Funny how liberals went from "the cold war is over" in 2012 to "muh Russians hacked muh electionz"

Yeah even Communists in Russia think the American Far-Left is sub-Human.

actual communist. There is nothing wrong with having the views that you attribute to her.

Sure, sure.

All you have are these nutty little cartoons, posters, and other "visual aides."
I can't see why you would be opposed to many of the views attributed to the woman in the picture. What is wrong with being opposed to nationalism, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, unnecessary wars (which historically have resulted in an enormous number of fatalities), wasteful spending on these wars when the basic needs of those here at home go unmet, the insidious and dangerous doctrine of male supremacy that has its aim to hurt and enslave half of humanity, or believing that all humans are entitled to equality?

The entire right-wing appears to be comprised of the minority of white men in this country who are ignorant, depraved, arrogant, unpatriotic, and have a tendency to condone, discrimination, violence, and the commission of crimes against their fellow Americans and others. This has nothing to do with Stalin, who has been dead since 1953. Somebody needs to tell this to this Moldow fellow.

Nationalism is part of the cultural preservation process.

Equality is nonsense, it''s a fantasy.

Just what is "cultural preservation"? Culture is passed down. Cult is fluid and dynamic. It is constantly changing. It is not imposed from above. For example: this is how I can enjoy the works of the great European composers, then
enjoy that wonderful rhythm of Bo Diddley, dance my ass off at a Springsteen concert, sing along with U2, Prince, the Detroit Wheels, Aretha Franklin, and the creative folks that have come along since. What is American life without rock and roll? But I have seen the black-and-white videos of the ignorant, mostly white, louts who burned rock and roll records and tried to ban the music in the 1950s, who tried so hard to impose their views of "culture" on the rest of us. New things and ideas blossom in our culture all the time. Our culture is not stagnant.

The idea of equality is not nonsense, for the simple reason that no human being has a right, nor is talented and valuable enough, to declare himself or herself as superior to all others. Those people who think that they are so qualified are, frankly, full of shit. They don't have any more talent or smarts than the rest of us do.
Romney was ridiculed but sadly he was right. We ultimately pay the price for voting for politicians like Obama that have reversed Kennedy's words to now promote the new Democrat ideal.... "Ask what your country can do for you".



And Romney was most especially correct about Hussein Obama clearing the field for ISIS.

Obama made another huge mistake in refusing to negotiate an agreement to leave US troops in Iraq.
This is the source of the problem with ISIS: they're there because we weren't.
"Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq
Obama then denied that he ever supported a status of forces agreement that would have left troops in Iraq:

MR. ROMNEY: [W]ith regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should have been a status of forces agreement. Did you —

PRESIDENT OBAMA:That's not true.

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean

Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

a. "This month, Colin Kahl, the senior Pentagon official in charge of Iraq policy at the time, explained why the White House insisted on Iraq’s parliament approving the changes to the SOFA.

He wrote inPolitico Magazinethat in 2011 Iraq’s prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “told U.S. negotiators that he was willing to sign an executive memorandum of understanding that included these legal protections.

Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. “We believe we need a separate set of assurances from the Iraqis,” one senior U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast on Sunday. This official said this would likely be an agreement or exchange of diplomatic notes from the Iraq’s foreign ministry. “We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.”

Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Obama rejected it.

You know you are just being a liar now...

You know Bush negotiated the removal of troops and if he didn't US troops were going to be subject to Iraqi laws and go to Iraqi jail.

Why do you want Americans in Iraqi jails?

"You know Bush negotiated the removal of troops and if he didn't US troops were going to be subject to Iraqi laws and go to Iraqi jail."

Watch how easily I prove you a liar.

