to be. You'd have to be living in a cave with no access to the outside world not to know it.

Thats not a defense of Trump's 30+ years of being a Real Estate Developer and Hollywood Insider.

I figure anyone who supports Hillary must be a born liar themselves.

You mean, Like Trump? Or is it different when Trump supports the...how did you put it....Oh yes, Liar?
Point out specifics. Anything other than the usual Marxist BS.

What has Trump done to rip off the public. Point out any laws he has broken. I can get specific about Hillary's criminal acts. You point out Trumps criminal activity.

I'm waiting.
Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems

Read more: Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems
They were obviously pissed off that Trump is not only winning, but he's lapping the competition.

Fox And Friends commentators were obviously upset this morning when Trump won over 45% of the vote in Nevada. Their first guest was Marco Rubio whining about the voters rejecting him. What I've been reading about Rubio would scare the hell out of anyone who wants a secure border. Rubio has taken all of Jeb Bush's support and he's clearly an establishment candidate. The biggest issue to Trump voters is an honest addressing of the illegal immigration crisis.

So here's the deal; We have Hillary running a rigged election against a popular opponent who had no chance of winning from day one. We have Ted Cruz pulling dirty tricks on Republicans. We have Marco Rubio who is bought and paid for by the powers that be. We have a few guys with no chance but are still running. And then we have Trump. A guy that says things that bothers people but seems to say what is on the minds of American voters. We have nothing but flawed candidates. We have a government that doesn't answer to the people. A government that doesn't work. So it looks like it's gonna be a race between a guy that sometimes says disturbing things running against a woman that nobody likes and is cheating and will cheat to win the election.

Who do you want in the White House?

oT41FYI 2.gif


That's the type of leader who'll unite America!
Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Oh, so Trump is in it for the money? He is risking his life and, really, destroying his mental and physical health so he can make additional money this way?

Suggestion: If you know you are being stupid do not share it with us.

T-rump is exclusively about T-rump.....the minute this Reality Show version of a political campaign demands anything of him, he will bail...
Not even a good response. Nothing but rehashed propaganda from Jeb Bush of all people.

Reagan was an actor once and he had his own show at one time, just like Trump. Yet he was a better president than anything the Democrat Party has produced since JFK. The establishment hated him. Just like Trump. Yet he became a political force and did some really good things for this country. Also, he never cashed a single check while he was president. I expect Trump will do the same. Wanna bet?
My defense is 30+ years of watching Hillary and Bill twist the truth into whatever they want it to be. You'd have to be living in a cave with no access to the outside world not to know it.

Thats not a defense of Trump's 30+ years of being a Real Estate Developer and Hollywood Insider.

I figure anyone who supports Hillary must be a born liar themselves.

You mean, Like Trump? Or is it different when Trump supports the...how did you put it....Oh yes, Liar?
Point out specifics. Anything other than the usual Marxist BS.

What has Trump done to rip off the public. Point out any laws he has broken. I can get specific about Hillary's criminal acts. You point out Trumps criminal activity.

I'm waiting.
Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems

Read more: Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems
Yes.........he's played the game as an outsider. Now tell me what he did that was illegal.
Rubio has taken all of Jeb Bush's support and he's clearly an establishment candidate.

Establishment candidate means nothing when you have a New York Billionaire Silver Spooned Real Estate Developer as a candidate.
Typical Marxist crapola.

Typical rabble without a defense. Keep pretending a Billionaire will fight for the working class and see what you get. He'll be tough on China....right after they finish making his clothing line.
Nothing but false liberal talking-points. The kind of they've been using for decades.

You have your millionaires running against ours, only yours are backed by billionaires that only want to make a buck or are backed by terrorist supporter billionaires. It's clear Hillary has already sold us out to special interests and she lies like nobody's business. Yet remarkably, she feels she's never lied in her life. Every Democrat is a born liar. They can't win unless they are.

I'll take Trump over that lot.

You really have no idea what's going on if you think its only Democrat billionaires who back someone to make a buck, or that Republicans don't sell out to special interests.

I mean, you'd have to be living in some weird alternative universe to think Republicans aren't doing the exact same thing. And almost certainly more so.
They were obviously pissed off that Trump is not only winning, but he's lapping the competition.

Fox And Friends commentators were obviously upset this morning when Trump won over 45% of the vote in Nevada. Their first guest was Marco Rubio whining about the voters rejecting him. What I've been reading about Rubio would scare the hell out of anyone who wants a secure border. Rubio has taken all of Jeb Bush's support and he's clearly an establishment candidate. The biggest issue to Trump voters is an honest addressing of the illegal immigration crisis.

So here's the deal; We have Hillary running a rigged election against a popular opponent who had no chance of winning from day one. We have Ted Cruz pulling dirty tricks on Republicans. We have Marco Rubio who is bought and paid for by the powers that be. We have a few guys with no chance but are still running. And then we have Trump. A guy that says things that bothers people but seems to say what is on the minds of American voters. We have nothing but flawed candidates. We have a government that doesn't answer to the people. A government that doesn't work. So it looks like it's gonna be a race between a guy that sometimes says disturbing things running against a woman that nobody likes and is cheating and will cheat to win the election.

Who do you want in the White House?

View attachment 64607


That's the type of leader who'll unite America!
So you feel that a handicapped journalist can't be a dirty rotten asshole?
You feel that because someone is handicapped it gives them a get out of jail free card that allows them to say or do anything they want for the rest of their life? To slander a private citizen? His physical limitations excuse his statements in public?
You also must feel that black people can't be wrong. They can't be racists. That Hispanics can't be dishonest. That Muslims can't be bigots? That women can't be criticized? You must think that a person can be a slacker or a miscreant if they have a crutch that they wear on their sleeve for all to see, right?

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