Further proof that the biased MSM totally favors and facilitates the Communist/Democrat/anti-American crowd!

He is not that close to me.
Could it be that Rump, the GOP, and you MAGAts are almost 100% attempting to overthrow the United States of America AND throw out the US Constitution?

You want good press from the mainstream news, do something to earn it instead of everything to earn the negative press. Or you can keep doing what you are doing and end up watching the Dems get all the jobs and that is something I don't care for.
The Progs media would condemn Americans from eating food we are used to as to promote eating insects for the good of us all. And they will and are.
Up until 1987, when President Reagan and the FCC at that time rightly killed the "Fairness" Doctrine, which it really wasn't, the Left had virtually unfettered monopoly on print and broadcast media with impunity and zero pushback by Conservatives. One of the reasons AM Radio struggled until AM talk started in the mid to late 80s.
The Progs media would condemn Americans from eating food we are used to as to promote eating insects for the good of us all. And they will and are.

When you go off on a stupid tangent like this, we start thinking you are mentally handicapped.
Up until 1987, when President Reagan and the FCC at that time rightly killed the "Fairness" Doctrine, which it really wasn't, the Left had virtually unfettered monopoly on print and broadcast media with impunity and zero pushback by Conservatives. One of the reasons AM Radio struggled until AM talk started in the mid to late 80s.
Flat misrepresentation of the facts.

Both sides could rebuttal the opponents' comments, and the right did as much as the left.
Well CandyPorn... I REALLY love it when you make your totally inane, unrelated and truly uninformed comments as it is proof to the
majority of intelligent people who can generally from my comments VERIFY versus YOU? Zero. I honestly encourage your continued
display of ignorance. Keep it up!
Nobody takes you seriously. Even fellow conservatives laugh at your idiotic contentions.
So it is the responsibility of the MSM to donate money to Democrats because according to you Democrats GOOD... we honest people BAD!
Have you ever had journalism classes like I have had and exposure to the truly ignorant majority of "journalists".
Tell me do you know why "negative" news according to researchers are
Why does so much news seem negative? Human attention may be to blame.
Physiologically, people are more triggered by negative news than positive news. Scientists see it in skin conductance levels and heart rate variability
. News: Why does so much news seem negative?... (The Los Angeles Times) - Behind the headlines - NLM
You are not an honest person.
Up until 1987, when President Reagan and the FCC at that time rightly killed the "Fairness" Doctrine, which it really wasn't, the Left had virtually unfettered monopoly on print and broadcast media with impunity and zero pushback by Conservatives. One of the reasons AM Radio struggled until AM talk started in the mid to late 80s.
Yes Rush started your brainwashing.
Nobody takes you seriously. Even fellow conservatives laugh at your idiotic contentions.
Again... thanks for making statements with NO PROOF! What persons other than idiots like you who are morons for the BIASED MSM.. are you referencing?
ZERO. Prove the two points you made, i.e... 1) fellow conservatives and 2) laughing at my contentions?
Prove it! Otherwise the ONLY proof is what I CONTEND that dummies like you make dumb ass unsupported comments! YOU are the proof of that!
Do you really believe that nonsense? :)
Instead of guessing like you... HERE is some proof!

PROOF A. Your comment is PROOF of your truly biased POV provided by these further proofs!

Proof B. $600,000 donation to democrats by Wapo CEO!
The Washington Post's new CEO, Amazon board member and former Microsoft executive Patricia Stonesifer, has contributed more than $600,000 to Democrats, campaign finance disclosures reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show.

Proof C. ABC,CBS,NBC donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
The above with the below articles should make you on-the-fencers who THINK the MSM information is NOT biased...THINK AGAIN!
ABC,CBS,NBC along with their personal donations, donated $2.671 billion in free advertising over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs The average commercial costs $105,000 for a 30 sec. spot.
Therefore in 32.7 hours , two 30 second commercials in a minute or total of 25,440 thirty second commercials @ $105,000 or $2,671,200,000 In television advertising value.
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

Proof D. 96% of "journalist quacks" donated to Hillary and 90% to Biden!


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