Obama was given three years, by Bush, to get an agreement. General Barbero: ".... and we did not try hard enough..."
Obama stated that he wanted no agreement and wouldn't leave any troops.
When it became evident that he was leaving Iraq for ISIS.....he suddenly agreed that he didn't need any agreement...and sent troops back: "...this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry..."
Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

1. Bush made sure that the community organizer had until 2012 to work out an agreement:
"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government thatset the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. "
Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

2." BLITZER: -- Agreement that would have left a residual force, 5,000 or 10,000 U.S. troops, but you couldn't get immunity from Nuri al Maliki's government. Take us behind the scenes, clarify, who's right, John McCain or Jay Carney, in this debate.

BARBERO: Well, in the summer of 2010, prepared a briefing, I was responsible for Iraqi security forces, andtook it to all the Iraqi leaders, Maliki, the other Shia leaders, the Sunnis, the Kurds, and said here is going to be the status of your security forces, what they cannot do, what they will be able to do, when we're schedule to leave. And to a man they said, well, general, you must stay.And my response was, you must make it easy for us. So I think Maliki did not make it easy for us and we did not try hard enough. So it's a -- both views. I think it could have been done though." - Transcripts

3. And this:
"This month, Colin Kahl, the senior Pentagon official in charge of Iraq policy at the time, explained why the White House insisted on Iraq’s parliament approving the changes to the SOFA.

He wrote in Politico Magazine that in 2011 Iraq’s prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “told U.S. negotiators that he was willing to sign an executive memorandum of understanding that included these legal protections.

Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. “We believe we need a separate set of assurances from the Iraqis,” one senior U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast on Sunday. This official said this would likely be an agreement or exchange of diplomatic notes from the Iraq’s foreign ministry. “We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.”
Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Obama rejected it.
Now....either Hussein Obama was, as you are, a fool......or he had some ulterior motive in clearing the field for ISIS.
The Iran Deal proves the latter.

Now....don't ever let me catch you lying about Obama's culpability again!

1. Bush left Iraq with an agreement that allowed US troops to remain until 2012.

2. The windbag, Obama took charge in 2009

3. Obama declined to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement that would have left troops, and he actually removed same before he had to.

4. Political landscapes, like nature, abhor a vacuum.

5. Therefore, through Obama's efforts, ISIS had free reign.

QED ISIS: In Iraq Because Of Obama
Obama was given three years, by Bush, to get an agreement. General Barbero: ".... and we did not try hard enough..."
Obama stated that he wanted no agreement and wouldn't leave any troops.
When it became evident that he was leaving Iraq for ISIS.....he suddenly agreed that he didn't need any agreement...and sent troops back: "...this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry..."
Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

Again, why is it OUR PROBLEM to resolve an internal fight between Iraqis over what kind of government they want?
Yeah even Communists in Russia think the American Far-Left is sub-Human.

actual communist. There is nothing wrong with having the views that you attribute to her.

Sure, sure.

All you have are these nutty little cartoons, posters, and other "visual aides."
I can't see why you would be opposed to many of the views attributed to the woman in the picture. What is wrong with being opposed to nationalism, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, unnecessary wars (which historically have resulted in an enormous number of fatalities), wasteful spending on these wars when the basic needs of those here at home go unmet, the insidious and dangerous doctrine of male supremacy that has its aim to hurt and enslave half of humanity, or believing that all humans are entitled to equality?

The entire right-wing appears to be comprised of the minority of white men in this country who are ignorant, depraved, arrogant, unpatriotic, and have a tendency to condone, discrimination, violence, and the commission of crimes against their fellow Americans and others. This has nothing to do with Stalin, who has been dead since 1953. Somebody needs to tell this to this Moldow fellow.

Nationalism is part of the cultural preservation process.

Equality is nonsense, it''s a fantasy.

Just what is "cultural preservation"? Culture is passed down. Cult is fluid and dynamic. It is constantly changing. It is not imposed from above. For example: this is how I can enjoy the works of the great European composers, then
enjoy that wonderful rhythm of Bo Diddley, dance my ass off at a Springsteen concert, sing along with U2, Prince, the Detroit Wheels, Aretha Franklin, and the creative folks that have come along since. What is American life without rock and roll? But I have seen the black-and-white videos of the ignorant, mostly white, louts who burned rock and roll records and tried to ban the music in the 1950s, who tried so hard to impose their views of "culture" on the rest of us. New things and ideas blossom in our culture all the time. Our culture is not stagnant.

