fundamental national security issue


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
What fundamental National Security Issue? They are lying folks...the real reason is to attack Hezbollah and Iran for Israel....

In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had
In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had anything to do with last month's chemical weapons attack that killed thousands of Syrians, but would not confirm or deny his regime has chemical weapons, Rose said on CBS' "Face The Nation."

..."So the question facing Congress this week is a very simple one — should there be consequences for his having used gases, chemical weapons, to kill more than 1,000 of his own people, including more than 400 children?" he continued. "The answer to that question will be followed closely in Tehran, the answer to that question will be followed closely in Damascus, the answer to that question will be followed very closely by members of Lebanese Hezbollah. So this is a big, big question and a big week for Congress to address that, uh, very fundamental national security issue."
What fundamental National Security Issue? They are lying folks...the real reason is to attack Hezbollah and Iran for Israel....

In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had
In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had anything to do with last month's chemical weapons attack that killed thousands of Syrians, but would not confirm or deny his regime has chemical weapons, Rose said on CBS' "Face The Nation."

..."So the question facing Congress this week is a very simple one — should there be consequences for his having used gases, chemical weapons, to kill more than 1,000 of his own people, including more than 400 children?" he continued. "The answer to that question will be followed closely in Tehran, the answer to that question will be followed closely in Damascus, the answer to that question will be followed very closely by members of Lebanese Hezbollah. So this is a big, big question and a big week for Congress to address that, uh, very fundamental national security issue."
Kerry has recently opined on how the internet is making it difficult to govern:

'Barack Obama and John Kerry are lying about what has happened in Syria.

"Yes, I have a record of doing this. Friends on the inside of the CIA warned me back in May of 2003 that the intel on Iraq was cooked and the American people were being fed a lie. Unfortunately, I learned this too late and was unable aggressively to make the case before we launched the invasion. Here’s what I said back then, and I was right..."

Obama and Kerry Are Lying About Syria : NO QUARTER USA NET

Wouldn't it be liberating if liars like Kerry and Obama died in prison for their war crimes?
What fundamental National Security Issue? They are lying folks...the real reason is to attack Hezbollah and Iran for Israel....

In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had
In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had anything to do with last month's chemical weapons attack that killed thousands of Syrians, but would not confirm or deny his regime has chemical weapons, Rose said on CBS' "Face The Nation."

..."So the question facing Congress this week is a very simple one — should there be consequences for his having used gases, chemical weapons, to kill more than 1,000 of his own people, including more than 400 children?" he continued. "The answer to that question will be followed closely in Tehran, the answer to that question will be followed closely in Damascus, the answer to that question will be followed very closely by members of Lebanese Hezbollah. So this is a big, big question and a big week for Congress to address that, uh, very fundamental national security issue."
Kerry has recently opined on how the internet is making it difficult to govern:

'Barack Obama and John Kerry are lying about what has happened in Syria.

"Yes, I have a record of doing this. Friends on the inside of the CIA warned me back in May of 2003 that the intel on Iraq was cooked and the American people were being fed a lie. Unfortunately, I learned this too late and was unable aggressively to make the case before we launched the invasion. Here’s what I said back then, and I was right..."

Obama and Kerry Are Lying About Syria : NO QUARTER USA NET

Wouldn't it be liberating if liars like Kerry and Obama died in prison for their war crimes?
But, Georgie Boy, part of the reason Obama is in office is because people like you put him there. Would you suggest that some of the people who voted for him should be put in prison also?
What fundamental National Security Issue? They are lying folks...the real reason is to attack Hezbollah and Iran for Israel....

In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had
In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had anything to do with last month's chemical weapons attack that killed thousands of Syrians, but would not confirm or deny his regime has chemical weapons, Rose said on CBS' "Face The Nation."

..."So the question facing Congress this week is a very simple one — should there be consequences for his having used gases, chemical weapons, to kill more than 1,000 of his own people, including more than 400 children?" he continued. "The answer to that question will be followed closely in Tehran, the answer to that question will be followed closely in Damascus, the answer to that question will be followed very closely by members of Lebanese Hezbollah. So this is a big, big question and a big week for Congress to address that, uh, very fundamental national security issue."
Kerry has recently opined on how the internet is making it difficult to govern:

'Barack Obama and John Kerry are lying about what has happened in Syria.

"Yes, I have a record of doing this. Friends on the inside of the CIA warned me back in May of 2003 that the intel on Iraq was cooked and the American people were being fed a lie. Unfortunately, I learned this too late and was unable aggressively to make the case before we launched the invasion. Here’s what I said back then, and I was right..."

