Fully vaxxed and fully recovered Sean Payton tests positive AGAIN for Covid 19

It could be both. To me the most plausible scenario was that it escaped from the Lab since they were doing research at safety level 2 which is quite lax. They should have been at safety level 4 doing Gain Of Function research. Then when "the cat was out of the bag" so to speak, Xi Jinping decided to spread the joy by keeping quiet and letting Chinese citizens fly all over the world. That is a bio-attack.
kinda like what the federal gov did when they gave blankets infested with smallpox to native Americans .
I don't know whether or not it was designed as a bioweapon, but they certainly used it as a bioweapon.
I think it could have been designed as a bioweapon (that WAS what they were up to there, after all!!) but that it escaped by accident.
It could be both. To me the most plausible scenario was that it escaped from the Lab since they were doing research at safety level 2 which is quite lax. They should have been at safety level 4 doing Gain Of Function research. Then when "the cat was out of the bag" so to speak, Xi Jinping decided to spread the joy by keeping quiet and letting Chinese citizens fly all over the world. That is a bio-attack.
Huh. This is also what my husband thinks: letting Chinese people contaige the world.
I think it could have been designed as a bioweapon (that WAS what they were up to there, after all!!) but that it escaped by accident.
It was released intentionally.
China, who usually suppresses news that makes them look bad, made conspicuous that they were quarantining the entire Wuhan province in order to create plausible deniability.
Their intention was to remove the greatest threat to Chinese domination and that was trump.
Creating a virus that only kills those who are only unnecessary overhead to the Chicom gov — old and sick people — was the perfect solution. They knew that the western world would take steps to protect the vulnerable — even at the risk of their own economic interests — and that would then help in removing trump.
Democrats complied perfectly.
This is getting old. He got Covid last year and recovered. Then got fully vaxxed. Then he got it AGAIN. These vaccines obviously don't work. Cut it out with mandating these stupid useless fucking jabs.

How many times was he hospitalized and how many times did he die? If he didn't require hospitalization and did not die, the vaccines worked!
Nice jab that doesn't work. Kinda like socialism........the next jab will work......really.......oh.......next one will work..........next one.......next one.............

Bunch of stinking MOONBATS.
What is your definition of "working"? My doctors told me that because of other health problems, that I caught COVID, I was a dead man!

I got the vaccine in May, got COVID in August and recovered in just a few days. No hospitalization, not even a freaking Tylenol for my non-existent fever. Monoclonal antibodies 6 days after exposure and I was fine thereafter.

I think your definition of "working" needs a little work!
How many times was he hospitalized and how many times did he die? If he didn't require hospitalization and did not die, the vaccines worked!
The first time he caught COVID, he was unvaccinated and recovered. Then vaccinations appeared, he was vaccinated and then caught COVID again.

So not being vaccinated worked and being vaccinated worked?? So, just pick the one to fit your agenda.
The first time he caught COVID, he was unvaccinated and recovered. Then vaccinations appeared, he was vaccinated and then caught COVID again.

So not being vaccinated worked and being vaccinated worked?? So, just pick the one to fit your agenda.
I fully support people choosing not to get vaccinated. I just don't like the fact that people lie about their reasoning.
This is getting old. He got Covid last year and recovered. Then got fully vaxxed. Then he got it AGAIN. These vaccines obviously don't work. Cut it out with mandating these stupid useless fucking jabs.

I guess the vaccine took his natural immunity away. His choice.
Nice jab that doesn't work. Kinda like socialism........the next jab will work......really.......oh.......next one will work..........next one.......next one.............

Bunch of stinking MOONBATS.
This is getting old. He got Covid last year and recovered. Then got fully vaxxed. Then he got it AGAIN. These vaccines obviously don't work. Cut it out with mandating these stupid useless fucking jabs.

If the vaccines didn't work the ratio of people very sick and dying in the hospitals from covid wouldn't be nine to one in favor of the vaccinated. And that's the facts, but knowing some of you people out there you'll argue with the facts.

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