Funding of the Wall to be a State of the Union Demand

We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.
That's only half the promise, skippy.

He said Mexico would cut a check for it.

He also promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with his beautiful plan which would reduce your costs to a "tiny fraction", and you fell for that horseshit, too. :lol:

Wrong skippy. He promised and you fought it. Then snickered at stymieing what we voted for. Just part of your sickness.

"Hey we stopped Trump fulfilling his promise that you voted for..isnt Trump terrible!"

Democrats have a foreign constituency. And they enjoy defeating Americans. But dont be so stupid as to think it isnt transparent.
I didn't fight it, son. I hate Obamacare.

Trump hoaxed you and you STILL haven't caught on.

You can't fight something that doesn't exist. Lyin' Donald never had a replacement. He lied. And you just sit there and take it, and guzzle his piss straight from the tap.

Somebody was talking about Obamacare?
Ah. The wall.

I can't fight what doesn't exist there, either. Show me Mexico's check.
Democrats have chosen their Little Big Horn hill to make their 2020 stand on if they don’t give him what he wants.

As we see with the current Go Fund Me for building the wall, Americans want it and want it now.

Art of The Deal:

Anxious over the image of shutting down the government four days before Christmas, the White House and congressional Republicans shifted the budget fight over border wall funding to February to make it the focus of President Trump’s State of the Union.

With the administration under fire in some conservative quarters for “caving in” after making repeated threats to shut the government down Friday if a deal for more wall funding wasn’t cut, officials Wednesday afternoon pushed back, claiming it is part of a broader plan to heighten the war with Democrats over securing $5 billion for border security.

“It’s not a retreat, it’s actually a bigger attack,” said a Trump adviser.

The shutdown date was pushed back to Feb. 8, after Trump is scheduled to give his State of the Union to a joint sitting of Congress. It is always the biggest speech of the year.

“The date after the State of the Union gives the president the biggest visible platform,” said another source familiar with the agreement cut today. “This positions us to have the fight when we have the most visibility,” added the source.

Wall funding to be State of the Union demand, direct challenge to Pelosi
Republicans have been in control of the government for 2 years. Don't kid yourself, they don't want it either. And for that matter I'm not sure trump wants it.
Deep State likes the slave labor.

Which side are you on?
We hired Trump because of his promise to build the wall. If he backs down on this, that's breaking a promise.
That's only half the promise, skippy.

He said Mexico would cut a check for it.

He also promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with his beautiful plan which would reduce your costs to a "tiny fraction", and you fell for that horseshit, too. :lol:

Wrong skippy. He promised and you fought it. Then snickered at stymieing what we voted for. Just part of your sickness.

"Hey we stopped Trump fulfilling his promise that you voted for..isnt Trump terrible!"

Democrats have a foreign constituency. And they enjoy defeating Americans. But dont be so stupid as to think it isnt transparent.
I didn't fight it, son. I hate Obamacare.

Trump hoaxed you and you STILL haven't caught on.

You can't fight something that doesn't exist. Lyin' Donald never had a replacement. He lied. And you just sit there and take it, and guzzle his piss straight from the tap.

Americans have been trying since 1980. Your ilk has been fighting us since 1980. But you cant admit that. So its Donald Trumps fault we dont have a wall? Not your people who dont want a wall?

You could never say "whoo hoo we win we stopped the wall you voted for" now could you? In addition to being an anti American liberal you are too cowardly to be honest. Liberalism only works that way.
Somehow, Deficit Donald was unable to find something to cut in his $4.4 trillion budget for FY2019 that he could use to pay for TH3 WVLL.

A budget that is $1,000,000,000,000 more than the worst year of Obama's spending, and Trump could not find $5 billion to cut to offset the money he wants for his sooper dooer imaginarily impenetrable wall.

I can't fight what doesn't exist there, either. Show me Mexico's check.

Sure you can. You vote for treasonous Democrats who fight the wall. It isnt there because you fought it...and your Mexican allies against the American people. Its that simple.
Yeah, I'm a liberal. The guy who has been hammering away about our federal spending since I have come to this forum. The guy who has hammered at pro-choicers since coming to this forum. The guy who has been providing actual solutions on how to balance the budget, reform Social Security, and get government out of healthcare.

The guy who has been kicking the pseudocons in the nuts for whining about Obama's spending for EIGHT YEARS, and have since gone radio silent as Trump has DOUBLED the deficit and is outspending Obama. The guy who has been mocking the Keynesian policies of the pseudocons who actually shriek with joy about economic stimulus being caused by Trump's deficits when they trashed Obama for the same thing.

And now Trump can't find a measly $5 billion dollars to cut in his record high $4.4 trillion budget so he can pay for TH3 WVLL.

Yeah. I'm the liberal. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :auiqs.jpg:
I can't fight what doesn't exist there, either. Show me Mexico's check.

Sure you can. You vote for treasonous Democrats who fight the wall. It isnt there because you fought it...and your Mexican allies against the American people. Its that simple.

