Funny How the Left Think Pleasing Enemies Makes Them Friends

Because Democrats are so stupid, so far up their own self-righteous assholes they could nurse bile out of their own gall bladders, they don't understand an absolute of human history: appeasement doesn't work, it just makes the world's monsters more emboldened and aggressive.
Please, for the love of God, tell president Trump that appeasing and praising Kim Jung UN and Putin, is weak, and harmful to America.
Funny How the Left Think Pleasing Enemies Makes Them Friends

The left are the enemy.

No, the Russians and the NK are the enemy.
A community organizer wants to know why you think it’s 1980.

Well because Putin turned the clock back. He's never gotten over the destruction of the Soviet Empire by the NATO Allies. And now there's the Magnitsky Sanctions so he can't benefit properly from all of his theft of the wealth of the Russian people. Trump fractured NATO so Putin is happier, but he still wants the complete destruction of the West.

Donnie is doing his best with the USA, but the rest of us are disentangling ourselves from your economy because we can see where you're headed. The TPP went ahead without you, with China as the lead nation. The rest of the world is re-aligning our trading priorities relying less and less on American markets.

NK is still building nukes. Trump had ONE JOB, in foreign relations, and that was to keep Kim from getting ICBM capability. Not only did Trump allow that to happen, he's now promised Kim that he can keep his nukes. So Kim has his nukes. The sanctions which caused his nation such pain have been listed, and in return, Donnie got a big box of bones, and Otto Warmbier, but he promised to pay $2 million for Warmbier.

This isn't 1980's diplomacy. This is the USA turning inward on itself and the rest of the world, leaving you to destroy yourself with your guns and your toxic racism.
Give terrorist Iran billions in hard cash, Palestinians and North Korea billions in American taxpayer money, etc etc. Same with criminals. Always let them out early, reduce penalties so much criminals laugh about getting caught.
But fellow Americans? Democrats want fellow Americans destroyed who they disagree with. Violence one of their options frequently used.
Trying to make friends with enemies is a directive from the ultimate liberal.


So how did that work out for him?

Everyone knows who he is and wasn't that the plan all along? What did he say when he was hanging there?

Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

I think your post is a major FAIL!!! Better luck next time.
Give terrorist Iran billions in hard cash, Palestinians and North Korea billions in American taxpayer money, etc etc. Same with criminals. Always let them out early, reduce penalties so much criminals laugh about getting caught.
But fellow Americans? Democrats want fellow Americans destroyed who they disagree with. Violence one of their options frequently used.
Trying to make friends with enemies is a directive from the ultimate liberal.


So how did that work out for him?

Everyone knows who he is and wasn't that the plan all along? What did he say when he was hanging there?

Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

I think your post is a major FAIL!!! Better luck next time.
Since he got tortured to death, it wasn't a very good plan.
You mean like cancelling vital military training exercises between multiple countries to appease the dictator in NK?
Damn... You are desperate.

After 'beautiful letter'and more N.K. launches, Trump says he'll meet with Kim again

President Donald Trump on Friday praised a "beautiful letter" from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Hours later, the regime launched further projectiles as a warning against joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea.

On Saturday, Trump slammed the "ridiculous and expensive" joint exercises in a tweet, indicating he'll meet with Kim "in the not too distant future.
Give terrorist Iran billions in hard cash, Palestinians and North Korea billions in American taxpayer money, etc etc. Same with criminals. Always let them out early, reduce penalties so much criminals laugh about getting caught.
But fellow Americans? Democrats want fellow Americans destroyed who they disagree with. Violence one of their options frequently used.
Trying to make friends with enemies is a directive from the ultimate liberal.


So how did that work out for him?

Everyone knows who he is and wasn't that the plan all along? What did he say when he was hanging there?

Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

I think your post is a major FAIL!!! Better luck next time.
Since he got tortured to death, it wasn't a very good plan.
Let him know when you meet him. I'm sure the most recognized man in history will be interested in your opinion! :rolleyes:
You mean like cancelling vital military training exercises between multiple countries to appease the dictator in NK?
Damn... You are desperate.

After 'beautiful letter'and more N.K. launches, Trump says he'll meet with Kim again

President Donald Trump on Friday praised a "beautiful letter" from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Hours later, the regime launched further projectiles as a warning against joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea.

On Saturday, Trump slammed the "ridiculous and expensive" joint exercises in a tweet, indicating he'll meet with Kim "in the not too distant future.
Your desperation is hilarious.

Obama send plane loads of $ to support terrorism, and you whine about a military exercise being cancelled.

Funny How the Left Think Pleasing Enemies Makes Them Friends

The left are the enemy.

No, the Russians and the NK are the enemy.

The left are conspiring with foreigners who pour across our borders by the millions. The left have tried to overthrow a duly elected president. We may have to round up these leftist traitors and exile them. Antarctica far from other humans would be my suggestion.

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