Funding of the Wall to be a State of the Union Demand

We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.
I agree. This is huge for Trump. No more kicking the can down the road.

If he wants to be a 1-term POTUS, he is on the right path with this blunder

If he does, I would not be surprised if it were overridden. Conservatives should be taking notes and primarying the do nothing Republicans out in 2020.'s time to put up or shut up.
Then what?

Then stuff.

We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.

I don't disagree but he can't do it on his own.
Trump was elected to be just what the other (12) do nothing Republicans aren't..... and that is to kiss the lefts ass. The machine is deliberately running without oil just to grind him to a halt.

Mexico should pay for the wall via taxing remittances sent from the US. Why won't they pass the Law?
Is that even legal? I remember when republicans were against taxes....

Its taxes foreigners sending money out of the US. Its free money, and lots of it, $138b a year, add a 2% tax on that and get $26b a year
Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016
I'm fully aware of what it is. So you want to steal it?

That money should be spent in the US and help our GDP and tax revenue. A small tax is very justified.
If they are making the money here it should have already been taxed. You are a big double taxation guy eh?

You show me where the illegals pay taxes. Even green card workers do not pay SS, medicare, IRS, etc. So yeah, they need to pay tax.
We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.

I don't disagree but he can't do it on his own.
Trump was elected to be just what the other (12) do nothing Republicans didn't do..... and that is to kiss the lefts ass. The machine is deliberately running without oil just to grind him to a halt.



If the congress passes a continuing resolution and Trump doesn't sign it, the only thing he will have accomplished is hanging the shutdown around his own neck.

That does nothing to force congress. They can simply wait him out.
We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.

I don't disagree but he can't do it on his own.
Trump was elected to be just what the other (12) do nothing Republicans didn't do..... and that is to kiss the lefts ass. The machine is deliberately running without oil just to grind him to a halt.



If the congress passes a continuing resolution and Trump doesn't sign it, the only thing he will have accomplished is hanging the shutdown around his own neck.

That does nothing to force congress. They can simply wait him out.
Trump will have the support of his entire base who voted for him, and maybe more.
Is that even legal? I remember when republicans were against taxes....

Its taxes foreigners sending money out of the US. Its free money, and lots of it, $138b a year, add a 2% tax on that and get $26b a year
Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016
I'm fully aware of what it is. So you want to steal it?

That money should be spent in the US and help our GDP and tax revenue. A small tax is very justified.
If they are making the money here it should have already been taxed. You are a big double taxation guy eh?

You show me where the illegals pay taxes. Even green card workers do not pay SS, medicare, IRS, etc. So yeah, they need to pay tax.
You know, with the internet literally at your fingertips, there is no reason to lie so blatantly. The correct information is easily obtainable.

Immigration | Social Security Administration
Its taxes foreigners sending money out of the US. Its free money, and lots of it, $138b a year, add a 2% tax on that and get $26b a year
Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016
I'm fully aware of what it is. So you want to steal it?

That money should be spent in the US and help our GDP and tax revenue. A small tax is very justified.
If they are making the money here it should have already been taxed. You are a big double taxation guy eh?

You show me where the illegals pay taxes. Even green card workers do not pay SS, medicare, IRS, etc. So yeah, they need to pay tax.
You know, with the internet literally at your fingertips, there is no reason to lie so blatantly. The correct information is easily obtainable.

Immigration | Social Security Administration
What the fuck is how to get a SI card anything to do with millions of illegals working for cash and not paying any taxes on that money you dunce?
We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.

I don't disagree but he can't do it on his own.
Trump was elected to be just what the other (12) do nothing Republicans didn't do..... and that is to kiss the lefts ass. The machine is deliberately running without oil just to grind him to a halt.



If the congress passes a continuing resolution and Trump doesn't sign it, the only thing he will have accomplished is hanging the shutdown around his own neck.

That does nothing to force congress. They can simply wait him out.
Stop being so negative! Let trump shut down the government if he wants to!'s time to put up or shut up.
Absolutely....he should completely shut down the government if he doesn't get his way.

His way, you dunce??????

It was the reason he was elected by the American people

"Senator Cruz opposed the resolution and released the following statement:

“The American people gave us a clear mandate: secure the border and build the wall.

“I have long called for building a wall as a necessary step in defending our border and stopping the flow of illegal immigration into our country. To that end, I introduced the EL CHAPO Act and the WALL Act – two bills that would offset the cost of completing the wall and securing our border.

“Unfortunately, this continuing resolution fails to reflect these priorities by not sufficiently securing the border. This is a missed opportunity to deliver on the promises made to the American people. Further, this bill continues to fund sanctuary cities, which are defying the law and making Americans less safe. We should instead pass Kate’s Law, a bill I introduced that would put criminal illegal immigrants in jail so they cannot prey on innocent Americans.

“Congress must do better. I will continue to fight for a better path that respects the will of the American people.”
Senate Passes Short-Term Spending Bill to Avoid Government Shutdown, Fund Government Until February

We Americans, unlike you Leftists, vote for policies, not personalities.

BTW....did you get the memo....Obama isn't actually God, Jesus or the Messiah.
True story.
We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.
The wall was and still is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. We’ve always had walls and fences where neccessary. We’ve funded fixing, expanding and improving our barriers and border security. Trumps “Wall” message was a marketing campaign centered on peoples fears of illegal immigration.

They got over a billion dollars last year for border security and they’ve spent less than 10% of it. What makes you think they are going to do anything better with 5 billion?
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As we see with the current Go Fund Me for building the wall, Americans want it and want it now.
As we see with the handful of Americans donating to the GoFundMe for building the wall, hundreds of millions more Americans want the wall paid for by Mexico.

I hope you put your money where your mouth is, sucker, and donate.

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