Bearing false witness is in the top ten, you know. It's right up there with murder.

I have voted for one Democrat my entire life. And that was at the request of William F. Buckley.

You probably don't even know who that is.

I can't fight what doesn't exist there, either. Show me Mexico's check.

Sure you can. You vote for treasonous Democrats who fight the wall. It isnt there because you fought it...and your Mexican allies against the American people. Its that simple.
You want to know who the real traitor is?


Trump has outspent Obama. Trump has run out of other people's money and now he needs to borrow even more.

Tell me something, retard. If Trump had not overspent more than the government took in revenues, how the FUCK would the Democrats be able to hold him hostage right now?

Chew on that one for a while, dumbshit.
Dear dumb fake conservatives:

Ask yourselves where the balanced budget is the GOP had gone on and on about when they were out of power.

Ask yourselves how that massive fucking hoax aligns with the fact they have DOUBLED the defict and have been outspending Obama.

Wakey wakey, idiots.
Somehow, Deficit Donald was unable to find something to cut in his $4.4 trillion budget for FY2019 that he could use to pay for TH3 WVLL.

A budget that is $1,000,000,000,000 more than the worst year of Obama's spending, and Trump could not find $5 billion to cut to offset the money he wants for his sooper dooer imaginarily impenetrable wall.


Yeah. It wasnt allocated. So yeah...democrats stopped it. Yeah..Democrats oppose the wall. Yeah..Democrats say they will do what they can to stop the wall. And are stupid enough to say "mean old Trump didnt build a wall".
Because you cant say "we stopped the wall yay!"

Orwell seems too far out to be true..until your ilk shows up. Atheists who claim Trump isnt Christian enough. Anti borders people who clam Trump isnt closing the border.
Doesnt work as well as it used to does it?
Dear dumb fake conservatives:

Ask yourselves where the balanced budget is the GOP had gone on and on about when they were out of power.

Ask yourselves how that massive fucking hoax aligns with the fact they have DOUBLED the defict and have been outspending Obama.

Wakey wakey, idiots.

So ask that the Democrats have power we have a balanced budget coming right up sir!!! And the deficit will fall immediately! didn't mean that? What exactly did you mean then?

I can't fight what doesn't exist there, either. Show me Mexico's check.

Sure you can. You vote for treasonous Democrats who fight the wall. It isnt there because you fought it...and your Mexican allies against the American people. Its that simple.
You want to know who the real traitor is?


Trump has outspent Obama. Trump has run out of other people's money and now he needs to borrow even more.

Tell me something, retard. If Trump had not overspent more than the government took in revenues, how the FUCK would the Democrats be able to hold him hostage right now?

Chew on that one for a while, dumbshit.

Oh now you dont like spending? LOL At least make your pretenses believable for somebody! Not one democrat ever tried to cut spending. They shut the government year before last for Mexicans..but they didnt make a peep about spending.

But then again spending isnt treason. Shutting down the government and trying to cut military pay for the sake of Mexicans..THAT is treason. Dropping our defenses on our borders is treason.
Somehow, Deficit Donald was unable to find something to cut in his $4.4 trillion budget for FY2019 that he could use to pay for TH3 WVLL.

A budget that is $1,000,000,000,000 more than the worst year of Obama's spending, and Trump could not find $5 billion to cut to offset the money he wants for his sooper dooer imaginarily impenetrable wall.


Yeah. It wasnt allocated. So yeah...democrats stopped it. Yeah..Democrats oppose the wall. Yeah..Democrats say they will do what they can to stop the wall. And are stupid enough to say "mean old Trump didnt build a wall".
Because you cant say "we stopped the wall yay!"

Orwell seems too far out to be true..until your ilk shows up. Atheists who claim Trump isnt Christian enough. Anti borders people who clam Trump isnt closing the border.
Doesnt work as well as it used to does it?
Trump is a bigger spender than Obama. Simple fact. And that is why he is now in a hostage situation with the Democrats. He spent our country into a corner.

And you dumb fuck fake conservatives sit there and take it, and blame everyone but yourselves.

You tell yourselves the Democrats are the big spenders, and whine and whine and whine about it. But then when the Republicans take power, spending SKYROCKETS, and you fuckers IGNORE it.

When confronted with this massive hoax, you try to use the argument of a five year old. "Billy does it, too!"

You NEVER hold the party or fucking traitors like Trump accountable for their hoaxes. That makes ALL of you traitors, too.

It is YOU who are the cucks. You sit there and take it. And then the next time the GOP is out of power, you start whining about debts again, and start drinking the GOP piss that they will be more responsible with OUR money if we just let them back in the henhouse.

Christ, it's amazing with the profound stupidity under which you labor that you are able to remember to fucking breathe!
Yeah. I'm the liberal. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :auiqs.jpg:

You are one of the most revolting liberals...and you always seem to be having to say "im not a liberal wahhhh".
I wonder why that is?
Somehow, Deficit Donald was unable to find something to cut in his $4.4 trillion budget for FY2019 that he could use to pay for TH3 WVLL.

