Fully Vaccinated People Represent Over 50% of Cases and Hospitalizations in Several Regions

The point is that even without vaccine the vast majority of cases has been mild. These fools are trying to sell the idea that they somehow KNOW that with the jab, you get a "milder case". If they begin dropping like flies this October/November, they'll be blaming everyone but themselves. FCK 'em. Their body, THEIR CHOICE.
That’s what will happen. People start having problems from the vaccine, it won’t be THEIR fault. It’ll be Trump’s fault somehow. Or they’ll claim right wingers FORCED them to get jabbed.
I hate to see this happening but it is Karma and chickens coming home to roost. The left campaigned against Trump who worked on a vaccine while saying that Covid "is what it is" and now the Democratic vaccine is only about distributing the very same vaccine that there would have been under Trump and now the left seem to be understanding but not yet fully acknowledging that Covid "is what it is".
“COVID is what it is” said no Dem EVER :rolleyes-41:
RWNJ antivaxer conspiracy website.

Other "headlines" from the same site:
Alleged phizer contract shows why countries are suppressing other treatments for COVID-19.

Pandemic of the vaccinated. Ineffective vaccines lead to more deadly variants

Fully vaccinated people are seven times more likely to contact covid.

Yes, you are being replaced.

Find a real source, whack-job.
You post was unneeded as you are a LWNJ infected with terminal TDS.
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sad part is, you believe the shit you post from the publishers....scare tactic...thats all....you should stop being so fucking gullible
if it makes you feel better, there are more doses out there---go get them and shoot them all...you will be 'vaccinated' for 3 more months....hell of a 'vaccine' , huh?
Well .....

If Jim post it on Twitter then it has to be true .... Right?

Meanwhile back in the real world hospitals are full of sick fully vaxxed people.
Except...no--they aren't. In fact some 90%+ of new cases admitted to hospital are non-vaxxed---
So, back in the real world,--do find me a hospital 'full of fully vaxxed people' with Covid.
Except...no--they aren't. In fact some 90%+ of new cases admitted to hospital are non-vaxxed---
So, back in the real world,--do find me a hospital 'full of fully vaxxed people' with Covid.
Don't hold your breath. Vaccinated people suffering a break through infection report mild symptoms while the un-vaccinated are being hospitalized in ICUs
Some facts are fearful ....

Deal with it.


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