The idea of equality is not nonsense, for the simple reason that no human being has a right, nor is talented and valuable enough, to declare himself or herself as superior to all others. Those people who think that they are so qualified are, frankly, full of shit. They don't have any more talent or smarts than the rest of us do.

There's a difference of a culture growing organically, and a forced pressure to grow another people's culture on top of your own.

No ones equal, actually.
The cold war IS over and yes, Russians hacked to influence our election.

Only an idiot would think that the two are mutually exclusive.

No he was referring to this

You guys all laughed at this....the 80s want their foreign policy back........yeah you guys supported guys are completely full of shit...and have been called out on it.'ve yet to improve on your argument.

Just because we are no longer pointing nuclear warheads at each other does not mean we are now friends.

I think they are referring to pootins putz in the White know, your hero obummer..

You are clueless.

Let me tell you something about "flexibility" - When Putin got frisky in Ukraine Obama put a boot up his ass so far that it contracted Russia's GDP by about 2% and put them into a recession.

Russian hacking and election interference was a direct result of that very butthurt - not too flexible after all.
actual communist. There is nothing wrong with having the views that you attribute to her.

Sure, sure.

All you have are these nutty little cartoons, posters, and other "visual aides."
I can't see why you would be opposed to many of the views attributed to the woman in the picture. What is wrong with being opposed to nationalism, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, unnecessary wars (which historically have resulted in an enormous number of fatalities), wasteful spending on these wars when the basic needs of those here at home go unmet, the insidious and dangerous doctrine of male supremacy that has its aim to hurt and enslave half of humanity, or believing that all humans are entitled to equality?

The entire right-wing appears to be comprised of the minority of white men in this country who are ignorant, depraved, arrogant, unpatriotic, and have a tendency to condone, discrimination, violence, and the commission of crimes against their fellow Americans and others. This has nothing to do with Stalin, who has been dead since 1953. Somebody needs to tell this to this Moldow fellow.

Nationalism is part of the cultural preservation process.

Equality is nonsense, it''s a fantasy.

Just what is "cultural preservation"? Culture is passed down. Cult is fluid and dynamic. It is constantly changing. It is not imposed from above. For example: this is how I can enjoy the works of the great European composers, then
enjoy that wonderful rhythm of Bo Diddley, dance my ass off at a Springsteen concert, sing along with U2, Prince, the Detroit Wheels, Aretha Franklin, and the creative folks that have come along since. What is American life without rock and roll? But I have seen the black-and-white videos of the ignorant, mostly white, louts who burned rock and roll records and tried to ban the music in the 1950s, who tried so hard to impose their views of "culture" on the rest of us. New things and ideas blossom in our culture all the time. Our culture is not stagnant.

The idea of equality is not nonsense, for the simple reason that no human being has a right, nor is talented and valuable enough, to declare himself or herself as superior to all others. Those people who think that they are so qualified are, frankly, full of shit. They don't have any more talent or smarts than the rest of us do.

There's a difference of a culture growing organically, and a forced pressure to grow another people's culture on top of your own.

No ones equal, actually.

What "forced pressure"? Why are you trying to deny others the same opportunities in this country that your own ancestors were provided? As for "equality," yes, I will give you that some people rise up to the top of the heap by virtue of their INDIVIDUAL talents and efforts, but not their haphazard membership in a particular demographic group.

PS: born across the Hudson from NYC, grew up with buses into Port Authority to go to museums, Radio City, and art shows in Washington Square, car trips across the GW Bridge and the Throg's Neck out to the Island to visit my grandparents, who came to America before WWI and raised their kids in a little village in Nassau County where they didn't have to speak much English. I use my mother's maiden name, which ends in "icz," as a password because no one out there can spell it. I don't know how you arrived at your mindset. Adventure out and take a good look at the world you live in.

