Fully vaxxed and fully recovered Sean Payton tests positive AGAIN for Covid 19

The fact so many get the ChiCom Flu after being triple jabbed only further Justine’s everyone being forced to get triple jabbed.

Signed, Big Pharma.

65 and older are MOST OF ALL DEATHS. Many would die from the Flu. Or they would die from comorbitities.
That's strange too, because I have relative's that age, and they kicked Covids ace, and just got through kicking a severe respiratory viruses ace. These are wood splitting pistol packing momma's though, so they might not count... lol
They found a most likely a dead viral particle in his nose. He wasnt infected again.
That's strange too, because I have relative's that age, and they kicked Covids ace, and just got through kicking a severe respiratory viruses ace. These are wood splitting pistol packing momma's though, so they might not count... lol
Most have severe issues from that group. Under 50 isn't so common. I know of 2 under 50 that died from the Delta variant. Why it hits some on most not at all.........who knows. Might be the vitamin deficiency or something.

One was 33 and the other 45. Both had the Cytokine storm in the lungs.
This is getting old. He got Covid last year and recovered. Then got fully vaxxed. Then he got it AGAIN. These vaccines obviously don't work. Cut it out with mandating these stupid useless fucking jabs.

This guy is
This is getting old. He got Covid last year and recovered. Then got fully vaxxed. Then he got it AGAIN. These vaccines obviously don't work. Cut it out with mandating these stupid useless fucking jabs.

This is quite unusual. I wonder if he's an alcoholic, or does drugs, or has a weakened immune system, or some other abnormality that makes him predisposed to it and / or his body lacks the ability to manufacture immunity to it. There's always a reason when things happen. And since it's not happening to the vaccinated by and large, we could rule that out.
This guy is

This is quite unusual. I wonder if he's an alcoholic, or does drugs, or has a weakened immune system, or some other abnormality that makes him predisposed to it and / or his body lacks the ability to manufacture immunity to it. There's always a reason when things happen. And since it's not happening to the vaccinated by and large, we could rule that out.
It says nothing about illness, only positive test.
Odds are that his natural immunity is serving as a booster preventing him from getting ill this time around.
The vaccine is moot.
This is getting old. He got Covid last year and recovered. Then got fully vaxxed. Then he got it AGAIN. These vaccines obviously don't work. Cut it out with mandating these stupid useless fucking jabs.

Another possibility exists as well---that he was once had natural immunity following recovery from covid, but that by taking the vaccine that he lost his immunity.
It says nothing about illness, only positive test.
Odds are that his natural immunity is serving as a booster preventing him from getting ill this time around.
The vaccine is moot.
Obviously that is yet to be proven, it is an assumption on your part; you are welcome to it but I've seen nothing making that a fact yet.
Obviously that is yet to be proven, it is an assumption on your part; you are welcome to it but I've seen nothing making that a fact yet.
Not according to a Harvard study, et al. Natural immunity lasts and may even be sparked back into effective level of protection by a repeat infection.
Not according to a Harvard study, et al. Natural immunity lasts and may even be sparked back into effective level of protection by a repeat infection.
For whatever reason you're seeing what you want to see. That is a general statement, that is not about this specific case. Ask Harvard this question ? Which is preferred the vaccine or taking the risk of getting the disease ? If you have the constitution and strength of a lion you could go for getting the disease. Unfortunately most people in the United States are not in that great shape besides the immediate threats of severe illness and death when and if you survive it there are long-term complications for many. Health costs have got to be hitting new all-time records. I don't know how people could afford getting sick.
For whatever reason you're seeing what you want to see. That is a general statement, that is not about this specific case. Ask Harvard this question ? Which is preferred the vaccine or taking the risk of getting the disease ? If you have the constitution and strength of a lion you could go for getting the disease. Unfortunately most people in the United States are not in that great shape besides the immediate threats of severe illness and death when and if you survive it there are long-term complications for many. Health costs have got to be hitting new all-time records. I don't know how people could afford getting sick.
When I was watching the news tonight, I learned two things. A man in his 50s in Texas died of the Omican variant. He was on vaccinated. Also a new work, I've never heard it before and I can't believe that because I'm a nurse and I should have at least heard this word before. I learned it on the COVID coverage. The word was, " Armamentarium " it's a noun, it is two meanings. The first is : The medicine, equipment and techniques available to a medical practitioner. The second was : A collection of resources available for a certain purpose. I've always appreciated words, they are our strongest weapons. And I always like sharing, but that doesn't include viruses. Have a great night and keep on learning.
For whatever reason you're seeing what you want to see. That is a general statement, that is not about this specific case. Ask Harvard this question ? Which is preferred the vaccine or taking the risk of getting the disease ? If you have the constitution and strength of a lion you could go for getting the disease. Unfortunately most people in the United States are not in that great shape besides the immediate threats of severe illness and death when and if you survive it there are long-term complications for many. Health costs have got to be hitting new all-time records. I don't know how people could afford getting sick.
By contrast, a healthy person with previous infection would be foolish to get a vaccination.
I’m basing my opinion on data, not just what I want to see.
By contrast, a healthy person with previous infection would be foolish to get a vaccination.
I’m basing my opinion on data, not just what I want to see.
Believe whatever you wish, it's no skin off my back. Have a good night.
You don’t like data. That’s your problem, not mine.
Let's just say I don't like your interpretation of data, assuming things often leads to manipulating data to read out how you wish it to read out. During the late 1800s one of the czars in Russia wanted his scientist to prove something, the first ones that winter him told him it wasn't possible. They were beheaded. After many Sanchez lost their heads, one scientist proved to him that he was right he showed him the data and he saved his neck.
Let's just say I don't like your interpretation of data, assuming things often leads to manipulating data to read out how you wish it to read out. During the late 1800s one of the czars in Russia wanted his scientist to prove something, the first ones that winter him told him it wasn't possible. They were beheaded. After many Sanchez lost their heads, one scientist proved to him that he was right he showed him the data and he saved his neck.
I have nothing to lose here what do you have to lose ?
I don't believe it's a bioweapon. You have two issues to get over:

1. China got it, and BAD.

2. Nearly all plagues come from China: this is just business as usual. Some are a lot worse even than this one. And none of them were designed to be biowarfare!

At least, I don't believe it was a biowarfare weapon on a GOOD day.

Could have been an escapee, I know that.
They have plenty of people to spare, nor really care how many die while poisoning the rest of the world.

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