Obama and Kerry Are Lying About Syria : NO QUARTER USA NET

Wouldn't it be liberating if liars like Kerry and Obama died in prison for their war crimes?

The internet makes it difficult to Lie is what Kerry means.
What fundamental National Security Issue? They are lying folks...the real reason is to attack Hezbollah and Iran for Israel....

In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had
In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had anything to do with last month's chemical weapons attack that killed thousands of Syrians, but would not confirm or deny his regime has chemical weapons, Rose said on CBS' "Face The Nation."

..."So the question facing Congress this week is a very simple one — should there be consequences for his having used gases, chemical weapons, to kill more than 1,000 of his own people, including more than 400 children?" he continued. "The answer to that question will be followed closely in Tehran, the answer to that question will be followed closely in Damascus, the answer to that question will be followed very closely by members of Lebanese Hezbollah. So this is a big, big question and a big week for Congress to address that, uh, very fundamental national security issue."
Kerry has recently opined on how the internet is making it difficult to govern:

'Barack Obama and John Kerry are lying about what has happened in Syria.

"Yes, I have a record of doing this. Friends on the inside of the CIA warned me back in May of 2003 that the intel on Iraq was cooked and the American people were being fed a lie. Unfortunately, I learned this too late and was unable aggressively to make the case before we launched the invasion. Here’s what I said back then, and I was right..."

Obama and Kerry Are Lying About Syria : NO QUARTER USA NET

Wouldn't it be liberating if liars like Kerry and Obama died in prison for their war crimes?
But, Georgie Boy, part of the reason Obama is in office is because people like you put him there. Would you suggest that some of the people who voted for him should be put in prison also?
I don't know if any people who limited their support to voting for Obama deserve prison, but I'm pretty sure some of his accomplices deserve a long stretch in solitary:

"My friends in the CIA are still around and they are now warning me that both the United States and the United Kingdom know that Bashir Assad is not responsible for the incident on 21 August that killed and maimed Syrian civilians. While it is true that a chemical of some sort caused the fatalities and injuries, it was not the result of an attack by the Syrian Army using military quality chemical weapons from the Syrian arsenal. The CIA knows that this is the case yet, with John Brennan at the head of the Agency, is deliberately lying and misleading members of Congress, the media and the public."

John Brennan, for example.

Obama and Kerry Are Lying About Syria : NO QUARTER USA NET
Disinformation can be found everywhere, but some claims don't offer as many material rewards for those making them:

"According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, two brigades of anti-government fighters that were trained by the CIA, Israelis, Saudis, and Jordanians crossed from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan into Syria to launch an assault, respectively on August 17 and 19, 2013.

"The US must have invested quite a lot in training both anti-government brigades. If true, some may argue that their defeat prompted the chemical weapons attack in Damascus as a contingency plan to fall back on.

"However, how they came by chemical weapons is another issue, but many trails lead to Saudi Arabia. According to the British Independent, it was Saudi Prince Bandar 'that first alerted Western allies to the alleged use of sarin gas by the Syrian regime in February 2013.'

"Turkey would apprehend Syrian militants in its territory with sarin gas, which these terrorists planned on using inside Syria. On July 22 the insurgents would also overrun Al-Assal and kill all the witnesses as part of a cover-up.

"A report by Yahya Ababneh, which was contributed to by Dale Gavlak, has collected the testimonies of witnesses who say that 'certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas attack.'”

Saudi Arabia?s ?Chemical Bandar? behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria? | Global Research

Bandar Bush was one of the driving forces behind the US invasion of Iraq. If he was responsible for first reports of poison gas use in Syria, that should factor into everyone's disinformation matrix.
What fundamental National Security Issue? They are lying folks...the real reason is to attack Hezbollah and Iran for Israel....

In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had
In an interview with Charlie Rose in Damascus Sunday, Syrian President Bashar Assad denied he had anything to do with last month's chemical weapons attack that killed thousands of Syrians, but would not confirm or deny his regime has chemical weapons, Rose said on CBS' "Face The Nation."

..."So the question facing Congress this week is a very simple one — should there be consequences for his having used gases, chemical weapons, to kill more than 1,000 of his own people, including more than 400 children?" he continued. "The answer to that question will be followed closely in Tehran, the answer to that question will be followed closely in Damascus, the answer to that question will be followed very closely by members of Lebanese Hezbollah. So this is a big, big question and a big week for Congress to address that, uh, very fundamental national security issue."

If Hezzbolla, Hamas, Iran and Syria were innocent of never causing trouble, I would say you are justified, but they are not.

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