I'm pondering having dinner delivered. Chinese, Ethiopian, Italian, Afghan, Thai? Hmmm. So many choices!
The cold war IS over and yes, Russians hacked to influence our election.

Only an idiot would think that the two are mutually exclusive.

No he was referring to this

You guys all laughed at this....the 80s want their foreign policy back........yeah you guys supported guys are completely full of shit...and have been called out on it.'ve yet to improve on your argument.

Just because we are no longer pointing nuclear warheads at each other does not mean we are now friends.

I think they are referring to pootins putz in the White know, your hero obummer..

You are clueless.

Let me tell you something about "flexibility" - When Putin got frisky in Ukraine Obama put a boot up his ass so far that it contracted Russia's GDP by about 2% and put them into a recession.

Russian hacking and election interference was a direct result of that very butthurt - not too flexible after all.

Oh really? He put a boot so far up his ass that the Crimea went back to the Ukraine? No? In other words your hero didn't do shit, you clown.
You guys all laughed at this....the 80s want their foreign policy back........yeah you guys supported guys are completely full of shit...and have been called out on it.

we laughed at it because it was stupid.

As a military power, Russia is down to one aircraft carrier which is such a miserable place that sailors are sent there as punishment. This ship has to travel with two tugboats because it's engines inevitably break down when it's on a cruise.

Their technology is about 20 years behind ours, and they are having a hard time even subduing a weaker power like the Ukraine.

So, yes, when the Weird Mormon Robot tried to sound like Reagan, everyone laughed at him.

Did Putin interfere in our elections? 17 Intelligence agencies said he did.

Their technology is about 20 years behind ours, and they are having a hard time even subduing a weaker power like the Ukraine.

Did Putin interfere in our elections? 17 Intelligence agencies said he did

Just look at those two shows you have no clue and make random arguments off of talking points

And it wasn't 17 intelligence do I know...well one I'm not stupid....but I look at all kinds of sources unlike you

here is a trump hating, Bernie sanders loving progressive...saying you are full of shit....back by the N|Y Times.....hahaha, you guys need to do more than read talking points..
Even more funny is how the liberal media made the same change almost overnight. It's almost as if someone or some group flicked a swi-

So all those times (by the thousands) we've heard RW'ers crowing about how Ronald Reagan won the Cold
that was bullshit?

No he did win it...that doesn't make Russia less dangerous....but according to your buddy joe, Russia cant handle Ukraine but they can hack our elections...hahahhaah
Romney was ridiculed but sadly he was right. We ultimately pay the price for voting for politicians like Obama that have reversed Kennedy's words to now promote the new Democrat ideal.... "Ask what your country can do for you".



And Romney was most especially correct about Hussein Obama clearing the field for ISIS.

Obama made another huge mistake in refusing to negotiate an agreement to leave US troops in Iraq.
This is the source of the problem with ISIS: they're there because we weren't.
"Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq
Obama then denied that he ever supported a status of forces agreement that would have left troops in Iraq:

MR. ROMNEY: [W]ith regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should have been a status of forces agreement. Did you —

PRESIDENT OBAMA:That's not true.

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean

Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

a. "This month, Colin Kahl, the senior Pentagon official in charge of Iraq policy at the time, explained why the White House insisted on Iraq’s parliament approving the changes to the SOFA.

He wrote inPolitico Magazinethat in 2011 Iraq’s prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “told U.S. negotiators that he was willing to sign an executive memorandum of understanding that included these legal protections.

Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. “We believe we need a separate set of assurances from the Iraqis,” one senior U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast on Sunday. This official said this would likely be an agreement or exchange of diplomatic notes from the Iraq’s foreign ministry. “We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.”

Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Obama rejected it.

You know you are just being a liar now...

You know Bush negotiated the removal of troops and if he didn't US troops were going to be subject to Iraqi laws and go to Iraqi jail.

Why do you want Americans in Iraqi jails?

Yeah they would be in jail for like 5 seconds....if WE wanted it.......Iraq would do what we told them to's really not that hard
The cold war IS over and yes, Russians hacked to influence our election.

Only an idiot would think that the two are mutually exclusive.
What was that?

cold war
ˈkōl(d) ˈˌwô(ə)r/
  1. a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, in particular.
    • the state of political hostility that existed between the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led Western powers from 1945 to 1990.
      noun: the Cold War
The choice was very clear and yet:

Yes, the choice was very clear.

We had one candidate who saved the country from the worst economic disaster in 80 years.

And we had another candidate who belonged to a batshit crazy cult who thought the biggest problem we had was that there were still people out there pulling down middle class salaries.

wait I thought the 92 recession was the worst since the guys really need to get a new line. it's getting kind of old......

republicans post record economies..

you guys save them from the great depression.....

first economies do go up and down
second, don't give loans to people who cant pay
third the reason we do give loans to those people is because they are typically minority and you people use the bureaucracy to force the loans or get hit with discrimination lawsuits.....Loser pays would really go a long way to ending that shit
Even more funny is how the liberal media made the same change almost overnight. It's almost as if someone or some group flicked a swi-

So all those times (by the thousands) we've heard RW'ers crowing about how Ronald Reagan won the Cold
that was bullshit?

No he did win it...that doesn't make Russia less dangerous....but according to your buddy joe, Russia cant handle Ukraine but they can hack our elections...hahahhaah

lol, so Reagan won the Cold War but the Cold war didn't end. lol
Even more funny is how the liberal media made the same change almost overnight. It's almost as if someone or some group flicked a swi-

So all those times (by the thousands) we've heard RW'ers crowing about how Ronald Reagan won the Cold
that was bullshit?

No he did win it...that doesn't make Russia less dangerous....but according to your buddy joe, Russia cant handle Ukraine but they can hack our elections...hahahhaah

lol, so Reagan won the Cold War but the Cold war didn't end. lol

WTF Are you talking did end

you're trying to be sneaky to make a point..quit being a pussy and make it.
The cold war IS over and yes, Russians hacked to influence our election.

Only an idiot would think that the two are mutually exclusive.

No he was referring to this

You guys all laughed at this....the 80s want their foreign policy back........yeah you guys supported guys are completely full of shit...and have been called out on it.'ve yet to improve on your argument.

Just because we are no longer pointing nuclear warheads at each other does not mean we are now friends.

I think they are referring to pootins putz in the White know, your hero obummer..

You are clueless.

Let me tell you something about "flexibility" - When Putin got frisky in Ukraine Obama put a boot up his ass so far that it contracted Russia's GDP by about 2% and put them into a recession.

Russian hacking and election interference was a direct result of that very butthurt - not too flexible after all.

Obama basically promised Putin that he'd have "more flexibility" after he is reelected. Obama is reelected, and then Putin takes Crimea without Obama firing a single shot.
Obama basically promised Putin that he'd have "more flexibility" after he is reelected. Obama is reelected, and then Putin takes Crimea without Obama firing a single shot.

Um, Putin didn't have to fire a single shot because the Crimea is entirely inhabited by Russians, not Ukrainians.

once it was clear that the Ukrainian majority wouldn't respect the rights of Russians, the Russians in the Ukraine decided they had enough, and rightfully so.

What Obama did that was dumb was get involved in an internal matter.
wait I thought the 92 recession was the worst since the guys really need to get a new line. it's getting kind of old......

Well, we didn't know in 92 that 08 was going to be a lot worse. We probably should have, given the propensity of the Bush Crime Family to fuck things.

I'm sure the Trump Recession of 19 will be even worse.

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