A budget that is $1,000,000,000,000 more than the worst year of Obama's spending, and Trump could not find $5 billion to cut to offset the money he wants for his sooper dooer imaginarily impenetrable wall.


Yeah. It wasnt allocated. So yeah...democrats stopped it. Yeah..Democrats oppose the wall. Yeah..Democrats say they will do what they can to stop the wall. And are stupid enough to say "mean old Trump didnt build a wall".
Because you cant say "we stopped the wall yay!"

Orwell seems too far out to be true..until your ilk shows up. Atheists who claim Trump isnt Christian enough. Anti borders people who clam Trump isnt closing the border.
Doesnt work as well as it used to does it?
Trump is a bigger spender than Obama. Simple fact. And that is why he is now in a hostage situation with the Democrats. He spent our country into a corner.

And you dumb fuck fake conservatives sit there and take it, and blame everyone but yourselves.

You tell yourselves the Democrats are the big spenders, and whine and whine and whine about it. But then when the Republicans take power, spending SKYROCKETS, and you fuckers IGNORE it.

When confronted with this massive hoax, you try to use the argument of a five year old. "Billy does it, too!"

You NEVER hold the party or fucking traitors like Trump accountable for their hoaxes. That makes ALL of you traitors, too.

It is YOU who are the cucks. You sit there and take it. And then the next time the GOP is out of power, you start whining about debts again, and start drinking the GOP piss that they will be more responsible with OUR money if we just let them back in the henhouse.

Christ, it's amazing with the profound stupidity under which you labor that you are able to remember to fucking breathe!

You are a traitor who sides with foreign entities over your own. By defintion a traitor. And a cowardly one at that.

Cmon..redeem yourself. Just say "I didnt want the border shut and I am glad it hasnt been shut but I think you are stupid enough for me to blame Trump over the border not being shut"

Just a little humanity..a little honesty.
I can't fight what doesn't exist there, either. Show me Mexico's check.

Sure you can. You vote for treasonous Democrats who fight the wall. It isnt there because you fought it...and your Mexican allies against the American people. Its that simple.

Bearing false witness is in the top ten, you know. It's right up there with murder.

I have voted for one Democrat my entire life. And that was at the request of William F. Buckley.

You probably don't even know who that is.


Buckley was a cuck who specialized in electing Republicans who would bow to the deep state. The type of Republican you worship.
The fake conservatives have been totally silent about Trump's spending. That tells you all their whining about Obama's spending was sheer hypocrisy.

It makes one wonder what DO they actually fucking stand for.

Trump has proven time and time again they don't stand for Traditional Family Values™, they don't stand for a balanced budget or fiscal conservatism, they aren't for transparency, and they sure as shit don't want to see the swamp drained.

And then they are baffled and upset and cry crocodile tears when Trump gets himself held hostage due to his record spending.

They'll tell you it was the negro's fault he was shot over a broken tail light. "He shouldna run!"

But Trump spending a record amount of money and getting himself into such a bind that the Democrats can hold him hostage over a measly $5 billion? Gee whillickers those darned Democrats are traitors!

Nahh. Weve seen him fight for it. And it isnt over yet.That he shut down the government was never a requirement though I would have preferred it myself. But never think you know what Trump will do. The ruling elites, and their servile followers, believe if that hold him back long enough we will give up and let them have power again simply because they have proven themselves more powerful in the face of elections.
It is their version of shock and awe.

How many times do I have to say this...our problems arent political. The ruling elites were never going to go easily and they have both the money and the empty headed street troops to fight back hard. Elections are meant to put a veneer of legitimacy on their rule and we broke that mold. Expect trouble. shouting, fighting and propaganda.
Expect them to do what has worked in the past...use their money and power to stop what you voted for and then whisper that you should vote for them because your guy was stopped buy them.
Insane. But its the way propaganda works.
The fake conservatives have been totally silent about Trump's spending. That tells you all their whining about Obama's spending was sheer hypocrisy.

It makes one wonder what DO they actually fucking stand for.

Trump has proven time and time again they don't stand for Traditional Family Values™, they don't stand for a balanced budget or fiscal conservatism, they aren't for transparency, and they sure as shit don't want to see the swamp drained.

And then they are baffled and upset and cry crocodile tears when Trump gets himself held hostage due to his record spending.

They'll tell you it was the negro's fault he was shot over a broken tail light. "He shouldna run!"

But Trump spending a record amount of money and getting himself into such a bind that the Democrats can hold him hostage over a measly $5 billion? Gee whillickers those darned Democrats are traitors!

from you bonafides on Obamacare to your bonafides on the deficit :)

Lots of shimmying around there.

And now you are a traditional values supporter!!!!!!

Your credibility was already zero. You sure you want to start pretending to support values now?

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